نمونه سوالات آیلتس با جواب — ۴۰ نمونه سوال به روز

۱۲۰۲۳ بازدید
آخرین به‌روزرسانی: ۲۶ تیر ۱۴۰۲
زمان مطالعه: ۸۷ دقیقه
نمونه سوالات آیلتس با جواب — ۴۰ نمونه سوال به روز

آزمون آیلتس در بسیاری از کشورهای دنیا برگزار می‌شود و روشی برای سنجش میزان تسلط بر انواع مهارت‌های زبانی است. این آزمون به صورت حضوی و آنلاین در دسترس داوطلبانی قرار دارد که قصد مهاجرت به کشور دیگر یا قصد ادامه تحصیل در مقاطع بالاتر را دارند. به منظور آمادگی برای آزمون آیلتس، بهتر است با انواع سوالات و روش‌‌های پاسخ دادن به هر یک از آن‌ها آشنا شویم. در این مطلب قصد داریم حدود ۴۰ تا از نمونه سوالات آیلتس را به همراه پاسخ آن‌ها بررسی کنیم.

فهرست مطالب این نوشته

اهمیت آشنایی با نمونه سوالات آیلتس

آزمون آیلتس، نوعی آزمون بین‌المللی است که سطح زبان انگلیسی شما را محک می‌زند و مختص افرادی طراحی شده است که قصد ادامه تحصیل یا مهاجرت به کشورهای دیگر را دارند. این آزمون چهار بخش دارد که سه بخش آن به صورت کتبی و در محل برگزاری آزمون و یک بخش آن به صورت مصاحبه انجام می‌شود. سه بخش کتبی آن شامل موارد زیر است:

  • «Listening»
  • «Reading»
  • «Writing»

و بخش مصاحبه آن برای سنجش «Speaking» داوطلب است. مدت زمان پاسخگویی به بخش کتبی حدود ۳ ساعت است و بخش اسپیکینگ یک هفته قبل یا بعد از آزمون برگزار می‌شود.

هر یک از بخش‌‌ها از تعداد سوال‌های مختلفی تشکیل شده که میزان مهارت داوطلب را مورد ارزیابی قرار می‌دهد. برای مثال، بخش لیسنینگ از چهار قسمت تشکیل شده که در هر بخش برای داوطلب تعدادی فایل صوتی پخش می‌شود و در ادامه باید به سوالات مربوط به آن فایل پاسخ دهد.

برای بخش ریدینگ نیز تعدادی متن تهیه شده که داوطلب باید با خواندن آن‌ها به سوالات آن پاسخ دهد. برای بخش رایتینگ نیز دو تسک طراحی شده که داوطلب باید با توجه به موضوعی که در اختیار او قرار گرفته، برای آن‌ها متن‌هایی بنویسد و توضیحاتی ارائه دهد.

در بخش اسپیکینگ هم فرد مصاحبه‌کننده طی سه مرحله پرسش‌هایی را مطرح می‌کند و داوطلب باید با استفاده از دانش زبانی خود و استفاده درست از دستور زبان و کلمه‌های مناسب به آن‌ها پاسخ دهد.

اگر داوطلب بتواند با انواع سوالات آزمون به خوبی آشنا شود و تکنیک‌های پاسخ دادن به آن‌ها را یاد بگیرد، به خوبی می‌تواند روز آزمون از عهده امتحان بربیاید. همین امر ضرورت تست زدن و آشنایی با آزمون آیلتس را مشخص می‌کند. آزمون‌های آیلتس مربوط به سال‌های قبل به صورت کتاب‌های تست آیلتس و به صورت آنلاین در دسترس داوطلبان قرار دارد که می‌توانند با تمرین کردن آن‌ها برای آزمون اصلی آماده شوند.

از دیگر مواردی که ضرورت آزمون آیلتس را مشخص می‌کند، این است که روشی مؤثر برای مطالعه کردن به شمار می‌رود. درواقع، با هر بار تست زدن می‌توانید با نقاط ضعف خود آشنا شوید و با برطرف کردن آن‌ها عملکرد خود را بهبود بخشید و برای آزمون اصلی آمادگی لازم را پیدا کنید.

همچنین برای افراد متخصصی که قصد دارند در شرایط حرفه‌ای‌تر کار کنند و به مدارج بالاتری دست پیدا کنند، شرکت در این آزمون اهمیت خاصی دارد. برای افرادی که قصد مهاجرت دارند نیز گزینه مناسبی به شمار می‌رود. زیرا با توجه نمره مدنظر دانشگاهی که برای آن اقدام کرده‌اند، می‌توانند پذیرش بگیرند.

ساختار آزمون آیلتس

آزمون آیلتس نیز مانند آزمون تافل از چهار بخش تشکیل شده است و هر بخش یکی از مهارت‌های زبان انگلیسی را مورد ارزیابی قرار می‌دهد. این بخش‌ها عبارت‌اند از:

  • بخش «شنیداری» (Listening)
  • بخش «خواندن» (Reading)
  • بخش «نوشتن» (Writing)
  • بخش «مکالمه» (Speaking)

هر بخش از نمونه سوالات آیلتس متعددی تشکیل شده و مدت زمان متفاوتی به آن اختصاص داده شده است. در جدول زیر، فرمت آزمون آیلتس را به طور خلاصه مشاهده می‌کنید.

ساختار آزمون آیلتس
مدت زمان پاسخگوییتعداد سؤالات و بخش‌هامهارت‌های مورد ارزیابی
۳۰ دقیقه۴۰ سؤال / ۴ بخشListening
۶۰ دقیقه۴۰ سؤال / ۳ بخشReading
۶۰ دقیقه (۲۰ دقیقه برای تسک اول و ۴۰ دقیقه برای تسک دوم)۲ تسکWriting
۱۱ تا ۱۴ دقیقه۳ بخشSpeaking

آزمون مربوط به بخش‌های Writing و Reading و Listening در یک روز برگزار می‌شود و هیچ وقفه‌ای بین آن‌ها وجود ندارد، اما آزمون Speaking ممکن است پس از پایان آزمون و بعد از کمی استراحت گرفته شود یا به روز دیگری موکول شود. این امر به مرکز برگزاری آزمون بستگی دارد، اما در هر صورت باید به فاصله یک هفته قبل از شروع آزمون یا یک هفته پس از آن برگزار شود.

در ادامه این مطلب، مختصری درباره ساختار هر یک از بخش‌های آزمون توضیح خواهیم داد.

بخش Listening

لیسنینگ، اولین بخش آزمون آیلتس است و از ۴ قسمت تشکیل شده است. مدت زمان پاسخگویی به سؤالات بخش Listening در مجموع ۳۰ دقیقه است. علاوه بر این زمان، ۱۰ دقیقه دیگر نیز فرصت دارید تا پاسخ‌ها را در برگه پاسخنامه خود وارد کنید.

فرمت آزمون آیلتس برای بخش Listening شامل چهار بخش می‌شود. در هر بخش، باید به فایل صوتی مربوط به آن گوش کنید و سؤال‌های آن را پاسخ دهید. آزمون Listening در مجموع ۴۰ سؤال دارد و در هر بخش، نمونه سوالات آیلتس گوناگونی را به خود اختصاص داده که شامل موارد زیر است:

  • Matching
  • Multiple choice
  • Note completion
  • Form completion
  • Table completion
  • Sentence completion
  • Summary completion
  • Flow-chart completion
  • Short-answer questions
  • Plan/map/diagram labelling

چهار بخش آزمون لیسنینگ، شامل موضوعات زیر می‌شود.

  • بخش اول: مکالمه‌ای بین دو نفر در موقعیت‌های اجتماعی و محاوره (مانند رزرو کردن بلیت تئاتر).
  • بخش دوم: مونولوگی در یک موقعیت اجتماعی (مانند خیر مقدم گفتن به دانشجویان کالج)
  • بخش سوم: مکالمه‌ای بین دو تا چهار نفر در محیط آکادمیک یا آموزشی (مانند بحث میان گروهی از دانشجویان درباره تکالیف دانشگاه)
  • بخش چهارم: مونولوگی درباره موضوع آکادمیک (مانند سخنرانی درباره حیات وحش)

نکته: کل بخش‌های Listening آزمون آیلتس فقط یک بار پخش می‌شود و هر بخش توسط افراد مختلف و با لهجه‌های متفاوتی ضبط شده است. قبل از پخش فایل مربوط به هر بخش، فرصت کوتاهی برای خواندن سوالات به زبان‌آموز داده می‌شود.

سوالات آیلتس

بخش Reading

همان‌طور که اشاره شد، آزمون آیلتس از دو بخش جنرال و آکادمیک تشکیل شده است. تفاوت بین این دو بخش به نوع متن‌های انتخاب‌شده و طول آن بستگی دارد. برای درک بهتر، با جزئیات بیشتری به بررسی آن پرداخته‌ایم.

به طور کلی، نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش Reading سه قسمت است و در مجموع از ۴۰ سؤال تشکیل شده است. هر بخش به انواع سؤالات متعددی اختصاص یافته تا مهارت‌های خواندن زبان‌آموز را مورد ارزیابی قرار دهد. این نوع سؤال‌ها عبارت‌اند از:

  • multiple choice
  • identifying information
  • identifying a writer’s views/claims
  • matching information
  • matching headings
  • matching features
  • matching sentence endings
  • sentence completion
  • summary completion
  • note completion
  • table completion
  • flow-chart completion
  • diagram label completion
  • short-answer questions

مهارت‌های مورد ارزیابی در بخش Reading آیلتس شامل موارد زیر است:

  • درک موضوع کلی
  • درک ایده اصلی
  • خواندن با جزئیات بیشتر
  • برداشت کلی از مفاهیم و اصطلاحات با توجه به متن
  • تشخیص نظرات نویسنده، عقاید و اهداف
  • توسعه بحث

آزمون آیلتس از دو نوع جنرال و آکادمیک تشکیل شده است. نوع متن‌هایی که برای بخش آکادمیک لحاظ شده است و نمره‌دهی آن‌ها با بخش جنرال کمی متفاوت است. در این مطلب به این تفاوت نیز اشاره خواهیم کرد.

بخش Writing

مدت زمان پاسخگویی به بخش Writing آزمون آیلتس ۶۰ دقیقه است و ساختار آن برای آزمون آکادمیک و جنرال تفاوت دارد. در ادامه به بررسی هر دو بخش می‌پردازیم. بخش Writing در آزمون آیلتس شامل دو تسک است. تسک دوم در هر دو آزمون آکادمیک و جنرال مشابه است، اما تسک اول برای هر دو کاملاً متفاوت است. برای تسک اول ۱۵۰ کلمه و برای تسک دوم ۲۵۰ کلمه باید نویسید. برای این‌که بدانید تفاوت بخش Writing جنرال و آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس چیست، در ادامه مطلب به مواردی در این خصوص اشاره کرده‌ایم.

بخش Speaking

مدت زمان آزمون Speaking بین ۱۱ تا ۱۴ دقیقه است و از سه بخش تشکیل شده که شامل موارد زیر می‌شود.:

  • بخش اول - مقدمه و مصاحبه (۴ تا ۵ دقیقه): در این بخش، فرد مصاحبه‌کننده سوالات عمومی درباره شما و زندگی شما می‌پرسد (مانند محل سکونت، خانواده، علایق، کار و تحصیل)
  • بخش دوم - مصاحبه انفرادی (۳ تا ۴ دقیقه): در این بخش، فرد مصاحبه‌کننده، کارتی را در اختیار شما قرار می‌دهد و سپس از شما می‌خواهد که به مدت ۲ دقیقه درباره موضوعی که در کارت آمده صحبت کنید. قبل از شروع به صحبت، ۱ دقیقه به شما فرصت داده می‌شود که به موضوع فکر کنید و برای صحبت کردن‌ آماده شوید.
  • معمولاً تشخیص یا پیش‌بینی نوع سوالاتی که در این بخش مطرح می‌شود، امکان‌پذیر نیست، زیرا تنوع موضوعات بسیار زیاد است.
  • بخش سوم - بحث دوطرفه (۴ تا ۵ دقیقه): فرد مصاحبه‌کننده در این بخش، پرسش‌هایی با جزئیات بیشتر و مرتبط با موضوع بخش دوم مطرح می‌کند و بحث دو نفره شکل می‌گیرد. در این بخش فرصت بیشتری برای شما فراهم است تا میزان تسلط خود را بر مهارت‌های زبان انگلیسی و واژگان و گرامر نشان دهید.

تفاوت آیلتس آکادمیک با جنرال

دانستن تفاوت آیلتس اکادمیک و جنرال امری مهم است، زیرا هدف ما را از شرکت در آزمون مشخص می‌‌کند. در آزمون آکادمیک، هر سه بخش Reading از متن‌های طولانی از کتاب‌، روزنامه، مجله یا ژورنال انتخاب شده است. متن‌ها ممکن است حاوی دیاگرام، تصویر یا گراف باشد و در صورتی که اصطلاحات تخصصی داشته باشد، توضیحاتی در انتهای متن داده می‌شود.

