موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس – ۷۰ موضوع + جواب

۲۳۲۶ بازدید
آخرین به‌روزرسانی: ۱۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۲
زمان مطالعه: ۱۴۸ دقیقه
موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس – ۷۰ موضوع + جواب

آزمون آیلتس به عنوان یکی از آزمون‌های بین‌المللی، روشی برای سنجش مهارت‌های زبان انگلیسی افراد برای ورود یا مهاجرت به کشورهای دیگر است. اگر به قصد ادامه تحصیل برای دانشگاهی در خارج از کشور خود اقدام کرده‌اید، حتماً می‌دانید که بدون مدرک آیلتس نمی‌توانید از دانشگاه مدنظرتان پذیرش بگیرید. در آزمون آیلتس چهار مهارت اصلی زبان، یعنی «لیسنینگ»، «ریدینگ»،‌ «رایتینگ» و «اسپیکینگ» به صورت چهار بخش جداگانه مورد ارزیابی قرار می‌گیرند. در این مطلب از «مجله فرادرس» قصد داریم به طور مجزا به بخش اسپیکینگ بپردازیم و موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس را بررسی کنیم. در ابتدا ساختار اسپیکینگ آیلتس را توضیح می‌دهیم. سپس به بررسی موضوعات پرتکرار اسپیکینگ آیلتس برای هر سه بخش می‌پردازیم و از نمونه سوال و جواب‌های آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل کمک می‌گیریم. در ادامه، به نکات مهمی در خصوص آمادگی برای اسپیکینگ‌ آیلتس اشاره خواهیم کرد و در انتها به تعدادی از سوالات‌ رایج در این خصوص پاسخ خواهیم داد.

فهرست مطالب این نوشته

ساختار اسپیکینگ آیلتس

همان‌طور که در مقدمه مطلب اشاره کردیم، آزمون آیلتس (IETS) که مخفف «International English Language Testing System» است، نوعی آزمون بین‌المللی به شمار می‌رود که مورد تأیید اکثر کشورهای دنیا و دانشگاه‌‌های معتبر است. این آزمون از چهار بخش تشکیل شده که عبارتند از:

  • «Listening»
  • «Reading»
  • «Writing»
  • «Speaking»

سه بخش اول به صورت کتبی در محل برگزاری آزمون برگزار می‌شود و مدت زمان آن حدوداً سه ساعت است. هر بخش از تعدادی سوال مختلف تشکیل شده و داوطلب موظف است در یک بازه زمانی مشخص به آن‌ها پاسخ دهد. آزمون آیلتس نمره منفی ندارد، به همین دلیل توصیه می‌شود به تمام سوال‌‌ها، حتی در صورتی که نمی‌دانید، پاسخ دهید.

بخش آخر، یعنی «speaking»، به صورت مجزا و شفاهی برگزار می‌شود. در این بخش، داوطلب در حضور شخص مصاحبه‌کننده، باید به سوال‌هایی پاسخ دهد. اسپیکینگ سه بخش دارد و در مجموع مدت زمان بین ۱۱ تا ۱۴ دقیقه را برای آن در نظر گرفته‌اند.

در بخش اول، شخص مصاحبه‌کننده تعدادی سوال از داوطلب مطرح می‌کند که بیشتر شخصی است، یعنی به زندگی خصوصی داوطلب مربوط می‌شود، مانند کار، دوستان و خانواده، سرگرمی‌ها، محل زندگی و مواردی از این قبیل. به چند نمونه سوال بخش اول اسپیکینگ در ادامه توجه کنید.

Topic - Friends

Q. Do you have many friends? [Why/Why not?]

Q. How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]

Q. Tell me about your best friend at school.

Q. How friendly are you with your neighbors? [Why/Why not?]

Q. Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]

در بخش دوم، به داوطلب «Cue Card» داده می‌شود که موضوع اسپیکینگ آیلتس روی آن نوشته شده است. یک دقیقه به داوطلب فرصت داده می‌شود تا درباره آن موضوع فکر کند و سپس از او درخواست می‌شود که به مدت ۲ دقیقه درباره آن سوال صحبت کند. این بخش از اسپیکینگ را می‌توان سخت‌ترین و مهم‌ترین بخش آن به حساب آورد. در ادامه، نمونه سوال بخش دوم اسپیکینگ آیلتس را مشاهده می‌کنید.

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say:

what you do
where you do it
who you do it with
and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

پس از آن‌‌که داوطلب به سوالات بخش دوم پاسخ داد، وارد بخش سوم اسپیکینگ می‌شود. در این بخش، با توجه به پاسخ‌هایی که داوطلب به بخش دوم مصاحبه داده است، سوالاتی از او پرسیده می‌شود که به نوعی با در نظر گرفتن پاسخ‌هایش به بخش دوم انتخاب شده است. در این بخش، سوال‌ها با جزئیات بیشتری مطرح می‌شوند و داوطلب موظف است به طور کامل به آن‌‌ها پاسخ دهد. در ادامه چند نمونه سوال بخش سوم اسپیکینگ آیلتس را مشاهده می‌کنید که درباره ارزش‌ها، تبلیغات و اینترنت مطرح شده است.


What kinds of possessions give status to people in your country?

Has it always been the same or were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?

Why do you think people need to show their status in society?


Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

Do advertisements give correct information, or do they encourage people to buy things that they may not need?

Is advertising really necessary in modern society?

The Internet

Do you think people take notice of advertisements on the Internet?

How do you think it will change people's buying habits in the future?

Are there any disadvantages to shopping on the Internet?

موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس

اسپیکینگ آیلتس موضوعات مختلفی دارد. برای هر یک از بخش‌ها، با در نظر رفتن مدت زمانی که در اختیار شخص مصاحبه‌کننده قرار داده‌اند، سوالاتی از داوطلب پرسیده می‌شود. داوطلب موظف است به آن‌ها در موعد مشخص‌شده پاسخ دهد. اما برای این‌که بدانیم چگونه به این سوال‌ها پاسخ دهیم، لازم است قبل از هر چیز، سطح زبان انگلیسی خود را تا حدی برسانیم که در حد آیلتس از لغات، اصطلاحات و دستور زبان مناسب استفاده کنیم. همچنین باید تکنیک‌های پاسخ دادن به هر یک از سوال‌ها را نیز یاد بگیریم.

اما مهم‌ترین مسئله در بهبود نمره اسپیکینگ آیلتس، آشنایی با انواع موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس است. وقتی با پرتکرارترین موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس آشنا باشیم، به خوبی می‌توانیم هنگام مصاحبه از عهده سوال‌ها بربیاییم. اما منظور از موضوعات پرتکرار آیلتس چیست؟

موضوعات پرتکرار، به آن دسته از سوال‌ها گفته می‌شود که در آزمون‌های قبلی آیلتس بیشتر از بقیه سوال‌ها مطرح شده‌اند. این سوال‌ها را می‌توان در یک دسته‌بندی کلی قرار داد که در جدول زیر به آن‌ها اشاره کرده‌ایم.

پرتکرارترین موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس
PlacesFlowers (and plants)Animals (and pets)
SportFood (and cooking)Art
StudyingFriendsBooks (and reading habits)
TravelMedia (and news)Dreams

در ادامه این مطلب، موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس را برای هر یک از بخش‌ها به طور کامل و با ذکر مثال بررسی خواهیم کرد.

موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس - بخش اول

در بخش اول، مصاحبه‌کننده از شما درباره خودتان و زندگی‌تان می‌پرسد. پاسخ دادن به این نوع موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس معمولاً ساده‌تر از بخش‌‌های دیگر است، زیرا تمام سوال‌ها درباره شماست و می‌توانید به راحتی به آن‌ها پاسخ دهید. برخی از این سوال‌ها به صورت زیر مطرح می‌شود:

  1. What do you do?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Where is your hometown?
  4. How did you spend your last birthday?
  5. What is your hometown like?
  6. Where did you grow up?
  7. What are your responsibilities at work?
  8. How often do you go shopping?
  9. Do you work or study?
  10. Does the weather in your country change often?
  11. Did you enjoy art lessons when you were a child?
  12. What is your favourite leisure activity?
  13. How often do you go out with friends?

برای پاسخ دادن به سوالات بخش اول موارد زیر را در نظر داشته باشید:

  • فرمت آزمون را درک کنید.
  • معیارهای نمر‌ه‌‌دهی را بشناسید.
  • روزانه تمرین کنید.
  • از قبل تمرین کنید و برای آزمون آماده شوید، اما چیزی را حفظ نکنید.
  • در حال تمرین کردن صدای خود را ضبط کنید.
  • عملکرد خود را ارزیابی کنید.

در ادامه به چند نمونه از موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس اشاره کرده‌ایم که در آزمون‌های قبلی آیلتس تکرار شده است. سوال‌هایی که ممکن است شخص مصاحبه‌کننده از شما بپرسد را نیز برای هر موضوع آورده‌ایم.

Q: Are there many advertisements in your country?

A: Definitely, there are. They appear all over the place from the streets to social media with a high density. For example, there is a multitude of colourful flyers stuck on the street walls in Sydney.

Q: Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

A: I guess it’s due to the benefits of the companies. First, advertisements are the easiest way to reach customers to attract their attention to a particular brand or product. From that attractive information, customers will be able to choose an appropriate one. Second, it also plays a crucial role in the marketing strategy that the company apply to attract customers.

Q: What are the various places where we see advertisements?

A: Advertising is here, there, and everywhere. It gets to people through different types of communication such as flyers and banners on the streets or printed ones on newspaper, magazines or electronic ones on social media. It could be written, verbal or a short movie.

Q: How do you feel about advertisements?

A: Sometimes, I find it a little bit disappointing because the quality products are usually overrated. However, there are other beneficial advertisements in supermarkets which has informative contents for customers such as on which days there will be promotions or which new products will be launched.


Q: Do you like art?

A: I have a lifelong passion for art since I was a child. Beside the official art class in school, I also joined a drawing class in The Children’ House and my teachers were very pleased with my drawings. I also participated in some drawing competitions back then. Until now I still draw in my free time, although not as often as I used to do.

Q: Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)/ How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

A: Yes, definitely. Learning arts, especially at a young age, can help stimulate children’s cognitive development and encourage them to think outside the box. Because they’re still little, their ideas are very fresh and lovely, which is worth appreciating.

Q: Are you good at art?

A: Art is a really vast subject, I believe and if it is about drawing things here and there, I would say I am pretty fine at it. But, I am surely not one of those who can make some masterpieces. I think I am good at it, all thanks to the art classes that I attended during my teen years. They were a great help during my growing years and taught me lot of creativity. Now, I can easily draw simple day-to-day things like a pen or a face.

Q: What kind of paintings do people like?

A: In my opinion, people love hanging landscape paintings at home. Bringing in the beauty of Mother Nature somehow ease people’s mind after a long day at work. Another style of drawing that most people also like is portrait. It could be portraits of someone important to them or even their lovely pets.

Q: What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

A: I think the mediation efficiency is worth mentioning first. Colours in some ways reflect our thoughts and emotions very well and somehow stimulate our body to defend against our negativity inside. For me, in particular, I think what’s so interesting about painting is that you have no idea how harmonized colours can become until you actually try.

Q: How often do you visit art galleries?

A: To tell you the truth, I have never visited art galleries before. Unless I have a guide to acknowledge me, art galleries would be quite boring for me.

Q: What kinds of things do you like to draw?

A: My main inspiration is Japanese manga. The drawing topic is extremely varied, however only manga seems to show great potency for my level. I have a big collection at home and as I sometimes go through it again, I can see how much I’ve improved.

Q: Is it easy to learn how to draw?

A: I think I must say it’s even challenging for a lot of people. I absolutely failed when it comes to drawing still-life paintings like fruit and flowers. I think for those who succeed in drawing or arts in general, they first must have God-gifted talent, then come to the long-term commitment to arts that requires extreme practice and high patience.

تصویر دو فنجان قهوه و یک کتاب در کافه


Q: Do you like bags?

A: Bags are not really a must-have item for me. I just use a backpack for convenience. I’ll probably spend some time getting to know more about bags later on.

Q: What types of bags do you like?

A: I’m not a big fan of this item so the only bag I use from time to time is my backpack. I love backpacks because I tend to put a lot of heavy stuff inside such as my laptop, my water bottles, etc. whenever I get outdoors. It’s the long-term convenience that makes high-quality backpacks worth my money.

Q: Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?

A: As mentioned before, I carry my backpack all the time, when I go to school or hang out with friends. Although it may not give me a fashionable look, I think comfort and convenience is the top priority to me.

Q: Do you have different bags for different occasions (or, different purposes)?

A: Well I must say that at present I have no idea about different types of bags or that sort of things. And it also costs me an arm and a leg if I ever want to become a bag collector with, say, twenty different bags for different occasions. However, I do have one fashionable small satchel for special occasions. I’m also kind of afraid that wearing heavy bags all the time will somehow affect my spine and my shoulders.

Q: What do you put in these bags?

A: Well, when I go out or go to work, I usually put my laptop, cellphone, charger, basic beauty products like lipsticks, lotions , water bottle and probably a pair of earphones. When I use the smaller backpack, I tend to leave everything at home but my makeup kit and water bottles.

Q: What sorts (or) types of bags do women like to buy?

A: I think every women regardless of age, occupation, tastes, needs, etc has at least one backpack with them. As I’ve already explained about its convenience, backpack is ideal for everyday life. However, the top favorite bag would be the well-designed handbag.


Q: Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

A: I guess not only me, but a number of young people have also been highly impressed by her for the past months- Deshauna Barber. She is our 2016 Miss USA and the representative of the USA in Miss Universe taking place in Las Vegas in the same year. After the beauty contests, she became well-known for her outstanding beauty, her amazing characteristics and also her professionalism.