بخش Reading آزمون جنرال نیز از سه بخش تشکیل شده و شامل موارد زیر می‌شود:

  • بخش اول: دو یا سه متن کوتاه واقعی و مرتبط با زندگی روزمره (مانند روند تسویه و خروج از هتل یا مجموعه‌ای از آگهی‌های مرتبط)
  • بخش دوم: دو متن کوتاه واقعی و مرتبط با کار (مانند توصیف شغل یا کارآموزی)
  • بخش سوم: متن طولانی‌تر و کمی پیچیده‌تر از بخش‌های قبلی (مانند متن‌های عمومی از کتاب، روزنامه، مجله یا کاتالوگ شرکت)

بخش رایتینگ آزمون آکادمیک و جنرال نیز با هم تفاوت‌هایی دارد. همان‌طور که اشاره شد، رایتینگ آیلتس از دو تسک تشکیل شده است. هر دو آزمون در تسک دوم به هم شباهت دارند، اما در تسک اول با هم فرق دارند

در تسک اول رایتینگ، نمودار، جدول یا دیاگرام آورده شده است که باید اطلاعات مربوط به آن را توصیف، خلاصه یا تحلیل کنید و آن را بنویسید. برای مثال ممکن است یکی از موارد زیر از شما درخواست شود:

describe and explain data

describe the stages of a process

describe how something works

describe an object or event

در تسک دوم رایتینگ موضوعی به شما داده می‌شود که باید درباره آن بنویسید. موضوعاتی که ممکن است در این بخش مطرح شود، بسیار گوناگون است و در یک دسته‌بندی کلی می‌توان به موارد زیر اشاره کرد:

  • Art
  • Business & Money
  • Communication & Personality
  • crime & Punishment
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Family & Children
  • Food
  • Health
  • Language
  • Media & Advertising

نمونه سوالات آیلتس لیسنینگ با جواب

اولین بخش آزمون آیلتس «Listening» است. همان‌طور که اشاره شد، لیسنینگ از چهار بخش تشکیل شده و برای هر بخش تعدادی سوال طراحی شده الست که داوطلب باید با گوش دادن به فایل صوتی به آن‌ها پاسخ دهد. این بخش از سوالات مختلفی تشکیل شده که برای پاسخ دادن لازم است با آن‌ها و راهکارهای پاسخدهی آشنا شویم. یک بار دیگر انواع نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش لیسنینگ را مرور می‌کنیم:

  • Matching
  • Multiple choice
  • Note completion
  • Form completion
  • Table completion
  • Sentence completion
  • Summary completion
  • Flow-chart completion
  • Short-answer questions
  • Plan/map/diagram labelling

مدت زمان پاسخگویی به سوالات این بخش ۳۰ دقیقه است و در انتها ده دقیقه به داوطلب فرصت داده می‌شود تا پاسخ‌های خود را وارد برگه پاسخنامه کند. برای آشنایی بیشتر با نمونه سوالات آیلتس در بخش لیسنینگ، در ادامه این مطلب به چند نمونه اشاره می‌کنیم که مربوط به آزمون‌های سال قبل است. پاسخ آن‌ها را نیز می‌توانید بعد از هر بخش مشاهده کنید.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس لیسنینگ - بخش اول با جواب

به نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش اول لیسنینگ توجه کنید. پاسخ این بخش نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


Questions 1-5

Complete the information below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Tour information
 (1) ______Tour Type
The Harbour Bridge

The Opera House

The Queen Victoria (2) _______

Tourist attractions
From 7 am to (3) _______ pmTimetable
(4) ______ metres out from here, at the front of the (5) _______Closest stop

Questions 6-10

Complete the booklet of ticket types below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Ticket types
Valid during (7) ______ hours(6) ______ $minimal
Lasts all day30$(8) _______
Lasts all day free drinks and snacks (10) ______(9) _______ $premium

پاسخ سوالات بخش اول


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 1

1. bus tour

2. Building

3. 9 / nine

4. 20 / twenty

5. hotel

6. 15 / fifteen

7. 2 / two

8. standard

9. 55 / fifty-five

10. audioguide / audio-guide

نمونه سوالات آیلتس لیسنینگ - بخش دوم با جواب

به نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش دوم لیسنینگ توجه کنید. پاسخ این بخش نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


Questions 11-15

Choose FIVE letters, A—I. Which FIVE group fitness programs are available at Fitness Land?

Questions 16-20

Complete the timetable of group activities below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each

Activity nameDay
(16) ______Monday
(17) ______Tuesday
(18) _______Wednesday
(19) _______Thursday
(20) _______Friday

پاسخ سوالات بخش دوم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 2

11. A

12. C

13. F

14. H

15. I

16. muscle building

17. fat loss

18. healthy body

19. relaxation

20. interval training

نمونه سوالات آیلتس لیسنینگ - بخش سوم با جواب

به نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش سوم لیسنینگ توجه کنید. پاسخ این بخش نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.

 Listen to the audio and complete all the questions. After you finish, press 'check' and move on to the next section.


Questions 21-25

Answer the questions below. Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

21. Why do people experience pain?

 A. It preserves good health condition

B. It prevents us from damaging ourselves

C. Continuous pain is useful for humans

22. What parts of our body are responsible for feeling pain?

A. Receptors and nerves

B. Some parts of our brain

C. Pain is a complex process, which involves various parts of our body

23. How many people in the UK suffer from pain?

A. 31%

B. 37%

C. 40 million

24. Is chronic pain different from the pain we feel when we knock on our knees?

A. No, all kinds of pain have evolved as survival mechanisms

B. Yes, there is an enormous difference

C. We don’t have much insight into that

25. Professor John Wood compares pain perception to

A. Beauty

B. Continuousness

C. Anesthesia

Questions 26-28

Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C.

26. How do scientists block pain nowadays?

A. By blocking the activity of nerves that send electrical signals

B. By understanding mechanisms of pain perception and altering them

C. By threatening the central nervous system

27. When do patients experience “phantom limb” pain?

A. After the operation

B. While their wounds heal

C. After the amputation

28. Are peripheral nerves involved in the process of feeling pain?

A. No, pain has nothing to do with peripheral nerves

B. Yes, peripheral nerves are required to feel pain

C. Scientists don’t know much about pain perception nowadays

پاسخ سوالات بخش سوم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 3

11. B
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. memory
20. learnt sensation

نمونه سوال آیلتس لیسنینگ - بخش چهارم با جواب

به نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش چهارم لیسنینگ توجه کنید. پاسخ این بخش نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.

Listen to the audio and answer all the questions. After you finish, press the button 'check' and 'get a result!' to see your score for the whole Listening test.

Section 4. Questions 31-40

Questions 31-33

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

31. Psychologist Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic says, “If narcissism is fire, then Facebook is

32. People have a desire to broadcast their lives to reinforce their self-concept,
_______ and self-centered needs.

33. According to the recent research, the more time you spend on the various social networks, the more _______ you become.

Questions 34-36

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

34. Social networks may cause depression because:

A. People have to portray themselves in a positive way

B. People spend too much time on social networks

C. People compare themselves to others and feel miserable

35. What is the biggest problem of children and teenagers who spend too much time online?

A. They don’t develop their social and intellectual skills

B. They grow isolated

C. They don’t spend enough time on education

36. If children spend their time looking at screens instead of looking out, what consequences it may cause?

A. Their adaptation to the world is more technologically mediated

B. They encounter difficulties in interacting with other people

C. They experience deficit in social and emotional skills

Questions 37-40

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

37. Psychotherapist Gillian Isaacs Russell discovered that there are some distinct differences between working on the screen and working ______ in the room.

38. Therapies like CBT are appropriate for online use because they are ______.

39. Psychotherapists have to pay attention to ______, non-verbal part of the relationship, as it makes up 60% of our communication.

40. There are some risks related to treatment at distance, because therapists can’t see the whole body and a lot of ______ things that are going on.

پاسخ نمونه سوالات بخش چهارم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 4

13. gasoline
14. self-esteem
15. narcissistic
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. co-presently
20. didactic
21. implicit
22. intimate

نمونه سوالات آیلتس با جواب

نمونه سوالات آیلتس ریدینگ با جواب

همان‌طور که در ابتدای این مطلب اشاره کردیم، ساختار «Reading» آزمون آیلتس آکادمیک و جنرال با هم تفاوت دارد. اما در مجموع هر دو از سه بخش تشکیل شده‌اند و بعد از هر متن یا متن‌هایی که در اختیار داوطلب قرار گرفته، تعدادی سوال مطرح شده که داوطلب باید با توجه به متن به آن‌ها پاسخ دهد. در ادامه این بخش، برای آشنایی بیشتر با نمونه سوالات آیلتس در بخش ریدینگ آکادمیک و جنرال، از آزمون‌های سال قبل برای هر سه بخش سوالاتی را همراه با پاسخ در نظر گرفته‌ایم.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - ریدینگ آکادمیک با جواب

ریدینگ آکادمیک از سه بخش تشکیل شده است و مدت زمان پاسخگویی ۶۰ دقیقه را در مجموع برای آن در نظر گرفته‌اند. در ادامه برای هر یک از این بخش‌ها نمونه سوالی را مشاهده می‌کنید که مربوط به آزمون‌های آیلتس سال‌های قبل است. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز بعد از هر بخش می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

نمونه سوال بخش اول

به نمونه سوال بخش اول ریدینگ آیلتس آکادمیک توجه کنید. پاسخ بخش اول نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1–13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Aphantasia: A life without mental images

Close your eyes and imagine walking along a sandy beach and then gazing over the horizon as the Sun rises. How clear is the image that springs to mind?

Most people can readily conjure images inside their head - known as their mind's eye. But this year scientists have described a condition, aphantasia, in which some people are unable to visualise mental images.

Niel Kenmuir, from Lancaster, has always had a blind mind's eye. He knew he was different even in childhood. "My stepfather, when I couldn't sleep, told me to count sheep, and he explained what he meant, I tried to do it and I couldn't," he says. "I couldn't see any sheep jumping over fences, there was nothing to count."

Our memories are often tied up in images, think back to a wedding or first day at school. As a result, Niel admits, some aspects of his memory are "terrible", but he is very good at remembering facts. And, like others with aphantasia, he struggles to recognise faces. Yet he does not see aphantasia as a disability, but simply a different way of experiencing life.

Mind's eye blind

Ironically, Niel now works in a bookshop, although he largely sticks to the non-fiction aisles. His condition begs the question what is going on inside his picture-less mind. I asked him what happens when he tries to picture his fiancee. "This is the hardest thing to describe, what happens in my head when I think about things," he says. "When I think about my fiancee there is no image, but I am definitely thinking about her, I know today she has her hair up at the back, she's brunette. But I'm not describing an image I am looking at, I'm remembering features about her, that's the strangest thing and maybe that is a source of some regret."

The response from his mates is a very sympathetic: "You're weird." But while Niel is very relaxed about his inability to picture things, it is often a cause of distress for others. One person who took part in a study into aphantasia said he had started to feel "isolated" and "alone" after discovering that other people could see images in their heads. Being unable to reminisce about his mother years after her death led to him being "extremely distraught".

The super-visualiser

At the other end of the spectrum is children's book illustrator, Lauren Beard, whose work on the Fairytale Hairdresser series will be familiar to many six-year-olds. Her career relies on the vivid images that leap into her mind's eye when she reads text from her author. When I met her in her box-room studio in Manchester, she was working on a dramatic scene in the next book. The text describes a baby perilously climbing onto a chandelier.

"Straightaway I can visualise this grand glass chandelier in some sort of French kind of ballroom, and the little baby just swinging off it and really heavy thick curtains," she says. "I think I have a strong imagination, so I can create the world and then keep adding to it so it gets sort of bigger and bigger in my mind and the characters too they sort of evolve. I couldn't really imagine what it's like to not imagine, I think it must be a bit of a shame really."
Not many people have mental imagery as vibrant as Lauren or as blank as Niel. They are the two extremes of visualisation. Adam Zeman, a professor of cognitive and behavioural neurology, wants to compare the lives and experiences of people with aphantasia and its polar-opposite hyperphantasia. His team, based at the University of Exeter, coined the term aphantasia this year in a study in the journal Cortex.

Prof Zeman tells the BBC: "People who have contacted us say they are really delighted that this has been recognised and has been given a name, because they have been trying to explain to people for years that there is this oddity that they find hard to convey to others." How we imagine is clearly very subjective - one person's vivid scene could be another's grainy picture. But Prof Zeman is certain that aphantasia is real. People often report being able to dream in pictures, and there have been reported cases of people losing the ability to think in images after a brain injury.

He is adamant that aphantasia is "not a disorder" and says it may affect up to one in 50 people. But he adds: "I think it makes quite an important difference to their experience of life because many of us spend our lives with imagery hovering somewhere in the mind's eye which we inspect from time to time, it's a variability of human experience."

Questions 1–5

Do the following statements agree with the information in the IELTS reading text?

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Aphantasia is a condition, which describes people, for whom it is hard to visualise mental images.

2. Niel Kenmuir was unable to count sheep in his head.

3. People with aphantasia struggle to remember personal traits and clothes of different people.

4. Niel regrets that he cannot portray an image of his fiancee in his mind.

5. Inability to picture things in someone's head is often a cause of distress for a person.

6. All people with aphantasia start to feel 'isolated' or 'alone' at some point of their lives.

7. Lauren Beard's career depends on her imagination

8. The author met Lauren Beard when she was working on a comedy scene in her next book.

Questions 9–13

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.

9. Only a small fraction of people have imagination as _______ as Lauren does.

10. Hyperphantasia is _______ to aphantasia.

11.There are a lot of subjectivity in comparing people's imagination - somebody's vivid scene could be another person's ________.

12. Prof Zeman is _______ that aphantasia is not an illness.

13. Many people spend their lives with ________ somewhere in the mind's eye.

پاسخ سوالات بخش اول


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 1

1. False
2. True
3. Not Given
4. True
5. True
6. Not Given
7. True
8. False
9. Vibrant
10. Polar-opposite
11. Grainy picture
12. Adamant
13. Imagery hovering

نمونه سوال بخش دوم

به نمونه سوال بخش دوم ریدینگ آیلتس آکادمیک توجه کنید. پاسخ بخش دوم نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14–26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Life lessons from villains, crooks and gangsters

(A) A notorious Mexican drug baron’s audacious escape from prison in July doesn’t, at first, appear to have much to teach corporate boards. But some in the business world suggest otherwise. Beyond the morally reprehensible side of criminals' work, some business gurus say organised crime syndicates, computer hackers, pirates and others operating outside the law could teach legitimate corporations a thing or two about how to hustle and respond to rapid change.

(B) Far from encouraging illegality, these gurus argue that – in the same way big corporations sometimes emulate start-ups – business leaders could learn from the underworld about flexibility, innovation and the ability to pivot quickly. “There is a nimbleness to criminal organisations that legacy corporations [with large, complex layers of management] don’t have,” said Marc Goodman, head of the Future Crimes Institute and global cyber-crime advisor. While traditional businesses focus on rules they have to follow, criminals look to circumvent them. “For criminals, the sky is the limit and that creates the opportunity to think much, much bigger.”

(C) Joaquin Guzman, the head of the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel, for instance, slipped out of his prison cell through a tiny hole in his shower that led to a mile-long tunnel fitted with lights and ventilation. Making a break for it required creative thinking, long-term planning and perseverance – essential skills similar to those needed to achieve success in big business.