Q: Do you like any foreign celebrities?

A: Absolutely. The person I’m gonna talk about is my bias ever since I was a teenage girl-Miley Cyrus. I guess most people at the same age as I, grew up with Disney Channel and among its successful series, Hannah Montana starring Miley Cyrus would always be on top of my list. Although now she’s grown up, I’m still a big fan of her amazing voice and highly inspiring songs.

Q: Would you like to be a celebrity? Why?

A: Well though I’ve never thought about it, I’m pretty sure that rising to stardom would never be one of my life goals. I appreciate all the efforts that the celebrities, no matter which field they’re working on, are making every single day. However, I find myself not belonging to that world, I mean, you never know what’s going on when the curtains close, right? So yeah, I don’t think I want to become a public figure, to be honest.

Q: Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

A: Indeed. As you probably can tell, these days fans, anti-fans and even non-fans are so curious about what their bias is doing. Some are aggressive that they mentally attack their bias by leaving bad comments online. Some even approach them in person on the street, especially the so-called paparazzi. Thus I strongly agree that there should be some regulations to protect the celebrities’ privacy.

Q: How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?

A: I think the influence of celebrities on fans is extensive. It’s somehow natural to follow our bias and try to be like them. At the first place, it could probably be just physical changes like clothing, hairstyle or makeup. However thanks to the social network, fans and idols are much closer now, sometimes it’s just a status away. However, this mental connection is a two-edged sword, meaning the idols actually need to be more careful about their lifestyle or their manners.


Q: Do you like chocolate?

A: Well, chocolate is my all-time favorite. After working my butt off all day long, I usually decompress with a chocolate bar.

Q: What’s your favorite flavor?

A: To be honest, I’m addicted to chocolate, I do have my all-time favorite flavor, which is the white chocolate. Since I have a sweet tooth, dark chocolate would be too bitter for me. Meanwhile, milk chocolate just isn’t sweet enough. So white chocolate is just a perfect fit.

Q: How often do you eat chocolate?

A: Well, although it’s quite pricey, I usually buy myself a box of hand-made dark Belgian chocolates when I receive my wages.

Q: When was the first time you ate chocolate?

A: To the best of my recollection, it was 20 years ago when I ate chocolate for the first time. The 7-year-old me was over the moon/on cloud nine/deliriously happy when eating something that moreish. Now that my taste changed though, still I enjoy having some dark chocolate after working hard all day long.

Q: Is chocolate popular in your country?

A: There are a variety of chocolate brands with different price range and quality available in the market nowadays. Thanks to the health benefits that it offers for human, consuming chocolate at a suitable level is encouraged. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a common present that men choose to give their beloved women in special days, especially Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day.

Q: Is chocolate good for our health?

A: Scientifically, chocolate provides human a number of health benefits. Firstly, eating chocolate helps improve our mood and lift our spirits, even when we’re under pressure. Secondly, consuming chocolate at a reasonable amount is good for cardiovascular system. Interestingly, chocolate has been proved to contain antioxidants, which benefits women as well. However, if people have an over-consumption, it can pose a dire threat to their bone density.

Q: Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?

A: Well, I have never ever thought about it. However, I suppose that people living in this modern life prefer eating chocolate than their ancestors. In my country, the number of chocolate consumption is on the rise, especially in young consumers.

Q: Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone? Why?

A: Yes. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a common present that people choose to give their beloved ones in special days, especially Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day.

Q: Do you like dessert?

A: I’d say I like dessert waaay more than I should! I usually eat dessert after dinner at least four to five times a week. I should either reduce that, or switch to healthier options.

Food and Cooking

Q: What kinds of food do you particularly like?

A: I’d have to say Asian cuisine is my favorite. I am a huge fan of the bold flavors and spices used in Korean and Vietnamese dishes. Something I often daydream about eating is X, which is a tip-smacking noodle soup dish served with a crab broth. It’s every bit as delicious as it sounds.

Q: Is there any food you don’t like?

A: It’s true that there are a few things that kind of put me off. For example, I cannot stand Y, which is essentially a shrimp paste. A lot of people like it, though, but I think it smells awful. Definitely not my cup of tea.

Q: What kinds of food are most popular in your country?

A: I think street food is a staple around here. You can find bustling food stalls all around our nation, and they are my go-tos for a cheap and cheerful meal. I mean gourmet restaurants are nice and all, but street food is what our country is all about.

Q: Do you like cooking? (Why?/ Why not?)

A: Actually, I’d like to think that cooking is my forte. I developed a passion for culinary arts when I first watched the cooking show Masterchef. Since then, I have learnt a lot of recipes and I can easily whip up a good dinner.


Q: Do you dream much at night?

A: Yes, I do. I have quite vivid dreams about things that are going on in my life at the time and I even have nightmares sometimes.

Q: Do you like your dreams at night?

A: For me, the answer is obviously no. This is mainly because I often dream about the bad experiences in the past, which makes me have a sinking feeling when waking up and put me in such a bad mood all day long.

Q: Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

A: Well, honestly, I completely forget most dreams I have been through. However, sometimes I had vivid dreams which regularly haunted me. Every now and then, I had really pleasant and meaningful dreams which I could remember well after awakening and I love to take a trip down memory lane for a while.


A: You spend nearly one-third of your life asleep, so remembering your dream is such a challenge. Honestly, I hardly recall any of my dreams after waking up. Sometimes, I manage to visualize a dream in graphic detail just because that dream does bring some strong emotions after I wake up.

Q: Do you like hearing other’s dreams?

A: By all means. I suppose that dreams represent their current psychological stress or struggles that they express themselves in an environment considered safe. Therefore, when I listen to them speaking about their dreams, I can get an insight into their body, mind and spirit.


A: Surprisingly, there are those whose dreams can be a fortune teller. Therefore, I prefer listening to mysterious dreams of people surrounding me. They can predict what will happen in the future, which makes me very excited. Hearing other’s dreams really catches my attention.

Q: Why are dreams so important? /Do you think dreams will affect life?

A: Well, this is an interesting question. I think we are all aware of how important dream is. Dreams motivate us to move forward, overcome obstacles to fulfill ourselves. Dream is something out of reach only when do people have no passion and patience, as well as life purposes. Honestly, I feel pity for whoever lives without dream as they’ll never know what they can do and how dreams can shape them.


A: In fact, a dream is a wish your heart makes. Hence, you usually dream about what you are hoping, so with someone who is superstitious, it’s good when their dreams turn into a good precursor, which makes them feel relieved about the future. Then, it is undeniable that dreams will affect life in all ways.

Q: What is your dream?

A: I’m living the dream to become a successful businessman who can run a chain store. I’m trying to fulfill my dream and hopefully one day it’ll come true.

Q: Do you want to learn more about dreams?

A: To me, dreams always beg a question. I often wonder why we dreams, how dreams occur in our life and how they can predict what will happen in the future. Therefore, I would like to look into them more carefully to figure out the mysteries lying beneath my dreams.


Q: Do you like flowers? (Why?)

A: Yes, I do like flowers. As an introvert, sometimes, I find myself feeling peaceful and relaxed while enjoying nice flowers in my garden. I have a habit of taking pictures of flowers after the rain. I feel most at peace spending chunks of a good time on my own, in relative silence, contemplating the beauty of flowers with raindrops through my camera lens.

Q: Which/What is your favourite flower?

A: White roses are truly my favourite flower. They are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings. However, their beauty has also made them a gesture of remembrance. Therefore, a bouquet of white rose is a perfect way to say “I’m thinking of you”.

Q: Do you think flowers are important?

A: For an introvert like me, enjoying the harmonization of various types of flowers with different gorgeous colours in the garden or in florist shops could brighten up my days and lift my spirits.

Q: Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)

A: Definitely. With beautiful meanings, some flowers are chosen to show people’s key virtues. Lotus flowers, for example, have been regarded as the national flower. The lotus plants grow from the marsh but their leaves and flowers grow toward the direction of the sunlight, which symbolizes the purity and faithfulness of people’s spirits.

Q: Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?

A: Flowers are widely used in many occasions and festivals in our country to represent for a blessing, happiness and good luck. Most families have at least one kind of plants or flowers at home.

Q: What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?

A: A bunch of flowers is considered as a gift for a wide range of occasions for both people to send and receive flowers. For example, at a birthday party, Women’s Day, or Valentine’s day, colourful flowers are arranged nicely in a small vase and given to each other.

Q: In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?

A: Yes, they do. As mention above, flowers play an essential role on different occasions as a special gift for people to show love to one another. People, especially girls, are happy and pleased when they receive their favourite flowers from beloved ones on their birthday.

Q: When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?

A: It was a couple of weeks ago when I bought a bouquet of flowers as a present for my mom. She was deliriously happy when receiving it and put it in the sitting room so that everyone in my family can admire its beauty too.


Q: Do you like to wear hats?

A: Although hats help shield your hair and face from direct sunlight, to be honest I don’t really like wearing hats daily. My hair is always a mess after I take them off. Instead of wearing hats, I think I prefer bringing an umbrella with me.

Q: What kinds of hats do you have?/ Which hat do you like?

A: As I’ve mentioned, wearing hats is definitely not my daily style, so generally I don’t have any hats at home. There is the only type of hat I’m particularly fond of, which is baseball caps. This kind of hat can give me a sporty and strong look, you know.

Q: Where do you like to buy hats?

A: Since there isn’t a good selection of hats at my local apparel store, I have to buy hats from specialty headware stores, or even online.

Q: Is wearing hats popular in your country?

A: It’s not much sought after in my country where the motorbike is the most common means of transportation, and it is a must to wear a helmet whenever you ride a motorbike for safety. I think you can imagine how much uncomfortable it is to wear a hat under the helmet. Thus in most of the case, hats are for pedestrians and fashionista.


Q: What do you do in your holidays?

A: Sometimes I travel to broaden my horizons, to admire the beauty of nature and to plunge myself into the picturesque landscape in other regions in my country. Every now and then, I just stay at home with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the holidays.

Q: Who do you usually spend the holiday with?

A: It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer to hang out with my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s New Year holiday, I just want to celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambience.

Q: Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

A: I would say that I’m kind of an introvert so I would rather travel alone to some tranquil and peaceful beauty spots than travel with a group of people during the holiday.

Q: Why are holidays important to you?

A: A holiday is a perfect time for recharging my batteries after a year full of challenges and obstacles, having some me time, and planning for the upcoming year.

Q: If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

A: If the choice is in my hands, I’m yearning for travelling to […..] on Christmas vacation when the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. There I can contemplate the picturesque scenery.


Q: What’s (the name of) your hometown and where is it?

A: Victoria is my hometown. It is a province located in the west of my country.

Q: Is that a big city or a small place?

A: It is a small province with slightly more than 1 million people.

Q: Please describe your hometown a little? (or) What’s your hometown like? (or) Tell me about your hometown.

A: It has a breathtaking view of picturesque landscapes with rolling mountains and greenish lakes. However, due to the increasing economy, a number of businesses, especially in sugarcane, are invested in my hometown making it very promising.

Q: How long have you been living there?

A: I had lived there for around 15 years before my family left for Santa City. It’s been more than ten years since I left my hometown.

Q: Do you like your hometown? If yes, what do you like (most) about your hometown?

A: Yes, I do like my hometown! I like the hospitality of people in my hometown. Also, everyone was willing to give others a hand when they needed help.

Q: Is there anything you dislike about it?

A: Personally, it’s a bit boring for me because as a small town, there isn’t a shopping mall or any other means of entertainment. The streets don’t get very crowded as well. However, I believe that it is improving day by day and turning into a potential hotspot due to the increasing number of annual visitors.

Q: Do you often visit your hometown?

A: I do visit occasionally when there are some celebrations. I also go on a long drive after some hectic weekends.

Q: Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

A: To be honest, I hope I could go there to visit my relatives and friends, but settling down is not part of my plan. I am now getting familiar with city life as there are more job opportunities here.

Q: Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?

A: Actually yes. It has changed enormously. Around 20 years ago you would barely find tall buildings in my area, but now you’d easily be able to catch sight of skyscrapers and tower blocks there.

Q: Are there any changes you would like to make in your hometown?

A: I would like to ameliorate the infrastructure so that I can avoid being stuck in a traffic jam during peak hours.

تصویر خانه بزرگ


Q: What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

A: For the past 21 years, I have lived in a house with my family. And I think if I can move out and start making a living on my own, I would try my best to have an independent place where I can plan and design a house layout to suit myself since sharing a room or a flat with strangers sounds so troublesome to me.

Q: What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

A: Well, definitely I’ll spend some me-time there. I study, I chill out by reading, drawing and dancing all by myself. Sometimes I also invite one or two friends to spend time with. We’ll watch some movies together and tell each other endless stories.

Q: Who do you live with?

A: I live with my family. There are 5 of us and we all have our own room, which is way more comfortable as the older we grow, the more privacy we need for ourselves. I think our house is big enough for us yet still a warm and cosy place that I call home.

Q: How long have you lived there?

A: Although during my childhood my family had to move a lot, I’ve lived in the most recent house for almost ten years. Comparing to the old houses, I think this house has been the best so far.

Q: Do you plan to live there for a long time?

A: The answer would be yes. My parents have been living there for a long time and moving in and out is too time-consuming and exhausting. Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be like torture to them. For me, on the other hand, as I’m thinking of moving out to start my adult life, hopefully soon I’ll be able to afford to live in a flat or an apartment.

Q: What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?

A: As I’ve already mentioned my family moved several times when I was younger. And the most current house where we’ve been living for about ten years is the best house so far. All of us have separate rooms for our need for privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the whole evenings together watching TV or having dinner.