(D) While Devin Liddell, who heads brand strategy for Seattle-based design consultancy, Teague, condemns the violence and other illegal activities he became curious as to how criminal groups endure. Some cartels stay in business despite multiple efforts by law enforcement on both sides of the US border and millions of dollars from international agencies to shut them down. Liddell genuinely believes there’s a lesson in longevity here. One strategy he underlined was how the bad guys respond to change. In order to bypass the border between Mexico and the US, for example, the Sinaloa cartel went to great lengths. It built a vast underground tunnel, hired family members as border agents and even used a catapult to circumvent a high-tech fence.

(E) By contrast, many legitimate businesses fail because they hesitate to adapt quickly to changing market winds. One high-profile example is movie and game rental company Blockbuster, which didn’t keep up with the market and lost business to mail order video rentals and streaming technologies. The brand has all but faded from view. Liddell argues the difference between the two groups is that criminal organisations often have improvisation encoded into their daily behaviour, while larger companies think of innovation as a set process. “This is a leadership challenge,” said Liddell. “How well companies innovate and organise is a reflection of leadership.”

Left-field thinking

(F) Cash-strapped start-ups also use unorthodox strategies to problem solve and build their businesses up from scratch. This creativity and innovation is often borne out of necessity, such as tight budgets. Both criminals and start-up founders “question authority, act outside the system and see new and clever ways of doing things,” said Goodman. “Either they become Elon Musk or El Chapo.” And, some entrepreneurs aren’t even afraid to operate in legal grey areas in their effort to disrupt the marketplace. The co-founders of music streaming service Napster, for example, knowingly broke music copyright rules with their first online file sharing service, but their technology paved the way for legal innovation as regulators caught up.

(G) Goodman and others believe thinking hard about problem solving before worrying about restrictions could prevent established companies falling victim to rivals less constrained by tradition. In their book The Misfit Economy, Alexa Clay and Kyra Maya Phillips examine how individuals can apply that mindset to become more innovative and entrepreneurial within corporate structures. They studied not just violent criminals like Somali pirates, but others who break the rules in order to find creative solutions to their business problems, such as people living in the slums of Mumbai or computer hackers. They picked out five common traits among this group: the ability to hustle, pivot, provoke, hack and copycat.

(H) Clay gives a Saudi entrepreneur named Walid Abdul-Wahab as a prime example. Abdul-Wahab worked with Amish farmers to bring camel milk to American consumers even before US regulators approved it. Through perseverance, he eventually found a network of Amish camel milk farmers and started selling the product via social media. Now his company, Desert Farms, sells to giant mainstream retailers like Whole Foods Market. Those on the fringe don’t always have the option of traditional, corporate jobs and that forces them to think more creatively about how to make a living, Clay said. They must develop grit and resilience in order to last outside the cushy confines of cubicle life. “In many cases scarcity is the mother of invention,” Clay said.

Questions 14-21

Reading Passage 2 has eight paragraphs A-H. Match the headings below with the paragraphs. Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 14-21 on your answer sheet.

14. Jailbreak with creative thinking _____

15. Five common traits among rule-breakers _____

16. Comparison between criminals and traditional businessmen _____

17. Can drug baron's espace teach legitimate corporations? _____

18. Great entrepreneur ______

19. How criminal groups deceive the law ______

20. The difference between legal and illegal organisations _____

21. Similarity between criminals and start-up founders _____

Questions 22–25

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONLY ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 22–25 on your answer sheet.

22. To escape from a prison, Joaquin Guzman had to use such traits as creative thinking, long-term planning and ______.

23. The Sinaloa cartel built a grand underground tunnel and even used a _______ to avoid the fence.

24. The main difference between two groups is that criminals, unlike large corporations, often have _______ encoded into their daily life.

25. Due to being persuasive, Walid Abdul-Wahab found a ______ of Amish camel milk farmers

Question 26

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

26. The main goal of this article is to:

A. Show different ways of illegal activity

B. Give an overview of various criminals and their gangs

C. Draw a comparison between legal and illegal business, providing examples

D. Justify criminals with creative thinking

پاسخ سوالات بخش دوم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 2

14. C
15. G
16. B
17. A
18. H
19. D
20. E
21. F
22. Perseverance
23. Catapult
24. Improvisation
25. Network
26. C

نمونه سوال بخش سوم

به نمونه سوال بخش سوم ریدینگ آیلتس آکادمیک توجه کنید. پاسخ بخش سوم نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27–40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Britain needs strong TV industry

Comedy writer Armando Iannucci has called for an industry-wide defence of the BBC and British programme-makers. "The Thick of It" creator made his remarks in the annual MacTaggart Lecture at the Edinburgh TV Festival.

"It's more important than ever that we have more strong, popular channels... that act as beacons, drawing audiences to the best content," he said. Speaking earlier, Culture Secretary John Whittingdale rejected suggestions that he wanted to dismantle the BBC.

'Champion supporters'

Iannucci co-wrote "I'm Alan Partridge", wrote the movie "In the Loop" and created and wrote the hit "HBO" and "Sky Atlantic show Veep". He delivered the 40th annual MacTaggart Lecture, which has previously been given by Oscar winner Kevin Spacey, former BBC director general Greg Dyke, Jeremy Paxman and Rupert Murdoch. Iannucci said: "Faced with a global audience, British television needs its champion supporters."

He continued his praise for British programming by saying the global success of American TV shows had come about because they were emulating British television. "The best US shows are modelling themselves on what used to make British TV so world-beating," he said. "US prime-time schedules are now littered with those quirky formats from the UK - the "Who Do You Think You Are"'s and the variants on "Strictly Come Dancing" - as well as the single-camera non-audience sitcom, which we brought into the mainstream first. We have changed international viewing for the better."

With the renewal of the BBC's royal charter approaching, Iannucci also praised the corporation. He said: "If public service broadcasting - one of the best things we've ever done creatively as a country - if it was a car industry, our ministers would be out championing it overseas, trying to win contracts, boasting of the British jobs that would bring." In July, the government issued a green paper setting out issues that will be explored during negotiations over the future of the BBC, including the broadcaster's size, its funding and governance.

Primarily Mr Whittingdale wanted to appoint a panel of five people, but finally he invited two more people to advise on the channer renewal, namely former Channel 4 boss Dawn Airey and journalism professor Stewart Purvis, a former editor-in-chief of ITN. Iannucci bemoaned the lack of "creatives" involved in the discussions.

"When the media, communications and information industries make up nearly 8% our GDP, larger than the car and oil and gas industries put together, we need to be heard, as those industries are heard. But when I see the panel of experts who've been asked by the culture secretary to take a root and branch look at the BBC, I don't see anyone who is a part of that cast and crew list. I see executives, media owners, industry gurus, all talented people - but not a single person who's made a classic and enduring television show."

'Don't be modest'

Iannucci suggested one way of easing the strain on the licence fee was "by pushing ourselves more commercially abroad".

"Use the BBC's name, one of the most recognised brands in the world," he said. "And use the reputation of British television across all networks, to capitalise financially oversees. Be more aggressive in selling our shows, through advertising, through proper international subscription channels, freeing up BBC Worldwide to be fully commercial, whatever it takes.

"Frankly, don't be icky and modest about making money, let's monetise the bezeesus Mary and Joseph out of our programmes abroad so that money can come back, take some pressure off the licence fee at home and be invested in even more ambitious quality shows, that can only add to our value."

Mr. Whittingdale, who was interviewed by ITV News' Alastair Stewart at the festival, said he wanted an open debate about whether the corporation should do everything it has done in the past. He said he had a slight sense that people who rushed to defend the BBC were "trying to have an argument that's never been started".

"Whatever my view is, I don't determine what programmes the BBC should show," he added. "That's the job of the BBC." Mr. Whittingdale said any speculation that the Conservative Party had always wanted to change the BBC due to issues such as its editorial line was "absolute nonsense".

Questions 27-31

Do the following statements agree with the information in the IELTS reading text?

In boxes 27–31 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

27. Armando Iannucci expressed a need of having more popular channels.

28. John Whittingdale wanted to dismantle the BBC.

29. Iannucci delivered the 30th annual MacTaggart Lecture.

30. Ianucci believes that British television has contributed to the success of American TV shows.

31. There have been negotiations over the future of the BBC in July.

Questions 32–35

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet.

32. Ianucci praised everything EXCEPT

A US shows

B British shows

C Corporation

D British programming

Questions 36–40

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 37–40 on your answer sheet.

Easing the strain on the license fees

Iannucci recommended increasing BBC's profit by pushing ourselves more 36. ______ He suggests being more aggressive in selling British shows, through advertising and proper international 37. _______. Also, he invokes producers to stop being 38. _______ and modest about making money and invest into even 39. _______ quality shows. However, Mr Whittingdale denied any 40. ______ that the Conservative Party had always wanted to change the BBC because of its editorial line.

پاسخ نمونه سوالات بخش سوم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 3

27. True
28. False
29. Not Given
30. True
31. False
32. A
33. C
34. A
35. B
36. commercially abroad
37. subscription channels
38. icky
39. more ambitious
40. speculation

نمونه سوالات آیلتس

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - ریدینگ جنرال با جواب

نمونه سوالات آیلتس در بخش ریدینگ جنرال، از نظر نوع سوالات تفاوت خاصی با ریدینگ آکادمیک ندارد، اما نوع متن‌هایی که در اختیار داوطلب قرار می‌گیرد، در مقایسه با آکادمیک فرق دارد. در ادامه می‌توانید نمونه سوال ریدینگ جنرال را برای هر سه بخش مشاهده کنید. پاسخ سوال‌ها نیز بعد از هر بخش آمده است.

نمونه سوال بخش اول

به نمونه سوال بخش اول ریدینگ آیلتس جنرال توجه کنید. پاسخ بخش اول نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1–13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

The Earth

(A) The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and it is the only planet known to have life on it. The Earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago. It is one of four rocky planets on the inside of the Solar System. The other three are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

(B) The large mass of the Sun makes the Earth move around it, just as the mass of the Earth makes the Moon move around it. The Earth also turns round in space, so different parts face the Sun at different times. The Earth goes around the Sun once (one "year") for every 365¼ times it turns all the way around (one "day").

(C) The Moon goes around the Earth about every 27⅓ days, and reflects light from the Sun. As the Earth goes round the Sun at the same time, the changing light of the Moon takes about 29½ days to go from dark to bright to dark again. That is where the idea of "month" came from. However, now most months have 30 or 31 days so they fit into one year.

(D) The Earth is the only planet in our Solar System that has a large amount of liquid water. About 71% of the surface of the Earth is covered by oceans. Because of this, it is sometimes called the "Blue Planet".

(E) Because of its water, the Earth is home to millions of species of plants and animals. The things that live on Earth have changed its surface greatly. For example, early cyanobacteria changed the air and gave it oxygen. The living part of the Earth's surface is called the "biosphere".

(F) The Earth is part of the eight planets and many thousands of small bodies that move around the Sun as its Solar System. The Solar System is moving through the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy now, and will be for about the next 10,000 years.

(G) The Earth is generally 150,000,000 kilometers or 93,000,000 miles away from the Sun (this distance is named an "Astronomical Unit"). The Earth moves along its way at an average speed of about 30 km or 19 mi a second. The Earth turns all the way around about 365¼ times in the time it takes for the Earth to go all the way around the Sun. To make up this extra bit of a day every year, an additional day is used every four years. This is named a "leap year".

(H) The Moon goes around the Earth at an average distance of 400,000 kilometers (250,000 mi). It is locked to Earth, so that it always has the same half facing the Earth; the other half is called the "dark side of the Moon". It takes about 27⅓ days for the Moon to go all the way around the Earth but, because the Earth is moving around the Sun at the same time, it takes about 29½ days for the Moon to go from dark to bright to dark again. This is where the word "month" came from, even though most months now have 30 or 31 days.

Questions 1–8

Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs A-H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A–H, in boxes 1–8 on your answer sheet.

1. Earth’s natural satellite ______

2. Distance between Earth and Sun _____

3. General information about Earth ______

4. The Solar System ______

5. Length of most moths _____

6. Another name for Earth ______

7. The living part of the Earth's surface _____

8. The movements of Earth around the Sun _____

Questions 9-13

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.

9. Apart from Earth, other rocky planets in our Solar Systems are Venus, Mars and _______.

10. Moon ______ from the Sun on Earth.

11. There are millions of ______ of plants and animals that inhabit Earth.

12. Now the Solar System is travelling through _______.

13. The dark side of the Moon is the side, which ______ faces Earth.

پاسخ سوالات بخش اول


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 1

1. H
2. G
3. A
4. F
5. C
6. D
7. E
8. B
9. Mercury
10. Reflects light
11. Species
12. The Orion Arm
13. Never

نمونه سوال بخش دوم

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس بخش دوم ریدینگ آیلتس جنرال توجه کنید. پاسخ بخش دوم نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-28. Read the texts below and answer the following questions

1. The Vitamin Shoppe: 1,946 part-time openings.

The Vitamin Shoppe is a New Jersey-based retailer of nutritional supplements. They also operate stores in Canada under the name "VitaPath". The company provides approximately 8,000 different SKU's of supplements through its retail stores and over 20,000 different SKU's of supplements through its online retail websites.

Employee Review: "Good growth opportunities and stores opening all over the US all year 'round. Company based out of NJ, so more progressive policies on employment and benefits. Good vacation, health, and dental benefits. Payment is above average. Good policies on customer service interaction as well. Focus on Customer service vs. pushing products."

2. Chipotle: 1,553 part-time openings.

Chipotle is known for its use of organic meats throughout its more than 1,500 restaurants, which are located in 45 states. Since having been founded in 1993, the chain has since exploded and now counts some 37,000 employees. It is a pioneer in the "fast casual" dining movement.

Employee Review: "The people I work with are awesome and the food is good. It pays my bills and makes me laugh. The schedule is super flexible but it's a lot of work. If you're looking for something easy and laid back, keep looking."

3. Advantage Sales & Marketing: 1,742 part-time openings.

Advantage Sales & Marketing provides outsourced sales, merchandising, and marketing services to consumer goods and food product manufacturers and suppliers. Owning more than 65 offices in the US and Canada, ASM does merchandising for 1,200 clients -- including Johnson & Johnson, Mars, Unilever, Energizer.

Employee Review: "Long lasting business, able to adapt to changes in market. Well-thought out schedule, and flexible time off for both vacation and illness."