Q: Can you describe the place where you live?/ Please describe the room you live in

A: Briefly, my humble house locates in a small and quiet street, so coming home to me is like all the craziness happened outside is left behind. Just beside my house stands a big old tree. I have my own room with walls painted violet, which is kind of a peaceful colour. The air outside is fresh. I usually open the window to enjoy the wind and sunshine, which will help cool my room without an air conditioner. Since I spend most of my time staying at home, my room means the whole world to me. It’s like a friend who is always there to share ups and downs with me. So yeah, I would always miss my house, my room whenever I’m away.

Q: Which part of your home do you like the most?

A: It’s the dining room where my family spends our time together. Not only lunch or dinner but all our family reunions take place in the dining room where we can enjoy a harmonious atmosphere. We always try to keep the family dinner as something we cannot go a day without, since for us it’s the family bonding that lies behind.


Q: What do you do?

A: For the past few months, I’ve been working for The Guardian as a news editor. This is my first job ever, and I’m working hard to contribute to the success of this prestigious newspaper.

Q: What are your responsibilities?

A: As a part-time editor, I am responsible for editing news related to current affairs as well as collecting information for the newspaper edition.

Q: Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

A: I guess it’s mainly because of job flexibility & my passion for journalism. To be more specific, this job is unlike the nine-to-five work schedule, enabling me to find a better balance between work and life. Besides, this job gives me opportunities to pursue my dream of becoming a journalist.

Q: Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

A: At present, I don’t think I’m able to dedicate myself to any other job. It’s the experiences and opportunities I can gain that matters to me.

Q: Describe the company or organization you work for.

A: The Guardian is a national British daily newspaper that offers free access both to current news and an archive of three million stories. In April 2011, MediaWeek reported that The Guardian was the fifth most popular newspaper site in the world. I believe that the Guardian is an inspirational workplace for all people who dream of becoming a journalist.

Q: Do you enjoy your work?

A: I do, most of the time. Contributing to the news production for a world-class newspaper gives me a sense of satisfaction and pride.

Q: What do you like/dislike about your job?

A: Well, the perk of being a news editor is that you’ll surround yourself with exciting news daily. What I don’t like about this job is that I have to do a thousand edits to get to the final one that meets the requirement of my boss. Sometimes I feel a bit overloaded with tons of tasks.

Q: Do you miss being a student?

A: I missed student life once I got involved in the workplace. I think when I was a student, I had someone to guide me, whereas at work you must guide yourself. The academic environment was a comfort zone, and I struggled to fit in the working environment.


Q: How often do you look at yourself in the mirror?

A: I look at myself in the mirror everyday when I wake up; it’s sort of my morning ritual. I work in a professional environment, so I always do my best to look presentable. That’s why I have to look in the mirror to make sure my hair is tidy, my face is groomed and my clothes are not wrinkled.

Q: Do you often buy mirrors?

A: Not really. I mean I only buy one when mine gets broken. But other than that, I don’t really buy mirrors. Girls might, though. I think most females have a habit of replacing mirrors quite often.

Q: Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration?

A: I think it is a very useful decorative item. With a beautiful frame, it can nicely complement a living room or a bed room. In addition, in a small house, mirrors can actually make the space look bigger. Actually, a lot of restaurants use mirrors to give the guests the illusion that the space is bigger than it actually is.


Q: What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)? (Why?)

A: Hmm, that’s an interesting question. Well, I’m quite the morning person, and I find almost nothing more relaxing than the sound of birds chirping (the noise birds make) in the morning. I find that sound to be so fresh and innocent, which immediately starts my day off at ease. Even though I live in a big city now, it takes me back to my childhood in the countryside.

Q: What sounds remind you of your childhood?

A: I would say the sound of 90’s pop music. As my family was really into music, we would always take a spin around my country town with 90’s pop blaring (playing at a high volume), such as Britney Spears, Counting Crows, Nsync, etc. Although this music may have not been my parents’ preference, they would always play it for my sister and I. We have many family memories singing along to these catchy (a song that you remember) hits. Because of this, I would say these tunes are the soundtrack (the songs of a movie) of my childhood.

Q: What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)

A: My biggest pet peeve (something that annoys you) is the sound of honking horns. They drive me absolutely mad! I find this noise almost unbearable (impossible to put up with), mostly because of it’s loud, abrupt (unexpected) sound which instantly disturbs my peace. Furthermore, it’s usually the sound of a frustrated or angry driver, which makes it even more unpleasant.

Q: Does your school have any quiet places for studying?

A: As the library strictly enforces (makes you follow the laws strictly) the silence policy in the library of my university, this opens up a quiet, tranquil place for students to study in peace. Although she can be a pain (annoying) at times, I appreciate that the librarian, Ms. Schauerman, takes her duties quite seriously. If someone speaks, she will abruptly come over and say “shhh! This is a library!” in a stern (sharp and serious) voice. Furthermore, the library is arranged with beanbags, desks, a computer lab, and conference-like desks, which makes it a comfortable place to get work done.

Q: What (kinds of) music do you like the most?

A: Well, that’s a tough question because I’m a fan (I really like) of various kinds of music, but I’d have to go with (decide) 90’s music. I think I mostly prefer this kind of music because it’s quite nostalgic (making you miss the past) for me, as I’m a 90’s baby (someone born in the 1990’s). Of this decade (10 years) of music, I prefer the pop, alternative, and punk rock. I believe I’m most fond of (really like) this era (point in time) because of the light-hearted (not deep or sad meaning), easy-listening way of this music.

Q: What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

A: As I’m from a bustling (busy) city, it’s nearly impossible to escape the noise. Sounds from street sellers, honking horns, motorbikes, barking dogs, and construction sites fill the streets nearly 24 hours a day. I’d have to say that the noisiest part of the city is the old town, as there is a higher concentration (high numbers in one area) of street sellers there, more new construction projects, as well as more traffic passing through, as it’s the liveliest part of the city.

Q: What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

A: Well, quite a cacophony (a mix of sounds)! It varies from the sound of screaming matches (fights) from the partners and families in my apartment, street sellers shouting out their products for all to hear, motorbikes speeding by, all the way to the sound of blaring horns. I would say the sound that defines my city most would be the sound of horns. As it has major traffic issues and non-defined lanes on the roads, it makes sense that the sound of horns would fill the streets.

Q: Do you mind noises? (Do any noises bother you?)

A: As I’m quite a light sleeper (wake up easily), I become quite irritated by the sounds of noises around me. I’d have to say the most aggravating (annoying) is the sound of a barking dog. It’s just so shrill (something that gets in your head)! I find it very disturbing and almost impossible to focus on anything else. Moreover, it makes me sad to hear that a dog is in such a state of distress that they must bark like that.


Q: According to you, are you a polite person?

A: I do think I’m a polite person. I treat other people nicely and patiently, and I do not insult anyone unless they truly deserve it. Also, I properly apologize when I make mistakes and I show my gratitude when other people help me.

Q: Do you think people should be polite? Why is being polite important?

A: People should always be polite because it shows that they have good manners and it helps them earn others’ respect. Being polite is like having good social skills – it can help one widen their social network, and this can positively influence one’s private and professional life.

Q: How do people in your culture show good manners towards others?

A: Showing good manners is when a junior properly greets a senior and talks to him/her politely with sufficient and correct honorifics. Politeness also shows during a meal, when people need to wish the others to have a nice meal and when the younger ones have to wait for the older ones to finish before cleaning the table.

Q: Have there been any changes in politeness in the past few decades?

A: I always have this feeling that people start being less and less polite to each other as time passes. Maybe one of the reasons lies in the etiquette and codes of conduct that have gradually changed over time. In the past, it was very important to behave according to one’s social class, and those of a lower rank had to obey those of a higher one. But today’s society is different – you need to work hard to earn somebody’s respect.

Q: Who taught you to be polite?

A: This may sound weird but my friends actually taught me to be polite. I wasn’t a very nice person when I was a kid, and my parents often scolded me for being rude to elders. One day, I remember watching one of my friends talking really nicely and politely to a senior. She was praised, and so I started imitating her. My parents were really surprised when I changed my attitude, and they gave me some sweets as I was “being a good kid”. I have been showing my politeness to everyone ever since.

دختری در ایستگاه اتوبوس

Public Transportation

Q: What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?

A: Without any doubt, I would say motorbikes. You can see people driving a motorbike all over the place in my country. Almost everyone travels by motorbike. The reason why a motorbike is so popular is due to its reasonable price and convenience. They also extremely varied in terms of size, color and quality, thus a wide variety of choices is available for everyone.

Q: How often do you take buses?

A: Almost every day. Since my house is so far away from my university, it’s impossible for me to travel by motorbike. In addition, the air is heavily polluted by exhaust fumes and traffic jams always take place, especially during peak hours. Thus, I’d prefer to take the bus, to save time, save gasoline and cause less pollution.

Q: Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

A: Planes and trains regularly depart and arrive on time. Plus, there are many convenient facilities catering particularly to certain groups of passengers. However, traveling by plane is clearly time-saving and enjoyable in terms of onboard services like meals or comfortable seats, while traveling by train offers you a chance to see the world outside, admire the views from their seats. It’s totally a great experience for most train-travelers.

Q: How much time do you spend traveling on a normal day?

A: I have to commute from my home to my workplace on a daily basis. It normally takes me 30 minutes to travel back and forth.

Q: Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

A: Definitely not. Riding a bike means you’re exposing yourself to unpredictable weather and to air pollution. What is worse, I’m afraid are the main streets or the highway which is too dangerous for cyclists, as cars, motorbikes and buses will travel at a very high speed. Thus I’d rather ride a motorbike or take the bus instead.

Q: What will become the most popular means of transport in your country?

A: I think buses will take the lead. You can travel the distance without much worries about ticket price or rainy weather outside. Also, new buses now offer better services like comfortable seats for the elderly or good air conditioning systems.

Q: Do you prefer public transport or private transport?

A: I think I’d prefer public transport. It’s much more inexpensive and because it can contain a large number of people, it helps ease the intensity of traffic jams during peak hours and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by vehicles. Private transportation is more costly in terms of fees, taxes and gasoline.


Q: Are you studying or working?

A: I’m currently a senior at X University, which is one of the top schools in the nation. Admission is incredibly competitive, so I’m very proud of being a student here.

Q: What are you studying?

A: Well, I’m majoring in Accountancy, so as you can guess, I deal a lot with numbers and figures day in, day out. It can be overwhelming at times, but I think that I have a knack for mathematics and calculations, so it’s okay.

Q: Why did you choose to study that major?

A: There are many reasons for my choice. Primarily, I have an interest in Accountancy. Another reason could be because of Accountancy itself since I’ve found that my personality has changed positively. I’ve become more patient and skillful.

Q: What’s the most difficult part of your study?

A: Well, for the most part, I’d say it’s the workload. I mean there are so many assignments, and students are always under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines. But on the other hand, exams are a piece of cake. They are entirely predictable, and I can pretty much breeze through them with a bit of revision.

Q: What do you like most about your school?

A: I guess the aspect I find most enjoyable is the environment. I mean, I get to study in English-speaking classrooms, and the facilities are top-notch; I mean, all the classrooms are air-conditioned and equipped with projectors. My friends and teachers are all adorable, so, all in all, it’s a great place to study.


Q: Do you like walking?

A: Walking is unavoidable, especially when you live on campus. You go to school on foot, you go to buy food on foot, you walk here and there every day. There are days that my legs actually killed me. Therefore, I have to say that walking is not my cup of tea, although I have to walk on a daily basis.

A: Do you like to walk on your own or with others?

A: Say if I’m in a hurry, I just walk or run as fast as I can, no time for chit-chat right? But even when there’s plenty of time, walking is ideal to calm down, breathe in some fresh air and enjoy the world outside in silence. Every once in a while I take a long walk after school. So I think I’m more into walking on my own.

Q: Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?

A: Walking is not as popular as it used to be in my city, as more and more people prefer riding a motorbike. So currently there are fewer parks and walking areas for residents. Moreover, walking under such hot weather and heavily polluted air is definitely not a good idea. So I would not recommend my city as a good place for walking.

Q: Do people in your country walk a lot?

A: Nowadays they don’t walk as much as they used to in the past. Private transportation is becoming more affordable and diverse in terms of price, design and quality. You may easily catch sign of the middle-aged and the elderly walking in the park or on the street, and they all look like they are enjoying themselves.

Q: Do you think walking is important?

A: Absolutely. Walking is the most convenient and simple exercise. Not only do people of all age & all walks of life can do it, but it also encourages us to get outdoor to change a bit of our surroundings, thereby helping us relax and stay balanced.

Q: Do you walk more than in the past?

A: I definitely do. When I stayed at home, I took the bus to school, and all my chores were done for me. Now I live on campus. I have to walk from my dorm room to class and back. I have to walk around campus to buy stuff, and get things done. So I definitely walk a lot more than before.

Q: Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking in the city?

A: I obviously think it is much better to go for a stroll in the countryside than in the city because the air in the countryside is fresher and healthy to breathe, unlike that in big cities which contains toxic chemicals. Also there is less traffic in the country so it is less likely for one to get hit by a car while walking, which happens pretty often in cities, unfortunately.


Q: Do you like to watch sports on TV?

A: Not at all! I despise it. I get extremely bored and disinterested. I usually try to avoid watching sports on TV at all costs unless it’s an exciting event, like the World Cup or Super Bowl. In that case, I go for the social event rather than the game itself.

Q: Do you play any sports?

A: Not anymore. I was an avid swimmer as a child, but I gave that up after high school, as it was quite time-consuming. Nowadays, I enjoy going to the gym, running around the lake by my house, and going on mountain treks. I’m not sure if these are considered sports, but I’m really into physical activity.

Q: Which is the popular sports in your country?

A: Soccer of course! As soccer is the sport of the world, that would be number one. People go wild when our team wins a game- they even drive around waving flags, blocking off the streets! Apart from this, many people enjoy playing tennis and doing martial arts.