4. Universal Protection Service: 1,219 part-time openings.

Universal Protection Service is one of the largest providers of security services in the U.S. They offer an expansive range of security solutions for airports, healthcare facilities, office buildings, and more.

Employee Review: "Good pay depending on where you work. Room for advancement based on availability. Better company than any other I have worked for in security."

5. PSA Healthcare: 1,295 part-time openings

PSA Healthcare, also known as Pediatric Services of America, provides comprehensive home health services through a branch of office across the United States. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, Ga.

Employee Review: "I love working one-on-one with the pediatric patient and their families. You have the time needed to give great compassionate care! Office staff and supervisors are very good with both employees and clients. There is a lot of flexibility with staffing. I never received grief for requesting a day off."

Questions 14-22

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 14–22 on your answer sheet.

14. Which offer has the most part-time openings?

A Chipotle

B PSA Healthcare

C The Vitamin Shoppe

D Advantage Sales & Marketing

15. Which of these companies operate both in USA and Canada?

A The Vitamin Shoppe and Advantage Sales & Marketing

B PSA Healthcare and Advantage Sales & Marketing

C Chipotle and PSA Healthcare

D PSA Healthcare and The Vitamin Shoppe

16. Review of which company says that it is the best security company he/she worked for?

A Chipotle

B The Vitamin Shoppe

C Universal Protection Service

D PSA Healthcare

17. Which company was founded in 1993?

A The Vitamin Shoppe

B Universal Protection Service

C PSA Healthcare

D Chipotle

18. Main office of which company is situated in Atlanta?

A The Vitamin Shoppe

B PSA Healthcare

C Chipotle

D Advantage Sales & Marketing

19. VitaPath is the other name of which company?

A PSA Healthcare

B Universal Protection Service

C The Vitamin Shoppe

D Advantage Sales & Marketing

20. Which review doesn’t mention a comfortable timetable?

A Chipotle

B Advantage Sales & Marketing

C The Vitamin Shoppe

D PSA Healthcare

21. Which company is described as a long-lasting business?

A PSA Healthcare

B Advantage Sales & Marketing

C Universal Protection Service

D Chipotle

22. Organic meat is used by what company?

A Chipotle

B The Vitamin Shoppe

C Advantage Sales & Marketing

D None of them

Questions 23-28

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Section 2?

In boxes 23–28 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

23. Vitamin Shoppe has an above-average salary, according to the review.

24. Reviewer of the company Chipotle says that working there is both fun and earns enough money.
25. Advantage Sales & Marketing owns 65 offices all over the world.

26. Universal Protection Service offers various security services in the USA.

27. Reviewer of the PSA Healthcare praises its high wages.

28. None of the offers included an approximate salary in the description.

پاسخ سوالات بخش دوم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 2

14. C
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. A
23. True
24. True
25. False
26. True
27. Not Given
28. True

نمونه سوال بخش سوم

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس بخش سوم ریدینگ آیلتس جنرال توجه کنید. پاسخ بخش سوم نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.


Read the text below and answer Questions 29–40.

What to do in a fire?

Fire drills are a big part of being safe in school: They prepare you for what you need to do in case of a fire. But what if there was a fire where you live? Would you know what to do? Talking about fires can be scary because no one likes to think about people getting hurt or their things getting burned. But you can feel less worried if you are prepared.

It's a good idea for families to talk about what they would do to escape a fire. Different families will have different strategies. Some kids live in one-story houses and other kids live in tall buildings. You'll want to talk about escape plans and escape routes, so let's start there.

Know Your Way Out

An escape plan can help every member of a family get out of a burning house. The idea is to get outside quickly and safely. Smoke from a fire can make it hard to see where things are, so it's important to learn and remember the different ways out of your home. How many exits are there? How do you get to them from your room? It's a good idea to have your family draw a map of the escape plan.
It's possible one way out could be blocked by fire or smoke, so you'll want to know where other ones are. And if you live in an apartment building, you'll want to know the best way to the stairwell or other emergency exits.

Safety Steps

If you're in a room with the door closed when the fire breaks out, you need to take a few extra steps:

  • Check to see if there's heat or smoke coming in the cracks around the door. (You're checking to see if there's fire on the other side.)
  • If you see smoke coming under the door — don't open the door!
  • If you don't see smoke — touch the door. If the door is hot or very warm — don't open the door!
  • If you don't see smoke — and the door is not hot — then use your fingers to lightly touch the doorknob. If the doorknob is hot or very warm — don't open the door!

If the doorknob feels cool, and you can't see any smoke around the door, you can open the door very carefully and slowly. When you open the door, if you feel a burst of heat or smoke pouring into the room, quickly shut the door and make sure it is really closed. If there's no smoke or heat when you open the door, go toward your escape route exit.

Questions 29-34

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 29-34 on your answer sheet.

29. While some might live in a tall building, others might live in a ______.

30. Important thing is to talk with your kids about escape _______ and _______.

31. Making a ______ is a good idea, it can help you escape.

32. If you live in an apartment, you have to know the way to the staircase or other _______.

33. You can only open the door if the _______ is not hot and you can’t see smoke around the door.

34. You should immediately close the door, if smoke _______ into the room

Questions 35–39

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Section 3?

In boxes 35–39 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

35. It is important to have a strategy before escaping the fire.

36. You should mark different ways out of your home on the map.

37. If you’re stuck in a room, and see smoke coming from the other room, you should open the door and ran to the exit.

38. Hot door means you shouldn’t open it to escape.

39. If you open the door and everything seems fine, go straight to the exit.

Question 40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in box 40 on your answer sheet.

40. This article is mainly aimed at helping:

A. Children

B. Children and their parents

C. Only parents

D. Teachers at schools

پاسخ سوالات بخش سوم


Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 3

29. One-story houses
30. Plans, routes
31. Map
32. Emergency exits
33. Doorknob
34. Pours
35. True
36. Not Given
37. False
38. True
39. True
40. B

سوالات آیلتس با جواب

نمونه سوالات آیلتس رایتینگ با جواب

رایتینگ آیلتس از دو تسک تشکیل شده است. تسک اول با توجه به نوع آزمون، یعنی آکادمیک یا جنرال بودن آن تعیین می‌شود. اما تسک دوم برای هر دو آزمون یکسان است و شامل موضوعی می‌شود که داوطلب باید برای آن «essay» بنویسد.
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به بخش اول ۲۰ دقیقه و بخش دوم ۴۰ دقیقه است. همچنین برای تسک اول، داوطلب باید دست‌کم ۱۵۰ کلمه و برای تسک دوم ۲۵۰ کلمه بنویسد.

تسک اول آزمون آیلتس آکادمیک شامل موضوعی است که در کنار آن نمودار، نقشه یا فرایندی ترسیم شده است و از داوطلب درخواست می‌شود که با توجه به سوال و تصویر، آن را تحلیل و در صورت لزوم مقایسه کند. اما تسک اول آزمون آیلتس جنرال شامل نوشتن نامه است. به عبارت دیگر، به داوطلب موضوعی داده می‌شود و سپس از او درخواست می‌شود که درباره موضوع نامه‌ای بنویسد.

این نامه می‌تواند نامه شکایت، نامه تقاضا، تشکر و مواردی از این قبیل باشد. در ادامه مطلب نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای هر یک از این تسک‌ها موضوعاتی را ارائه کرده‌ایم که مربوط به نمونه سوالات آیلتس آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل است. پاسخ سوالاتی که داوطلبان به هر تسک داده‌اند را نیز می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - تسک اول رایتینگ آکادمیک با جواب

در این بخش از مطلب نمونه سوالات آیلتس که همراه با جواب در اختیار شما قرار گرفته است، یازده نمونه سوال تسک اول با جواب در اختیار شما قرار گرفته است. با خواندن پاسخ‌هایی که داوطلبان به آن‌ها داده‌اند، می‌توانید نحوه نوشتن تسک ۱ را برای این نوع سوال‌ها یاد بگیرید. همچنین می‌توانید با واژگان و اصطلاحات جدید آشنا شوید و دستور زبان مناسب این نوع سوال‌ها را نیز تمرین کنید.

نمونه سوال اول - Pie Chart

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

The amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

نمونه سوال اول - Pie Chart

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

The pie charts show the amount of revenue and expenditures in 2016 for a children’s charity in the USA. Overall, it can be seen that donated food accounted for the majority of the income, while program services accounted for the most expenditure. Total revenue sources just exceeded outgoings.

In detail, donated food provided most of the revenue for the charity, at 86%. Similarly, with regard to expenditures, one category, program services, accounted for nearly all of the outgoings, at 95.8%.

The other categories were much smaller. Community contributions, which were the second largest revenue source, brought in 10.4% of overall income, and this was followed by program revenue, at 2.2%. Investment income, government grants, and other income were very small sources of revenue, accounting for only 0.8% combined.

There were only two other expenditure items, fundraising and management and general, accounting for 2.6% and 1.6% respectively. The total amount of income was $53,561,580, which was just enough to cover the expenditures of $53,224,896.

نمونه سوال دوم - Table

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

The Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

نمونه سوال دوم - Table

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

The table illustrates the percentage of school children attending four different types of secondary school from 2000 to 2009. It is evident that whereas the community schools experienced a marked increase in the proportion of those attending their institutions over the period, the others saw a corresponding decline.

To begin, the percentage of pupils in voluntary-controlled schools fell from just over half to only 20% or one-fifth from 2000 to 2009. Similarly, the relative number of children in grammar schools - just under one quarter - dropped by half in the same period. As for the specialist schools, the relatively small percentage of pupils attending this type of school (12%) also fell, although not significantly.

However, while the other three types of school declined in importance, the opposite was true in the case of community schools. In fact, whereas only a small minority of 12% were educated in these schools in 2000, this figure increased to well over half of all pupils during the following nine years.

نمونه سوال سوم - Map

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

The city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوال سوم - Map

Model Answer

The map illustrates plans for two possible sites for a shopping mall in the city of Brandfield. It can be seen that the two sites under consideration are in the north and the southeast of the town.

The first possible site for the shopping mall, S1, is just north of the city centre, above the railway line, which runs from the southeast of the city to the northwest. If it is built here, it will be next to a large housing estate, thus providing easy access for those living on the estate and in the city centre. It will also be next to the river that runs through the town.

The site in the southeast, S2, is again just by the railway line and fairly close to the city centre, but it is near to an industrial estate rather than housing.

There is a main road that runs through the city and is close to both sites, thus providing good road access to either location. A large golf course and park in the west of the town prevent this area from being available as a site.

نمونه سوال چهارم - Process Diagram

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

How chocolate is produced.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The illustrations show how chocolate is produced.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوال چهارم - Process Diagram

Model Answer

The diagram explains the process for the making of chocolate. There are a total of ten stages in the process, beginning with the growing of the pods on the cacao trees and culminating in the production of the chocolate.

To begin, the cocoa comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in the South American and African continents and the country of Indonesia. Once the pods are ripe and red, they are harvested and the white cocoa beans are removed. Following a period of fermentation, they are then laid out on a large tray so they can dry under the sun.

Next, they are placed into large sacks and delivered to the factory. They are then roasted at a temperature of 350 degrees, after which the beans are crushed and separated from their outer shell. In the final stage, this inner part that is left is pressed and the chocolate is produced.

نمونه سوال پنجم - Bar Chart

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

The monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - Bar Chart

Model Answer

The bar chart depicts the monthly expenditure on food, gas and clothing of a family living in the USA in 2010. Overall, it can be seen that levels of expenditure fluctuated over the period.

To begin, in January the most money was spent on food, at approximately $500 per month. Although expenditure on food increased slightly the following month, it then fell to account for the lowest expenditure of all the items at the end of the period at just over $300.

Gas appeared to follow the opposite pattern of food spending. It started lower at about $350 per month, falling in the following month, and then increasing significantly to finish at just under $600 in April.

Clothing, which at just over $200 accounted for the lowest expenditure at the beginning of the period, fluctuated dramatically over the time frame. After reaching around the same levels as food in February (nearly $600), it dropped markedly in March, then jumped to just under $700 in the final month.

With the exception of an increase in March, average spending decreased slightly over the four months.

نمونه سوال ششم - Line and Bar Chart

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

Visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - Line and Bar Chart

Model Answer

The line graph illustrates the number of visitors in millions from the UK who went abroad and those that came to the UK between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart shows which countries were the most popular for UK residents to visit in 1999. Overall, it can be seen that visits to and from the UK increased, and that France was the most popular country to go to.

To begin, the number of visits abroad by UK residents was higher than for those that came to the UK, and this remained so throughout the period. The figures started at a similar amount, around 10 million, but visits abroad increased significantly to over 50 million, whereas the number of overseas residents rose steadily to reach just under 30 million.

By far the most popular country to visit in 1999 was France at approximately 11 million visitors, followed by Spain at 9 million. The USA, Greece, and Turkey were far less popular at around 4, 3 and 2 million visitors respectively.

نمونه سوال هفتم - Line Graph

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

Four countries of residence of overseas students in Australia.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows four countries of residence of overseas students in Australia.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - Line Graph

Model Answer

The line graph illustrates the changing trends in the numbers of students, in the 1000s, who visited Australia for education from four different countries between 1982 and 2000. Overall it is evident that visitor numbers from all four countries increased over the time period.

At the start of the period, while Malaysia had around 5,000 students per year visiting Australia, the other countries had none. However, though remaining at the highest number up until 1990 and increasing after this, visitors number from Malaysia finished at the lowest levels of all the countries, at around 18,000.

The lack of student visitors continued for Hong Kong and Singapore up until 1987. At that point arrivals from Singapore gradually increased over the years, culminating in nearly 20,000 visitors per year in 2000, while arrivals from Hong Kong showed a more erratic pattern, fluctuating after 1996 and finishing at 19,000 per year.

However, the biggest change was seen in numbers coming from Indonesia. Though this started low, arrivals kept increasing over the years. Numbers peaked in 1998 at approximately 28,000, before dropping to final arrival numbers of 23,000, which exceeded all the other countries.

نمونه سوال هشتم - Line and Pie Chart

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

The number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village libraries, and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village libraries, and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - Line and Pie Chart

Model Answer

The line graph depicts the number of books that were loaned out from four libraries over a four-month period and the pie chart illustrates the proportions of books borrowed in terms of genre. It is immediately apparent that the borrowing patterns for each library were quite varied, and that fiction was by far the most popular type of book.