Q: Who is your favorite sports star?

A: As I’m not a big sports fan, I don’t really have one. However, I think I may like Cristiano Ronaldo. Although I don’t know anything about him or his athletic abilities, I think I’ve always been drawn to him because of his looks.

Q: What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

A: I’m really intrigued by soccer. I think it’s something that can really connect people, as well as is good cardiovascular and coordination activity. Actually, I wish I had gotten into it as a child. I think it would be interesting to join a league in my city.

Clothes and Fashion

Q: What types of clothes do you like t0 wear?

A: Well, it depends. When I go to work, I always try to look sharp because I work in a formal environment. So that often means a suit and tie. But, if I’m just hanging out with my friends or taking a leisurely stroll, you’re more likely to find me in casual outfits: a well-worn pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some sneakers.

Q: What kind of clothes do you never wear?

A: I absolutely hate athleisure clothing. They say it’s supposed to be comfortable. I really don’t know why they say that. I get all hot and sweaty in it. I’d rather just work out in a t-shirt and shorts.

Q: Where do you buy most of your clothes?

A: Hmm, again, it kind of depends. If I’m feeling flush, I might go to the and splurge on some clothes. On the other hand, if I don’t have a lot of money, I might shop at flea markets. You can score some great deals there and buy tons of clothes without breaking the bank.

Q: Have you ever worn a uniform?

A: Yes, absolutely. Wearing uniform is kind of the norm in my country. Students are often dressed in a plain white button-up shirt and a pair of navy slacks, and the shirt has to be tucked in. The look is quite sedate, and I gotta say I liked it, because I didn’t have to stand in front of the mirror fussing over what to wear to school.

خانواده‌ای در حال سفر در جاده


Q: What do you do in your holidays?

A: Sometimes I travel to broaden my horizons, to admire the beauty of nature and to plunge myself into the picturesque landscape in other regions in my country. Every now and then, I just stay at home with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the holidays.

Q: Who do you usually spend the holiday with?

A: It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer to hang out with my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s New Year holiday, I just want to celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambiance.

Q: Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

A: I would say that I’m kind of an introvert so I would rather travel alone to some tranquil and peaceful beauty spots than travel with a group of people during the holiday.

Q: Why are holidays important to you?

A: A holiday is a perfect time for recharging my batteries after a year full of challenges and obstacles, having some me time, and planning for the upcoming year.

Q: If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

A: If the choice is in my hands, I’m yearning for travelling to […..] on Christmas vacation when the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. There I can contemplate the picturesque scenery.

Leisure Time

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: Well, everyone has their own leisure pursuits, and mine is reading. The book I’m reading at the moment is The Godfather by renowned author Mario Puzo. It’s a classic, really, and I’d recommend it.


Q: Is it important to have a hobby?

A: Definitely! I mean nowadays life is getting more and more hectic, so people are always under an enormous amount of stress. That’s why it’s helpful to get into some recreational activities to be able to unwind and just forget about life for a minute, you know?

Q: Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?

A: Yes, I believe spending excessive time on a hobby may have an adverse effect on people. You may end up having not enough time for your priorities like family or work. For example, it’s easy for me to lose myself in books and neglect the deadlines at work.

Q: What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?

A: I would love to have a crack at extreme sports in the future, maybe ski-diving. It looks like a blast and I think I will get a real kick out of free-falling from enormous heights.


Q: Do you like taking photographs?

A: Why yes of course. They are a way to capture a moment in time. Moreover, I like to be able to show them to people so they can imagine that they were there with me. As I’m a big traveler, photos are my way of sharing my experiences without words.

Q: Do you like taking photographs?

A: Why yes of course. They are a way to capture a moment in time. Moreover, I like to be able to show them to people so they can imagine that they were there with me. As I’m a big traveler, photos are my way of sharing my experiences without words.

Q: How often do you take photos?

A: I would say every day. I’m a big fan of selfies, so I often snap a few of them to send to my boyfriend every morning before work. Moreover, I take hundreds of photos when I travel.

Q: I which situation do you like take photos?

A: Any situation! But especially when I see something out of the ordinary. For example, I like to take photos when the light is setting just right on my street, or when I catch a glimpse (a look) of two children holding hands.

Q: Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

A: Definitely people. I like to capture the raw (real; candid) emotions on their faces. I feel that photos of people can be quite powerful. Moreover, I feel that scenery photography never does the actual place any justice.

Q: Do you prefer to take photographs yourself or to have other people take photos?

A: Definitely myself. As I’m quite picky about the photos that I take and post, I take this responsibility upon myself. Call me a snob (a person who feels superior to others), but I feel that most people don’t have any idea of what makes a good photo and end up taking unflattering photos of me.

Q: How do you keep your photos?

A: On my iCloud! I’m really grateful for this type of technology that keeps this record of my photos for me. Moreover, I post my photos on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, so that also keeps them secure.

Q: Do you keep your photographs on your computer?

A: Absolutely! It’s a must nowadays. Now it’s nearly impossible to lose your photos and memories thanks to iCloud.

Q: Are there any photos on the walls of your house?

A: In my own personal apartment, no, as I haven’t bothered to decorate much. On the other hand, my bedroom at my parents’ home is full of collages of my friends, family, and I over the years.

Q: Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos?

A: Many times! Although not too often anymore, as social media is taking over. However, I’ve often framed photos to give to my boyfriend or family members as gifts for their special occasions.

Q: Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)

A: My own photography, as I feel quite confident with my skill. Furthermore, I feel that my own photos are much more personal. Although some postcards are beautiful, I don’t feel that they hold a candle (compare) to my own.

Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Q: Are you interested in robots?/Do you like robots?

A: Yes, absolutely! Robotics engineering is a field I take a keen interest in. I have actually subscribed to a journal entirely dedicated to robots called “The Robot Workshop”. The other day I read a really interesting article about how robots can be used to perform surgeries.

Q: Do you like robots to work at your home?

A: I think that’s a brilliant idea. I’m quite lazy, so household chores like cleaning or cooking are a real hassle. I would prefer to have those done by a robot. Actually, we have a robotic vacuum cleaner at our house. It’s truly a life-saver.

Q: Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?

A: Well you know nowadays, self-driving cars are certainly not a strange topic anymore. A.I. has gotten more sophisticated, and it’s
more than capable of navigating addresses and controlling a vehicle. However, I gotta say I don’t really feel comfortable letting robots take the wheel. I think they are not 100 percent reliable, and may not handle dangerous situations like a slippery road as well as a human driver does. So for now I still prefer to drive manually.

Q: Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?

A: Well, these days human labor is being marginalized by automation in the workplace, especially in manufacturing. Labor-intensive tasks can be done by machines with ease and precision. However, there are always things that require the delicate touch of a human hand. For example, a hand-made shirt always has more soul than a machine-made one.


Q: What’s the weather like in your country each season?

A: Well, I was born and grew up in a tropical country, so it’s pretty much hot and humid all year round. However, in Northern cities, we actually enjoy four distinct seasons. In summery months, it can get really sweltering, and by contrast, temperatures can really dip in winter.