The borrowing of books at Sutton Wood and Ryeslip began fairly high, at 250 and 300 per month in June respectively. However, while book borrowing at Ryeslip fell steadily to around 175 at the end of the period, borrowing at Sutton Wood followed a much more erratic pattern. It plummeted to 100 in August, before then rising steeply to finish at 300, which represented the highest level of borrowing of the four.

Borrowing at West Eaton and Church Mount, meanwhile, followed very similar patterns, with both starting quite low at 50 per month, but then gradually increasing to finish at 150.

Moving on to the types of books borrowed, fiction was in demand the most, at 43%. The next most popular books were biographies, accounting for around a fifth of the total. The borrowing of science and history were identical, at 14% each, leaving self-help as the least popular at 10%.

نمونه سوال نهم - Diagram

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

The structure used to generate electricity from wave power.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagrams below show a structure that is used to generate electricity from wave power.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - Diagram

Model Answer

The given illustrations present how electricity is generated using the power of the sea.

Overall, through a specially designed structure, a green source of electrical energy can be produced by the constant movement of the sea, which forces air through a chamber.

As seen in the first image, the man-made structure must be built next to a sea wall or cliff so that its foundation is strong enough to withstand the powerful waves. There is a specially constructed chamber, possibly built from a combination of metal and concrete, that allows seawater to flow in and out. The chamber leads into a column where a turbine is suspended. When a wave flows into the chamber, the water forcefully pushes the air out of the column. As the strong rush of air travels upwards, it pushes past the turbine, causing it to rotate quickly. It is this mechanical movement of the turbine that generates electricity.

As shown in the second picture, when the wave recedes, air refills the chamber, allowing the process to continue as the waves will keep entering and exiting the chamber, making the turbine spin continually. The result is a sustainable source of electrical energy.

نمونه سوال دهم - Bar and Pie Chart

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۱ توجه کنید. این تسک از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است. پاسخ آن را نیز می‌توانید در ادامه مشاهده و تمرین کنید.

Men and women attending various evening courses

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the numbers of men and women attending various evening courses at an adult education centre in the year 2009. The pie chart gives information about the ages of these course participants.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

نمونه سوال دهم - Bar and Pie Chart

Model Answer

The bar graph presents the numbers of males and females at an adult education center who attended different evening classes in 2009. The pie graph displays data on the students’ ages. Overall, females were seemingly more interested in the classes than men. Age-wise, night classes appealed more to older people than younger people.

As seen in the bar graph, more females attended the classes than males. The most popular class for women was in languages (40), which saw twice as many women attending as men. Painting courses were also popular, with more equal attendance, though women still outnumbered men, at 30 and 25 respectively. Drama again witnessed double the attendance for women over men. The only course with more men was sculpture, for which 10 men signed up versus only 5 women.

Regarding age, the course participants were predominantly from seniors, those 50 years old and above, and people in their forties with 42% and 26%, respectively. Next came the thirty-year-olds (16%) and twenty-year-olds (11%). Very few students attending the evening classes were under 20 years of age.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - تسک اول رایتینگ جنرال با جواب

همان‌طور که اشاره شد، تسک اول رایتینگ به نوشتن نامه مربوط می‌شود. برای نوشتن این بخش، ابتدا باید با انواع نامه آشنا شویم و با توجه به آن، تشخیص دهیم که به سوال مطرح‌شده چه جوابی باید بدهیم. به طور کل، انواع نامه در تسک ۱ آیلتس جنرال به سه دسته زیر تقسیم می‌شود:

  • «شخصی» (Personal)
  • «نیمه‌رسمی» (Semi-formal)
  • «رسمی» (Formal)

نامه‌هایی که برای تسک ۱ آیلتس جنرال مطرح می‌شوند، می‌توانند در قالب نامه اعتراض، نامه دعوت، نامه درخواست و... مطرح شوند. برای این‌که بدانید کدام‌یک را باید رسمی و کدام‌یک را نیمه‌رسمی یا غیررسمی بنویسیم، در جدول زیر به هر یک اشاره کرده‌ایم.

انواع موضوعات تسک ۱ رایتینگ آیلتس جنرال
موضوع نامهنوع نامه
نامه اعتراض
Letter of Complaint
معمولاً رسمی
نامه دعوت
Letter of Invitation
معمولاً شخصی یا نیمه‌رسمی
نامه درخواست کار یا استعفا
Letter of Application or Resignation
معمولاً رسمی
نامه درخواست ملاقات
Letter of arrangement
اغلب رسمی
نامه عذرخواهی
Letter of Apology
هر نوعی می‌تواند باشد
نامه درخواست
Letter of Request
هر نوعی می‌تواند باشد
نامه توضیح
Letter of Explanation
گاهی نیمه‌رسمی یا شخصی

نمونه سوال نامه شخصی با جواب

به نمونه سوال نامه غیررسمی یا نامه شخصی توجه کنید. پاسخ آن نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

  • explain why you are selling
  • describe the furniture
  • suggest a date when your friend can come and see the furniture

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ...........,

Model Answer

Dear Jan,

As you know, we'll be moving to a new house soon and there are a few things that I won't be able to take with me. The new house is a bit smaller so I have to sell some furniture and I was wondering if you might be interested?

In particular, I want to sell my big dining table. Do you remember it - the one in the living room? It has wooden legs and a grey glass top and it’s big enough for six people. There are six matching chairs to go with it.

I know you've always liked this furniture so I could let you have it at a good price. I'd rather sell it to you than to a stranger!

Why don’t you come around and take another look at them on Saturday? We’ll be here all day, so maybe we could have some lunch together?

Give me a ring and let me know.



نمونه سوال نامه نیمه‌رسمی با جواب

به نمونه سوال نامه نیمه‌رسمی یا نامه شخصی توجه کنید. پاسخ آن نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.

You were absent from an important event held by the company you work for.

Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:

  • Apologize for your absence and explain the reasoning
  • Explain why you had to be at the other event
  • Explain what you will do to catch up
  • Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr. Brannagan

Model Answer

Dear Mr. Brannagan,

I am writing in regard to my absence from the annual company business meeting held last week.

First off, I would like to formally apologize for not being able to attend the business meeting. I recognize the importance of the event, especially in terms of networking and growing as a team. However, my mother had an invasive spinal surgery last weekend, and I spent the last week taking care of her at home.

While the surgery was not life-threatening, it was not a routine procedure, either. My mother required constant assistance and faces a long road to recovery. Since I am an only child, my mother relied on me during this difficult recovery period, and my presence was a necessary part of her well-being.

نمونه سوال نامه رسمی با جواب

به نمونه سوال نامه رسمی توجه کنید. پاسخ آن نیز در ادامه آورده شده است.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter

  • explain your situation
  • describe your problems
  • tell him/her when you think you can start.

You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ...........,

Model Answer

Dear Ms Barnes,

I am writing concerning the position of Assistant Office Manager that I am due to begin next Monday. However, a problem has arisen.

As you know, I currently work for my uncle's food-packing business, and you will remember from my interview that I have gained valuable experience there. Unfortunately, he has had to go into hospital for an operation, leaving my aunt in charge of both the home and the business. She has asked me, as this is a particularly busy time of year, to stay on and help her with the running of the office.

I realise this will be inconvenient to you, but very much hope that, given the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up my position with you two weeks later than planned.

I would like to emphasise that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be gaining further useful experience during this time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

John Forbes

نمونه سوالات آیلتس - تسک دوم رایتینگ ‌با جواب

نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای تسک دوم شامل نوشتن «essay» می‌شود. برای نوشتن «essay» باید با اصول پاراگراف‌نویسی در انگلیسی آشنا شوید. سپس انواع سوالاتی را که برای نوشتن «essay» در آزمون آیلتس مطرح می‌شود را یاد بگیرید و با توجه به آن، برای موضوعی که در اختیار شما قرار داده شده است دست‌کم ۲۵۰ کلمه بنویسید.

برای نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۲، پرسش‌های مختلفی طراحی شده است که می‌توان به شکل زیر دسته‌بندی کرد:

  • Agree / Disagree
  • Discuss Two Opinions
  • Causes
  • Problems and Solutions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Other Types

در ادامه به شش نوع از نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای هر یک از دسته‌بندی‌های فوق اشاره شده است که نمونه پاسخ آن‌ها را نیز می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

نمونه سوال اول - Agree / Disagree

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک دوم توجه کنید. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز در ادامه می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Over recent years, more and more people have been attending university and arguments have persisted as to whether students should pay for this privilege not. Although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I strongly believe that it should be free.

One argument put forward in favour of charging students is that education is becoming more expensive to fund as universities grow in size. Consequently, making students pay may maintain standards and ensure the quality of the teaching. In addition, it is argued that most students benefit from university in terms of higher paid jobs, so it is fair that they pay for at least some of the cost, especially given that the majority of students attending university are from the middle classes. Last but not least, in many countries, there is a shortage of people to do manual jobs such as plumbing and carpentry, so making university more expensive may encourage people to take up these jobs.

However, there are a number of arguments in favour of making university education free for all. Firstly, it will encourage more people to attend and this will benefit society. This is because it will lead to a more productive and educated workforce. Research has generally shown that those countries that have a better educated population via university have higher levels of innovation and productivity. In addition, there is the issue of equality of opportunity. If all students are required to pay, those on a low income may be dissuaded from attending, thus making it unfair. The reason for this is that they will likely not be able to secure financial support from their family so they will be concerned about the debts they will incur in the future.

In conclusion, I am of opinion that all education should remain equally available to all regardless of income. This is not only fair, but will also ensure that countries can prosper and develop into the future with a well-educated workforce.

نمونه سوال دوم - Discuss Two Opinions

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک دوم توجه کنید. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز در ادامه می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Zoos remain popular places for people to visit for entertainment and to learn about wild animals. Although some people are of the opinion that zoos can provide a sanctuary for endangered animals and so should be kept open, I believe that the cruelty that animals suffer outweighs this benefit, and that they should be shut down.

These days, animals are under threat from humans in many ways, seen for example in the way that their habitats are being destroyed through the cutting down of rain forests, or through poaching. Following on from this, the argument is that zoos can protect some of these animals that are under threat. The reason is that they are in a safe environment managed by trained staff who can ensure the animals are looked after and can produce offspring. There are examples of successes in this respect, such as with Pandas, which have been endangered for many years but have been protected.

However, there are more convincing arguments for why zoos should be shut down. Firstly, even though some species are under threat, there are lots of animals which do not fall into this category and who are there just for the entertainment of visitors. While it may be fun and educational to see them, animals are not meant to be caged, and their distress can often be seen in the way many of them pace back and forwards all day. Not only this, if the prime reason of zoos is to protect animals, this could be done in other environments such as wild life parks where the animals have more freedom.

In conclusion, animals should be protected but this does not have to be in zoos. Zoos are cruel to animals, not similar enough to their natural habitat, and they should be closed down.

نمونه سوال رایتینگ آیلتس با جواب

نمونه سوال سوم - Causes

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک دوم توجه کنید. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز در ادامه می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

As countries have developed there has been a trend towards smaller family sizes.

Why does this happen?

How does this affect society?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Many countries around the world are becoming richer as they develop and at the same time these countries are seeing a reduction in the size of the family unit. This essay will discuss the reasons for this phenomenon and examine some of the possible effects it will have on society.

One of the principal reasons for smaller family units is birth control. As a country develops and becomes richer, birth control becomes more readily available. This may be due to a rise in the number of medical clinics or the distribution of free contraception. The result of this is that people can choose family size. Another important factor is the rise in the levels of education that occur as a country develops, which means that women are more educated and more likely to be working. Consequently, many will want to delay having children and so will likely have fewer in the long-term.

This can impact on society in a number of ways. One positive effect is that the population will fall, which will likely result in less poverty as there will be less competition for scarce resources. The parents can also provide a better education to their children as it will cost less, which will benefit society as a whole. A possible negative impact is that there will be fewer younger people in the workforce in the future, thus making the sustainability of future economic growth less certain.

In conclusion, family size has fallen due to birth control and education, and this can have positive and negative impacts on society. Regardless of any impacts, this trend is likely to continue as countries around the world develop and become wealthier.

نمونه سوال چهارم - Problems and Solutions

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک دوم توجه کنید. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز در ادامه می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Many countries of the world are currently experiencing problems caused by rapidly growing populations in urban areas, and both governments and individuals have a duty to find ways to overcome these problems.

Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding and poor-quality housing in many large cities. Poorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems, resulting in illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Another serious consequence of overcrowding is a rising crime rate as poor living conditions may lead young people in particular to take desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs.

In terms of solutions, I believe the government should be largely responsible. Firstly, it is vital that the state provides essential housing and healthcare for all its citizens. Secondly, setting up community projects to help foster more community spirit and help keep young people off the street is a good idea. For example, youth clubs or evening classes for teenagers would keep them occupied. Finally, more effective policing of inner city areas would also be beneficial.

Naturally, individuals should also try to address these problems. One way is to put pressure on the government to ensure they tackle the problems by, for instance, forming action groups to lobby the government and request intervention and adequate funding. They could also form Neighbourhood Watch areas to try and help reduce the high levels of crime.

Therefore, it is clear that the problems caused by overpopulation in urban areas are very serious. Yet if governments and individuals share a collective responsibility, then it may well become possible to offer some solutions.

نمونه سوال پنجم - Advantages and Disadvantages

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک دوم توجه کنید. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز در ادامه می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

These days, many people have their own computer and telephone, so it is quite easy for them to do their job at home.

Does working at home have more advantages or more disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

In the present age it is common for people to work from home because of advances in technology. On balance, I would argue that this has more negative impacts than positive.

One advantage of working from home is the freedom it provides. Home workers can organise their work around their home life as they can stop or start work as they please, and thus if, for example, they have children, they can easily arrange to take them and pick them up from school. They can also undertake any other tasks that they need to do during the day, such as doing the laundry or shopping, and then finish work later. Overall then, employees have more control over their lives.

Despite these positive factors, however, there are a number of disadvantages. The first of these is the fact that those who work at home nearly all the time will not be mixing with colleagues. When people are at work, they are always surrounded by others, but at home, an employee is likely to be alone most the time. This may lead to feelings of loneliness due to a lack of interaction.

Another drawback is the fact that one may have less influence in the company. It is often the case that important decisions arise on the spur of the moment as unexpected issues arise. If an employee is not there, others may have to step in. If this occurs on a regular basis, the employee's contribution to the company may decline, meaning a higher probability of getting overlooked for things such as promotion.

In conclusion, although there are positives and negatives related to working from home, there are more negative impacts. Employees should therefore consider carefully whether working from home is the best choice.

نمونه سوال ششم - Other Types

در برخی موارد، نمونه سوالاتی برای تسک دو مطرح می‌شد که نمی‌توان آن را در هیچ‌یک از دسته‌بندی فوق قرار داد. این دسته معمولاً ترکیبی از دو موضوع است. نحوه پاسخ دادن به این نوع سوالات نیز مانند سایر نمونه سوالات آیلتس است، اما باید به این نکته توجه داشته باشیم که به همه مواردی که از ما خواسته شده پاسخ دهیم.

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک دوم در دسته «Other Types» توجه کنید. پاسخ هر سوال را نیز در ادامه می‌توانید مشاهده کنید.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.

In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?

Is this a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

It is evident that technology has transformed the ways of communication and influenced relationships in a variety of ways. In my opinion, there are both positive and negative effects of this.

The principal way in which relationships have been affected is that they tend to be at a distance rather than face-to-face. The advent of the internet has made it easy for business owners to communicate across the world, with remote job opportunities one call away. Online educational programs are available for people residing in different countries, and it is no longer a dream to attend live classes from the comfortable environment of a home. Not only this, the social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have revolutionized relationships, be it making online friendships with people from other countries or staying in touch with loved ones. Based on this perspective, technology has influenced relationships in a positive way.

However, despite these advances, the quality of interaction has significantly declined in several respects. If people are developing most of their relationships online, this means that they may also have less face-to-face contact. This kind of contact on a personal level is important for human beings to feel wanted and a part of society. This may be a particular problem for children's social development as they used to be seen playing out on the streets but are now too often indoors. Technology can also mean people are detached from what is going on around them even when they are out, as can be seen by the many people staring into their mobile phones as they travel or walk around.

In conclusion, technology has brought some positive development in the ways people interact with each other. However, there are also some negative impacts of technology on the types of relationships people make.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ با جواب

هما‌ن‌طور که در ابتدای این مطلب اشاره شد، بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس به صورت شفاهی صورت می‌گیرد و ممکن است همان روز آزمون یا یک هفته قبل و بعد از آن به شکل مصاحبه‌ای در حضور شخص مصاحبه‌کننده انجام شود. اسپیکینگ آیلتس سه بخش دارد. بخش اول شامل سوالاتی می‌شود که بیشتر مربوط به زندگی شخصی داوطلب است. بخش دوم «Cue Card» است که موضوعی در اختیار داوطلب قرار می‌گیرد و او باید بعد از آن‌که یک دقیقه به آن فکر کرد، به مدت ۲ دقیقه درباره آن صحبت کند.

در نهایت، بخش سوم شامل سوالاتی می‌شود که با جزئیات بیشتری مطرح می‌شوند و داوطلب باید به آن‌ها پاسخ کامل بدهد. مدت زمان اسپیکینگ آیلتس در مجموع بین ۱۱ تا ۱۴ دقیقه است و موضوعات مختلفی را پوشش می‌دهد. در جدول زیر می‌توانید برخی از موضوعات پرتکرار اسپیکینگ آیلتس را مشاهده کنید.

فهرست موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس بخش اول
InternetDaily routineStudy
Leisure timeDictionariesHometown
Neighbours & NeighbourhoodFamily & FreindsArt
ReadingGoing outChildhood

نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ - پارت اول

بخش اول اسپیکینگ سوالاتی را از داوطلب مطرح می‌کند که بیشتر به موضوعات شخصی مانند کار، محل زندگی، اوقات فراغت، غذا یا ورزش موردعلاقه و مواردی از این قبیل می‌پردازد. در ادامه می‌توانید برخی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس بخش اول را همراه با پاسخ مشاهده کنید. این نمونه سوالات از آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل انتخاب شده است.

نکته: فرد مصاحبه‌کننده می‌خواهد میزان تسلط شما را به زبان انگلیسی ارزیابی کند. بنابراین، در نظر داشته باشید که به هر سوال به طور کامل پاسخ دهید، زیرا پاسخ کوتاه مهارت‌های زبانی شما را نشان نمی‌دهد. توصیه می‌شود برای طولانی‌تر شدن جملات خود، از مثال‌های مختلفی کمک بگیرید تا بتوانید موضوع را بیشتر بسط دهید.


Q: Where is your hometown?

A: My hometown is in Hanoi, which is the capital city of Vietnam. It's located in the north of the country, not really that far from the southern Chinese border.

Q: Is there much to do in your hometown?

A: Oh yes, there's certainly lots to do there as it's a fairly big city. If you like going out in the evening there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you prefer cultural activities there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature, there are lots of other things outside of the city which are easy to reach.

Q: What are the people like in your hometown?

A: They are mostly quite friendly, but as with most big cities everyone is often busy so it may seem as if they are not interested in speaking or having a chat. But if you live there you know that most people are quite happy to have a chat if they have time and will help you if needed.


Q: What are you studying at the moment?

A: I'm studying history at university. It's a four-year course, and I started it three years ago, so I have just one year left. I'm enjoying it a lot so it will be sad to finish.

Q: What do you like most about your studies?

A: We learn about many things from the past such as politics and wars, but I like learning about how people lived in the past the most. It's amazing to see how our lives have changed so much from the past up until now. In some ways, our lives have got much easier now, but in other ways, the simplicity of life in the past made people much happier. Learning about all that is fascinating.

Q: What do you hope to do in the future when you have finished?

A: I'm not sure at the moment, but I may go into teaching. This is why I'm doing the IELTS, as I intend to carry on and do a Master in a specific area of history. I'll probably decide for sure what to do when I have completed that.


Q: What is your job?

A: I currently work as an office manager at a large marketing company. I've been in the job for about five years now. I'm usually assigned to work with a specific business in order to improve their sales through various marketing strategies.

Q: Do you have to work with other people?

A: Oh yes, all the time. It's a big office and we all have to work as a team if we want to achieve results. I have colleagues I need to liaise with such as the graphic designers and I also have administration staff who work under me. And of course, I also have to work alongside the companies that we provide marketing for. So yes, I definitely have to work with other people.

Q: Do you think you will change jobs in the future?

A: Well, that's not something I'm thinking about at the moment as I really enjoy what I do and it's a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they have other good benefits such as flexi-time and end of year bonuses. But that said, change is always a good thing, so I can't see me being there forever. I'm sure I will change one day.

Leisure time

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: I do quite a lot of sport actually. I play football mostly - on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoon with a local team. I also play tennis and squash when I can but I don't really get the time to do them as well every week. I work quite hard at the moment, so I don't get a lot of free time unfortunately.

Q: Have your leisure activities changed since you were a child?

A: Not a great deal actually. I used to love playing football when I was young as well - I played a lot at school. Though of course I did all the other things kids loved to do such as going out on bike rides after school and things.

Q: Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?

A: It depends on my mood really. I think most people need some time on their own. Sometimes my work is quite stressful and I spend a lot of time there with others, so it's good to just get home and relax and read a book or something. But I get bored if I am alone too much so I like to go out and meet friends in the evening or play football.


Q: Do you like to travel by train?

A: Yes, I quite like them. If you are on a train you can relax and look out the window, read, use your lap top - it's all quite comfortable. On the bus it's more difficult to do those things because there is less space and the movement can make you travel sick too. The only problem with trains in my country is that they are often delayed or late. That can ruin your journey.

Q: Where do you usually go by train?

A: It's usually on long trips across the country if I want to visit friends or I have an appointment somewhere. For short journeys around where I live or to work it's much easier to drive or take the bus. As I said before, you can do things such as read on the train so it's good for long journeys.

Q: When was the last time you travelled by train?

A: Er... I'm not quite sure, let me think. It was a while ago now. I think the last time was last year when I went up to see some friends I had not seen for a while in the north of the country. Yes, that was it. It was a journey of about 3 hours and I had to change trains once during the journey. The first train was a bit crowded and noisy as I think there were people on there going to a football match, but it was an ok trip most of the way.


Q: Are you good at managing your time?

A: Actually, I'd say I'm not too good! I don't really have a system in place to organize things. I know some people have an electronic organizer or use some device to plan what they are doing but I don't do that. But I always make sure I am on time for appointments and things like that, and I meet deadlines and get things done.

Q: How do you manage your time?

A: As I said, I don't have any specific system in place to manage my time. For example, if I am at work and I have a lot of cases, I just go through them each day and decide which I need to tackle first. At work, we do have an online diary which I guess I use, so in that sense, I do manage my time to an extent.

Q: When is it most important for you to manage your time?

A: I think it is probably when you are at work. When out of work, it's not really going to affect things too much, or at least only yourself, if you are late to meet friends or for an appointment, or if you are getting things done in your house. But at work, it will cause problems if you don't manage your time effectively because you could miss deadlines or miss appointments. You could lose your job. So at work is when it is most important to manage your time.


Q: What kind of books do you like to read?

A: I mostly like to read biographies. I'm not sure why but it is interesting to read about people's real lives, especially when they have had interesting lives and have had to deal with many problems. I do read fiction as well, but I often find it difficult to get hold of a book that I really like. I also like reading about books to do with current affairs.

Q: Do you read the same kind of books now that you read when you were a child?

A: Not really, no. Actually, I didn't read that much when I was a child, but if I did it was mainly fiction books, such as fairy tales. Things like The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Fantasy things.

Q: When do you think is the best time to read?

A: I think any time is ok, but when I read I like to concentrate, so I can't read for a short time like on a bus ride like some people do. I like to put time aside to enjoy it. So if I have some free time at the weekend I might read for a few hours. And I nearly always read before I go to bed - this really helps me to sleep.

Art Galleries

Q: Are there many art galleries where you live?

A: No, not that I know of. I live in a small town so I don't think there are any, though we do have a few museums and other cultural institutions. In our capital city, there are quite a few art galleries, however.

Q: Did you like to go to art galleries when you were a child?

A: I've never been that interested in art to be honest, so not really. We were taken to one as part of a trip when I was at school. It has a lot of paintings from famous artists from our country. It was quite interesting to see I guess but I've not been to any since.

Q: Should people have to pay to go to art galleries?

A: I think it depends really. If possible they should be free because if people do have to pay they are less likely to go and see it. But on the other hand, these things cost money so a small fee may be necessary if it can keep the art gallery going and keep it open. Ideally, though the government should pay for this as I believe this kind of thing is paid for by our taxes.


Q: Can you swim?

A: Yes I can. I learned at school when I was about 7 years old. Swimming lessons were compulsory at our school, like most schools I think.

Q: Are there many places to swim near you?

A: Yes, there are a few public swimming pools. There is the main indoor one at a big sports complex in the center of town. There are also a couple of outdoor ones, but you can only use them in summer as it is too cold in winter. One is a big one in a park, the other is a much smaller one.

Q: Do you think everyone should learn to swim?

A: Of course, I think it's very important. Firstly, you spend much of your life on holiday by water, for example, when you go to the beach on holiday, so you won't be able to enjoy yourself with your friends if you can't swim. Also, for safety reasons, it's very important. You often hear about sad accidents involving young children so it's very important.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ - پارت دوم

در بخش دوم از «Cue Card» استفاده می‌شود. بر روی «Cue Card» سوالی نوشته شده و در ادامه آن چند سوال کوتاه و مرتبط دیگر مطرح شده است. داوطلب یک دقیقه فرصت دارد به سوال نگاه کند و خود را برای پاسخ دادن به آن آماده کند. سپس به مدت دو دقیقه درباره آن صحبت کند و تمام موضوعات «Cue Card» را به طور کامل توضیح دهد و در صورت نیاز می‌تواند مثال‌هایی نیز ارائه کند تا جزئیات بیشتری را در رابطه با موضوع شرح دهد.

در ادامه به چند نوع از نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ بخش دوم اشاره کرده‌ایم. نمونه پاسخی به صورت فایل صوتی برای هر یک نیز در ادامه آورده شده است. نسخه نوشتاری آن نیز قرار داده شده است.

نمونه سوال اسپیکینگ - Cue Card 1

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ بخش دوم توجه کنید. در ادامه فایل صوتی و نسخه نوشتاری یکی از داوطلبین که به آن پاسخ داده نیز قرار داده شده است.

Describe an old person that you know.

You should say:

  • What your relationship is to this person
  • How often you see them
  • What people think about this person

Explain why you like them

Ok, I’d like to tell you about an old person that I know.

His name is John, and he is the owner of a small convenience store at the end of my street.

I would say that my relationship with him is as a friend. I know him because I regularly go to the shop in order to buy things when I don’t have time to go to a supermarket. He’s quite friendly and I always have a chat with him. I’ve known him now for about five years - since I’ve lived in the area. That’s why I’d now call him a friend.

I’d say that I see him fairly regularly. Like I said, I go to the big supermarket out of town sometimes to stock up, but you always need odd things during the week such as milk, or some snack or other. So when this happens I just have a walk down to his shop. So I’d say I see him every one or two days.

I think John is pretty popular as he’s been there for years as far as I’m aware, so most of the locals around the area know him. There will always be someone in the shop having a chat with him. They like him because he’s not just the shopkeeper but he’s also very involved in activities in the community. For example, I know he helps out at the old people’s home some nights, and he runs the quizzes at the local pub. He also helps to organize the fete that is held each year in the town.

The reason that I like him is that he’s great to have a chat with. For instance, a while back I was having problems with my work, and I was really feeling stressed. I didn’t really have anyone to talk to at the time as my family is abroad and a couple of my good friends were not around. I mentioned it to John and he was great. He listened and also gave me some really good advice. He didn’t need to do that so it was great that he made the time to anyway. Generally, though, he’s really welcoming when you go to his shop. He’ll always have a smile on his face.

نمونه سوال اسپیکینگ - Cue Card 2

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ بخش دوم توجه کنید. در ادامه فایل صوتی و نسخه نوشتاری یکی از داوطلبین که به آن پاسخ داده نیز قرار داده شده است.