Q: What type of weather do you like best?

A: I’d consider myself a cold-weather person. I love the crisp mornings at the end of fall and the chill of winter. Maybe it’s because we have to bundle up as the weather turns cold, and I love wearing sweaters and overcoats.

Q: Does the weather ever affect what you do?

A: You know, I gotta say yes, especially when it rains. I mean, I cannot go out and run my errands if it’s pouring outside. The roads get slippery, so it’s quite dangerous to drive. Besides, you will be soaked if you do decide to go out.

Q: Does it rain a lot in your hometown?

A: Well, it depends on the season. In winter and spring, there is a dearth of rain associated with the arid weather. In contrast, it is usually raining cats and dogs in summer and August, causing loads of trouble for people travelling on the road.

Q: Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?

A: Yeah, of course. Traffic is often held up when it rains. All the roads are clogged, and people find it difficult to escape from traffic congestion. I would stay at home and watch TV rather than go out and get caught up in traffic.


Q: Do you often (like to) listen to music? Or do you like listening to music?

A: So far I haven’t met anyone who dislikes music. However, when the workload is too heavy that requires me to stay highly focused, music is a huge distraction. Unlike many people who listen to instrumental music because it helps them focus, music makes me feel sleepy.

Q: When do you listen to music?

A: Well, the whole world likes it, so I’m no exception. I usually listen to cheerful music when I need motivation and prefer sad ones, when I’m in a bad mood.

Q: How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

A: As I’ve mentioned I prefer working in silence. To put it simply, I don’t listen to music during my working hours. After a long day at school, I probably want to chill out for like half an hour and music helps me to stay energetic.

Q: What kinds of music do you like to listen to? Or What’s your favourite kind of music?

A: I prefer a range of music from Western to Eastern, and from the 90s to modern EDM. But if Korean pop is considered as a kind of music, then yeah, that’s my favourite. More than half of my playlists are Korean songs and I always keep myself updated with news related to Korean showbiz.

Q: Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?

A: I attend concerts, once in a blue moon, since the ticket price for foreign artists’ concerts is out of my reach. So I can only stay home and watch online. It was in 2014 that I finally did go to a concert on my own and it was an international music concert. It was absolutely mind-blowing and an unforgettable experience.

Q: Do you like to listen to live music?

A: Unless it’s live at a coffee shop, where literally there is only music and me, then yeah I would love to. But I would change my mind if it’s a concert. The crowd is too crazy. It’s completely a mess most of the time and I end up with a severe headache.

Q: When did you start listening to this type of music?

A: From the day a friend of mine introduced her favourite group to me. She couldn’t help herself talking on and on about them that I thought I somehow needed to catch up with her. And the more I got to know about Korean pop, the more passionate I became.

Q: Where do you listen to it?

A: Almost everywhere, except for the classroom. It’s the golden era of mobile devices. Everyone carries earphones and phones with them all the time, music, therefore, is on their fingertips.

Q: How do you feel when you listen to this music?

A: Well, I’m the type of person whose mood is easily affected by what I’m listening to. Thus as the music changes, my mood also fluctuates. But most of the time, listening to some music helps me pick up my energy and chill a bit.

Q: Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

A: I learned to play the organ when I was in kindergarten. It was quite funny because I started out as one of the performers. Then my teacher told my mom that I had better play the organ instead of performing. So I became her trainee and it continued for around 4 to 5 years until I was 10.

Q: Is music an important subject at school in your country?

A: Music is one of the compulsory subjects for primary and secondary students in my country. However, the main focus was on singing. We could also add some movements to make the songs more lively. Only those who were selected for the large performances were allowed to use musical instruments.

Q: Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes give details.)

A: Since my parents are music-lovers and also have very good tastes, I was exposed to music at a very young age. Sometimes my mom sang me to sleep with her lullabies. Although I could not get the message at that time, my mom said that I buoyed up when listening to them.

Q: What kinds of music are (most) popular in your country?

A: Besides pop music, the younger generation nowadays is exposed to different types of music. It is indeed difficult to tell which is in-demand since I feel each type has roughly the same popularity. But I guess pop music is the most sought-after now. I’ve never met someone who doesn’t know pop songs.

Q: Do you like traditional songs?

A: Well, it’s easy for me to name some traditional songs, some of which I’m very familiar with. But to be honest, I think I’m not that into this kind of music.

سه کودک در حال دویدن در پارک

Physical Exercise or Activities

Q: Do you do any physical exercise?

A: You could call me a couch potato (a lazy person who sits on the sofa a lot. “Couch” is another word for sofa). I’m naturally thin without any exercise, so I’m quite lazy when it comes to exercise. I do go hiking in the mountains, but I should definitely do more to build muscle.

Q: Do young people in your country like to do exercise?

A: Gyms are not very popular in my country because of the cost, but I would say that people get their fair share of exercise everyday because of the hills in the city. Many people climb a mountain to their home every single day! I used to live in a house that was unreachable by car and a total of 200 stairs to get there!

Q: Do you think people are keen on doing physical activity? Why?

A: Well, I think they are quite accustomed to it. I don’t think they would be too keen on going to the gym, but they really enjoy going on mountain hikes. Since our religion is based upon the Mother Earth and the Mountain Gods, these treks are a spiritual journey.


Q: What’s your favorite animal?

A: Hmm…..I would have to say whales. I’ve been fascinated by them ever since I was a child. There’s just something so majestic about them; maybe it has to do with (is related to) their size. Plus they’re highly intelligent and family-oriented creatures. It’s believed that they even have their own languages!

Q: Do you like to see animals in the zoo?

A: Not really. Sure, it’s interesting to see them, but I also feel sad seeing them in cages. In my opinion, wild animals should not be in captivity (caged) unless they have some sort of injury. Actually, I think it’s a shame that humans feel the need to see nature so badly that they cage them and charge people to enter.

Q: Do you keep a pet?

A: Not currently. I would like to, but I’m actually not allowed to because of my apartment regulations. Additionally, I live in a small studio apartment so it wouldn’t be the best environment for a pet, unless it were a cat or small animal. Moreover, I work full-time so I wouldn’t have a lot of time to tend to the pet.

Q: Did you have a pet when you were young?

A: Yes, I did. My parents were both animal lovers (people who love animals), so we always had a house full of pets. My first pet was a lizard named Charlie, then I had my very own black kitten named Pal. Although I played too hard with my pets and made them annoyed, I still got a lot of joy from them. Additionally, I also learned a sense of responsibility from a young age.

Q: What pet will you have later?

A: Hmm. I think I want a dog and a cat. When I think about it more, I cannot imagine having a family without a dog for my children one day. I can envision them playing with a Golden Retriever or a Labrador retriever, as they have a friendly demeanor (way of being). On the other hand, I’m more of a cat person (a person who prefers cats to dogs), so I would like to have one as well.

Q: If you raise children in the future, will you allow them to keep a pet?

A: Yes, for sure. I would like