Describe a happy childhood event.

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who was involved
  • How you felt at the time

Explain why you remember this particular occasion.

I’m going to talk about a happy childhood event that I remember, and that event was my 13th birthday.

It was 25 years ago now because I’m 38. My birthday is on the 7th May. What happened was my parents surprised me on my birthday by telling me that they were going to take me to a theme park that is a few hours from our house. I’d never been before - it had only been open a few months and they knew that I really wanted to go. As I recall it was a Saturday that we went. They didn’t tell me until the morning when I woke up that day.

My whole family was involved in the event. I have a brother and a sister so of course they came as well as my Mum and Dad, and not only that, we also picked up my grandparents on the way so they could join us. They were too old to go on the rides but it was still a great trip out for them!

The theme park was really amazing. There was a huge roller coaster which I remember was really scary but still excellent fun. One particular thing I remember is the ghost train. My younger sister was not allowed to go on the ride because she was too young and she was really upset and jealous of me and my brother! I think it was lucky she didn’t though. It was really realistic – there were real people in there who were actually dressed up as ghosts and they jumped out just when you weren’t expecting it – it made us jump so many times!

How I felt really depended on what I was doing. Obviously, I was excited the whole day, but I remember that I felt really exhilarated when I was on the rides such as the roller coaster, and scared but still excited on the ghost train.

The reason that I remember it so well is that I had been so desperate to go to the theme park and I’d been talking to my friends at school for ages about how I wanted to go. So it was so great when I found out that I could. Also I remember it so well because all of our family was together. My Dad was pretty busy most of the time with his work so we didn’t always have much time to do things together when I was younger.

So for these reasons, this was a really special occasion that I’ll never forget.

نمونه سوال اسپیکینگ - Cue Card 3

به یکی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ بخش دوم توجه کنید. در ادامه فایل صوتی و نسخه نوشتاری یکی از داوطلبین که به آن پاسخ داده نیز قرار داده شده است.

Describe an environmental problem that has occurred in your country.

You should say:

  • The cause of the problem
  • What effect it has had on your country
  • The steps, if any, that have been taken to solve this

Explain why you think this problem is so important to solve.

I'm going to talk about a problem with the environment in my country.

One of the most serious problems at the moment is flooding. This is starting to happen every year and each year it seems to get worse. I think it may be caused by a number of factors. Firstly there has been a lot of deforestation in the north of the country, a lot of it from illegal logging. Because of this, when it rains the water has nothing to soak it up so it just runs down the mountains and into the villages and towns. Another factor may be global warming. Scientists believe that this is causing more severe weather so this may account for the increasing amount of rain that we seem to be seeing. It also means the soil is drier so again the rainwater runs off it rather than being soaked up.

Unfortunately, there have been really serious effects on my country. As I said, the excess water runs into the villages and the towns through the rivers and the rivers then overflow causing massive flooding. This affects thousands of people who then become homeless. Several hundred usually die each year as well. It travels through the country as it starts in the north and goes down to the sea, so it can affect many towns and the capital city too. This also has repercussions for the government as they have to spend so much money managing the disaster each year.

The government is trying to tackle the problem, but it is not easy. They are trying to stop so much deforestation but a lot of the damage has already been done so what can they do? They are also starting to build defenses such as walls along some of the major rivers that run through the town to try to stop them from overflowing. Another thing they are doing is trying to improve their response systems. In most towns, there is now a government organization responsible for coordinating relief operations and making sure they are prepared in advance.

I think this problem is a top priority to solve because it has such devastating impacts. As I mentioned before, it causes suffering for so many people and it is also a huge expense for the government and as we are not a rich country we cannot afford this. It means that other services suffer because of a lack of money. There are other problems that my country has but I think that is by far the worst.

So, that is the serious problem in my country, and I only hope that it does not continue to get worse.

اسپیکینگ آیلتس

نمونه سوالات آیلتس اسپیکینگ - پارت سوم

بخش سوم تا حد زیادی به پاسخ داوطلب در بخش دوم بستگی دارد. درواقع، با توجه به آن شخص مصاحبه‌کننده با چند سوال دیگر، بخش آخر را به اتمام می‌رساند. داوطلب باید به این سوالات با جزئیات بیشتری پاسخ دهد. در ادامه می‌توانید به تعدادی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای بخش سوم اسپیکینگ توجه کنید که در دسته‌بندی با موضوعات مختلفی قرار گرفته است.


Let’s consider values and the way they change.

What kinds of possessions give status to people in your country?

That’s a good question. Let me think…I’d say it depends on where you are and who you are with. If you are out in public, it’s things like the car you are driving. If you have the latest Mercedes Benz model, then in my country that is a sign of status, as many people can’t even afford a car at all, whatever they make. Property, or the house you own, and the possessions you have in it are also a sign of status. If you have a nice house in a nice area, then this shows you have money and are someone important.

Has it always been the same or were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?

I’m too young to remember exactly what it was like a long time ago, but yes, I think it was different. For example, nice cars have not always been available in my country. That kind of consumerism is a more recent thing so this couldn’t have been used as a representation of something valuable. I think it was things like gold and jewelry that were seen as valuable. Of course, these are still seen as valuable today, but previously it was these things over anything else as a lot of modern-day possessions were not available.

Why do you think people need to show their status in society?

I believe that this is because it's important in society to show you have money or are successful – it is nature, or the way we are brought up, that makes us feel like this, but also the pressure that society puts on everyone to be successful. And showing status is basically showing that you have money and you have success, so this is what people want to do. Going back to the example of the car, driving around in a Mercedes is a very conspicuous show of status – it basically says to people, “Look, I am successful and I have money.” Another reason is possibly for respect. In many cultures, if someone has high status, then they will be respected by others and they may receive preferential treatment.


Now we'll discuss the role of advertising.

Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

Yes, definitely. If there were no advertising and you went to a shop, then you would just buy what you wanted based on maybe what others have told you, what the product looks like, or, depending on the product, what it says on the label. Advertising builds up a brand and people then trust a certain thing because they have seen it on television or elsewhere. Also, there is so much advertising around it must influence us. You can’t escape it as it is fed to us constantly in our daily lives – not only in magazines, radio and television, but on billboards, on TVs installed on trains and platforms, even in schools and universities. So yes, advertising influences what we buy.

Do advertisements give correct information, or do they encourage people to buy things that they may not need?

I think some do and some don’t, but it’s difficult to know which are giving us the correct information. For example, the skin whitening products – I do not believe that these work but we see them everywhere in Asian countries, and we are encouraged to buy them even though they are not actually necessary. The adverts, though, tell us they are necessary as they will improve our lives and we will become more accepted and successful. This then, is an example of advertising encouraging people to buy something they do not need. I do think there are checks in most countries these days to make sure that adverts are giving the correct information and not lying to people, but I think it is still easy for advertisers to exaggerate or to do this without breaking the regulations.

Is advertising really necessary in modern society?

It could be seen to be necessary in terms of the fact that, as I mentioned before, there is so much choice that we need someone to guide us in what to buy or to give us some extra information about products. Without this, it would be difficult to know where to start. However, that said, I’m not sure that I would regard it as ‘necessary’ as overall I think it may do more harm than good. As we just discussed, advertising encourages people to buy things they possibly do not need. We live in a consumer society and many people are in debt because we are encouraged to buy and buy, and I’m sure advertising plays a major role in this. Without advertising we could just do our own research and decide what we really need. So no, I would not say that advertising in necessary in modern society.

The Internet

Now we'll move on to the influence of the internet.

Do you think people take notice of advertisements on the Internet?

Despite the fact that there are many adverts on the internet these days, I think actually many people tend to ignore them, or at least that is my experience. People usually go onto the internet to find something specific that they are looking for, which may be a product, or to read about something, so they will ignore what is not relevant to that. But of course, there is no doubt that some people take notice of them. Advertising on the internet is a practice most companies partake in now, and they have to pay quite substantial sums to advertise on highly ranked sites. Of course, they would not do this if it were not attracting customers for them.

How do you think it will change people's buying habits in the future?

Buying from the Internet is becoming more and more popular. For example, we’ve seen many bookshops close down because people can buy online at cheaper prices from sites such as Amazon. It makes life much easier if products can be delivered direct to our door, especially with our busy modern lifestyles. I think this will only increase in the future as more people feel safe to buy online and online shops make it easier to purchase this way. Also, I think our lives are only going to become busier, so more people will choose to shop this way.

Are there any disadvantages to shopping on the Internet?

There certainly are some. Firstly, buying clothes can be a problem. When you go into a shop you can check what you are buying fits you and suits you, but it is obviously not possible to do this online. Shopping does not become less hassle if you have to send something back in the post. Another problem is security. We have to give out our bank details to people we don’t know. There have been several recent reports in the press about sites that have had their security breached and credit card details have been stolen. So far this is fairly uncommon, but it is a risk none the same. Another disadvantage is to society as it could destroy local shops and businesses if people are not going out to shop in their local town.


Let's talk about transport.

How do most people travel long distances in your country?

I’d say that the main ways are cars, buses, and trains. If someone has a car, I think this is their preference because to be honest, the trains are not that much cheaper where I live. Also, there are often delays with the trains which can be a real pain, so you may end up with a really long journey. The buses are a bit cheaper but I don’t think that is such a comfortable way to travel. There is the option to travel by plane as well of course, but most of the bucket airlines go abroad – you can’t really travel that cheaply by plane within the country. So then, cars are really the best option, and of course, they give you the most freedom when you are travelling.

Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades?

I don’t think they have really. We’ve had the transport I mentioned before for many decades now in my country, and it is much the same today. Of course, cars have become much more popular as people’s incomes have risen which accounts for the problems we see on the roads today such as congestion and more accidents and pollution. This has probably led to some changes within cities. Many have now introduced environmentally friendly forms of transport such as trams and guided buses that don’t run on gas and mean that people can travel without the use of a car. There has also been an increase in air travel, but like I said, this is quite expensive in my country so most cannot afford it.

What kinds of improvements have there been in transport in your country in recent years?

There have been several ways that transport has improved. More major roads have been built which means it is easier to travel long distances, though of course, some would argue that more roads are not an improvement. They can be an eyesore in the countryside and they have encouraged more people to drive which may mean these improvements ultimately don’t work because there are more cars using the roads. As I mentioned before, there has been the introduction of mass transit in many cities, such as trams and trains. In our capital city, they have also extended the underground system so it now links many more areas of the city. This has helped many people as commuting times are horrendous if you have to travel on the roads. Those are the main improvements.

نکته: در بخش سوم اسپیکینگ آیلتس با یک بحث دوطرفه سروکار دارید. درواقع، هم‌زمان که شما در حال پاسخ دادن به سوال هستید، شخص مصاحبه‌کننده نیز وارد بحث می‌شود و شما را به چالش می‌کشد. در این حالت است که مهارت‌های زبانی شما مورد ارزیابی دقیق‌تری قرار می‌گیرد. بنابراین، اگر خود را برای این بخش آماده کنید، بهتر می‌توانید آن را پشت سر بگذارید و شانس دست‌یابی به نمره بهتری را کسب خواهید کرد.

نمونه پاسخنامه آزمون آیلتس

همان‌طور که می‌دانید، آزمون آیلتس به صورت کتبی برگزار می‌شود و در روز آزمون به شما برگه‌ای داده می‌شود که سوال‌ها در آن نوشته شده است. علاوه بر این، یک برگه پاسخنامه هم در اختیار شما قرار می‌گیرد تا پاسخ‌های خود را وارد کنید. توصیه می‌کنیم برای تست زدن، شرایطی مشابه با آزمون واقعی برای خود فراهم کنید. برای مثال، اگر از نمونه سوالات آیلتس کتاب‌های تست کمبریج استفاده می‌‌کنید یا از آزمون‌ها ماک آیلتس کمک می‌گیرید.

آزمون ماک آیلتس چیست؟

هرساله متقاضیان زیادی در آزمون بین‌المللی آیلتس ثبت نام می‌کنند. عده‌ای برای یافتن شغل بهتر، ادامه تحصیل در دانشگاه‌‌های خارج از کشور یا به قصد مهاجرت به کشورهای انگلیسی‌زبان در این آزمون شرکت می‌کنند. از آنجایی که آیلتس به صورت حضوری برگزار می‌شود، به منظور آمادگی قبل از آزمون و آشنایی با شرایط کلی آن، آزمون‌هایی آزمایشی مشابه آیلتس نیز برگزار می‌شود که به آن «آزمون ماک» می‌گویند.

آزمون ماک آیلتس نیز مانند امتحان اصلی آیلتس، از دو نوع تشکیل شده که عبارت است از:

  • آزمون ماک آیلتس جنرال
  • آزمون ماک آیلتس آکادمیک

یکی از روش‌های کاربردی برای آماده شدن در آزمون آیلتس، آزمون‌های ماک آیلتس است که برای همه داوطلبان مفید و مؤثر خواهد بود. چراکه علاوه بر این‌که شما را با نقاط ضعف و قوت خود آشنا می‌کند، شرایطی دقیقاً مشابه آزمون اصلی فراهم خواهد کرد که از استرس و نگرانی شما در روز آزمون، به‌ویژه در رابطه با بخش «لیسنینگ» کم می‌کند.

اگر می‌خواهید در آزمون آیلتس شرکت کنید، باید قبل از هر چیز سطح زبان خود را بالا ببرید و سپس به کمک کلاس‌های حضوری یا مطالعه به صورت خودخوان، تکنیک‌های پاسخ دادن به انواع سوالات آن را یاد بگیرید. برای این کار، نمونه سوالات آیلتس سال‌های گذشته کمک زیادی در یافتن نقاط ضعف خود و بهبود آن‌ها خواهد کرد.

یکی از روش‌‌هایی که می‌توانید برای تست زدن امتحان کنید، کتاب‌های تست کمبریج است که شامل مجموعه آزمون‌های آیلتس است که طی دوره‌های مختلف گردآوری شده و در دسترس داوطلبان قرار گفته است. روش دوم، استفاده از تست‌های آنلاین است که معمولاً به صورت رایگان در اختیار شما قرار دارد.

روش دیگر شرکت در آزمون‌های ماک آیلتس است که به حضورت حضوری و آنلاین برگزار می‌شود. در کشورهایی که آزمون آیلتس به صورت حضوری برگزار می‌شود، شرکت در آزمون ماک و در محل برگزاری آزمون می‌تواند دقیقاً شرایطی مشابه با آزمون اصلی آیلتس را فراهم سازد و اندکی از نگرانی شما را در روز آزمون کم کند. زیرا با محیط آشنایی پیدا کرده‌اید و انگار یک بار قبلاً امتحان داده‌اید.

  1. در ادامه، به برخی از ویژگی‌های آزمون ماک آیلتس اشاره خواهیم کرد.
  2. ساختار امتحان ماک مشابه آزمون اصلی است.
  3. مدت زمان آزمون ماک مشابه آزمون اصلی است.
  4. شرکت‌کنندگان از جزئیات عملکرد خود در آزمون ماک مطلع می‌شوند.
  5. گزارش‌هایی تحلیلی از روند پیشرفت داوطلبان ارائه می‌شود.
  6. توسط اساتید باتجربه آیلتس برگزار و تصحیح می‌شود.
  7. نتیجه آزمون چند روز بعد در اختیار داوطلب قرار می‌گیرد.

کتاب تست آیلتس

همان‌طور که اشاره شد، یکی از روش‌هایی که به آمادگی شما برای آزمون آیلتس کمک می‌کند، تست زدن و تمرین کردن است. برای این منظور راه‌های مختلفی وجود دارد. یکی از این راه‌ها این است که از کتاب‌های تست آیلتس کمک بگیرید. در ادامه این مطلب سعی کرده‌ایم به معرفی برخی از این کتاب‌ها بپردازیم.

مجموعه کتاب‌های Cambridge IELTS

مجموعه کتاب‌های تست کمبریج، از چهار آزمون آکادمیک آیلتس تشکیل شده که در گذشته برگزار شده است. شاید بپرسید که تهیه این کتاب و زدن تست‌های آن چه فایده‌ای دارد. مهم‌ترین ویژگی این کتاب‌ها این است که از آزمون‌های اصلی آیلتس انتخاب شده‌اند، بنابراین به کمک آن‌ها می‌توانید با ساختار کلی آزمون آشنا شوید. مانند سایر کتاب‌ها، برای تهیه کتاب‌های تست کمبریج، به فایل صوتی نیز دسترسی دارید و پاسخ سؤال‌ها در انتهای کتاب آمده است.

توصیه ما برای تهیه این مجموعه کتاب‌ها این است که کتاب‌های ۸ تا ۱۵ را تهیه کنید، زیرا آزمون‌های جدیدتر آیلتس را به خود اختصاص داده‌اند. اما اگر فرصت کافی برای تمرین و تست زدن دارید، می‌توانید کل مجموعه را تهیه کنید.

مجموعه کتاب‌های Collins

مجموعه کتاب‌های «Collins» شامل چهار کتاب مختلف است که هر یک از مهارت‌ها را به صورت جداگانه آموزش می‌دهد. به عبارت دیگر، برای بهبود مهارت آیلتس باید هر چهار کتاب را تهیه کنید. این چهار کتاب عبارت‌اند از:

  • Reading for IELTS
  • Speaking for IELTS
  • Writing for IELTS
  • Listening for IELTS

هدف کلی این مجموعه کتاب‌ها، بهبود مهارت‌ها و ارائه راهکارهای مؤثر برای آماده شدن در آزمون آیلتس است. همچنین در انتهای کتاب، آزمون‌هایی مشابه آزمون اصلی آیلتس آورده شده است.

کتاب Collins Reading for IELTS

کتاب‌های Official IELTS Practice Materials

مجموعه کتاب‌های «Official IELTS Practice Materials» از دو سطح تشکیل شده و به هر چهار مهارت زبان انگلیسی اختصاص داده شده است. با استفاده از این کتاب، زبان‌آموزان با نحوه ارزیابی هر بخش از آزمون آیلتس آشنا می‌شوند و آزمون‌های آزمایشی آکادمیک و جنرال را تمرین می‌کنند. پاسخنامه، متن نوشته صوتی و بازخورد مصحح نیز در کتاب لحاظ شده است. همچنین، این مجموعه برای آشنایی اساتید زبان انگلیسی با نحوه تدریس آیلتس مناسب است.

کتاب Barron’s IELTS Superpack

یکی دیگر از کتاب‌های آیلتس که در مورد تمام بخش‌های مختلف آزمون آیلتس راهنمایی می‌کند، کتاب Barron’s IELTS Superpack است که احتمالاً دومین کتاب شناخته‌شده در این فهرست محسوب می‌شود. جای تعجب ندارد که یکی از کتاب‌های آیلتس با عنوان «Superpack» تقریباً همه چیزهایی را که یک داوطلب برای آمادگی آیلتس به آن نیاز دارد، در خود جای داده باشد.

این بدان معنی است که مجموعه کامل IELTS Barron در مورد برخی از بخش‌های آزمون از ذکر هیچ جزئیاتی چشم‌پوشی نمی‌کند. این کتاب و منابع آن حجم عظیمی از مطالب مرتبط با آمادگی آیلتس را در قالب نوشتاری و صوتی ارائه می‌دهد. این موارد برای داوطلبانی که حفظ اطلاعات کتاب درسی برایشان مشکل است و به روشی جایگزین برای هضم محتوای آن نیاز دارند، عالی است. به نظر می‌رسد تمرین‌های این کتاب تا حدی آسان هستند و شایان ذکر است که این کتاب حاوی تمرین‌های رسمی آیلتس نیست.

کتاب The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS

یکی از کتاب‌های پرطرفدار در میان داوطلبان آزمون آیلتس، کتاب «The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS» است. در این کتاب که از سوی انتشارات کمبریج روانه بازار شده، علاوه بر نمونه آزمون‌های آیلتس سال‌های قبل همراه با پاسخ، برای یادگیری تکنیک‌های هر بخش از آزمون، آموزش‌هایی ارائه شده و به زبانی ساده و قابل‌فهم، نکات مهمی را در خصوص تست زدن و مطالعه کردن آموزش داده است. به همین دلیل، به کسانی که سطح زبان انگلیسی متوسطی دارند و به دنبال کتابی مناسب خود برای آمادگی در آزمون آیلتس می‌گردند، این کتاب می‌تواند در اولویت برنامه مطالعاتی آن‌ها قرار بگیرد و بسیاری از موسسات آموزش آیلتس نیز از آن استفاده می‌کنند.

از آنجا که «The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS» به زبانی ساده نکات آموزشی را توضیح داده است، برای افرادی که به صورت خودخوان قصد مطالعه برای آزمون آیلتس را دارند نیز می‌توانیم پیشنهاد کنیم.

مجموعه کتاب های Collins

مجموعه کتاب‌های «Collins» شامل چهار کتاب مختلف است که هر یک از مهارت‌ها را به صورت جداگانه آموزش می‌دهد. به عبارت دیگر، برای بهبود مهارت آیلتس باید هر چهار کتاب را تهیه کنید. این چهار کتاب عبارت‌اند از:

  • Reading for IELTS
  • Speaking for IELTS
  • Writing for IELTS
  • Listening for IELTS

هدف کلی این مجموعه کتاب‌ها، بهبود مهارت‌ها و ارائه راهکارهای مؤثر برای آماده شدن در آزمون آیلتس است. همچنین در انتهای کتاب، آزمون‌هایی مشابه آزمون اصلی آیلتس آورده شده است.


نکات مهم درباره نمونه سوالات آیلتس

برای این‌که به خوبی با نحوه تست زدن و تمرین کردن نمونه سوالات آیلتس آشنا شوید، در این بخش از مطلب سعی کرده‌ایم به برخی از نکات مهم در خصوص نمونه سوالات آیلتس اشاره کنیم.

  • قبل از تست زدن، ابتدا با نمونه سوالات آیلتس و استراتژی‌های پاسخگویی به آن‌ها به خوبی آشنا شوید.
  • فراموش نکنید که تست زدن به‌تنهایی باعث پیشرفت شما و بهبود عملکردتان نخواهد شد. سعی کنید بعد از هر تست، نقاط ضعف خود را ارزیابی کنید و درصدد رفع آن‌ها بربیایید.
  • آزمون آیلتس برای افرادی که قصد ادامه تحصیل یا پیدا کردن کار دارند می‌تواند مناسب باشد. و نمره قبولی در آن به موسسه یا دانشگاهی بستگی دارد که برای آن اقدام کرده‌اید.
  • آزمون آیلتس روشی برای سنجش مهارت‌هاست. بنابراین، اگر قصد مهاجرت دارید، بهتر است سطح زبان انگلیسی خود را بالا ببرید و به حدی برسانید که برای ارتباط برقرار کردن با افراد انگلیسی‌زبان در کشور دیگر با مشکل مواجه نشوید.
  • برای تمرین نمونه سوالات آیلتس از آزمون‌های جدیدتر استفاده کنید. برای مثال، توصیه می‌شود کتاب‌های تست کمبریج را از ۸ به بعد بررسی و مرور کنید. ساختار کلی آزمون در مقایسه با سال‌‌های قبل تغییری نکرده است، اما هر چه آزمون جدیدتر باشد، نمونه سوالات آن به آزمون اصلی شباهت بیشتری خواهد داشت.
  • برای تمرین نمونه سوالات آیلتس حتماً سعی کنید زمان‌بندی کنید و طی مدت زمان مشخصی که حدود سه ساعت برای آزمون اصلی در نظر گرفته شده است، به کل سوالات پاسخ دهید تا بتوانید مدیریت زمان را تمرین کنید و در روز آزمون با کمبود وقت مواجه نشوید.
  • در رابطه با رایتینگ آیلتس، به مواردی مانند دستور زبان، واژگان مناسب، رسمی یا غیررسمی بودن نامه، املا و رعایت علائم نگارشی توجه داشته باشید. همچنین اصول صحیح پاراگراف‌نویسی را رعایت کنید.

سوالات رایج درباره نمونه سوالات آیلتس

در ادامه سعی کرده‌ایم به تعدادی از پرسش‌های رایج در خصوص نمونه سوالات آیلتس پاسخ دهیم.

فرمت بخش Writing آزمون آیلتس چیست ؟

بخش Writing در آزمون آیلتس شامل دو تسک است. تسک دوم در هر دو آزمون آکادمیک و جنرال مشابه است، اما تسک اول برای هر دو کاملاً متفاوت است. برای تسک اول ۱۵۰ کلمه و برای تسک دوم ۲۵۰ کلمه باید نویسید.

ساختار آزمون آیلتس چگونه است؟

آزمون آیلتس از چهار بخش تشکیل شده که هر یک مهارت‌های اصلی زبان انگلیسی افراد را ارزیابی می‌کند. بخش اول این آزمون لیسنینگ است که مدت زمان ۳۰ دقیقه را برای آن در نظر گرفته‌اند. بخش دوم «Reading» است که سه بخش دارد و شامل متن‌هایی می‌شود که در ادامه آن پرسش‌‌هایی مطرح شده است. داوطلب یک ساعت فرصت دارد تا به پرسش‌ها پاسخ دهد.

بخش سوم «Writing» است که از دو تسک تشکیل شده و شامل موضوعی می‌شود که داوطلب باید با توجه به آن بنویسید. مدت زمان پاسخ‌دهی نیز ۶۰ دقیقه در مجموع است.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای تسک ۲ رایتینگ کدام است؟

برای تسک ۲ رایتینگ آیلتس، سوالات مختلفی در نظر گرفته شده است. این نمونه سوالات می‌تواند «Agree / Disagree» یا «Discuss Two Opinions» باشد. همچنین «Causes» و «Problems and Solutions» یا «Advantages and Disadvantages» از دیگر نمونه سوالات آیلتس تسک ۲ رایتینگ به شمار می‌رود. اما برخی از سوالات در هیچ‌یک از دسته‌های فوق قرار نمی‌گیرند و ترکیبی از سوالات را شامل می‌شوند. آن‌ها را در دسته «Other Types» قرار می‌دهند.

نمونه سوالات آیلتس برای اسپیکینگ کدام است؟

سوالات اسپیکینگ نیز می‌تواند انواع مختلفی داشته باشد. اسپیکینگ از سه بخش تشکیل شده است. بخش اول سوالاتی است که بیشتر به موضوعات شخصی مانند شغل، محل زندگی، سرگرمی‌ها و خانواده اختصاص یافته است. سپس شخص مصاحبه‌کننده در بخش دوم از «Cue Card» استفاده می‌کند که شامل یک سوال کلی و سه تا چهار سوال مرتبط با آن است و داوطلب ۲ دقیقه باید درباره آن صحبت کند.

با توجه به پاسخی که داوطلب به سوالات بخش دوم داده، در بخش سوم از داوطلب سوالاتی با جزئیات بیشتر پرسیده می‌شود. در این مطلب، به برخی از نمونه سوالات رایج برای این بخش اشاره کردیم.

سخن پایانی

در این مطلب به برخی از نمونه سوالات آیلتس با جواب اشاره کردیم. به منظور آمادگی برای آزمون آیلتس، باید با این نمونه سوالات آشنا شویم و با تمرین‌های فراوان، تکنیک‌های پاسخگویی به آن‌ها را بیاموزیم. از دیگر نکات مفید در رابطه با تمرین نمونه سوالات آیلتس این است که با تحلیل اشتباهات خود می‌توانید به نقاط ضعف‌تان پی ببرید و دیگر آن‌ها را تکرار نکنید.

در این مطلب به این مسئله اشاره شد که علاوه بر داشتن کتاب‌های تست آیلتس که نمونه سوالات آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل را دارد، می‌توانید در آزمون‌های ماک آیلتس نیز شرکت کنید که هم در محل برگزاری آزمون تشکیل می‌شود و هم به صورت آنلاین و رایگان در در دسترس شما قرار دارد.

مطلبی که در بالا مطالعه کردید بخشی از مجموعه مطالب «راهنمای آزمون های زبان انگلیسی» است. در ادامه، می‌توانید فهرست این مطالب را ببینید:

بر اساس رای ۳ نفر
آیا این مطلب برای شما مفید بود؟
اگر بازخوردی درباره این مطلب دارید یا پرسشی دارید که بدون پاسخ مانده است، آن را از طریق بخش نظرات مطرح کنید.
نظر شما چیست؟

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *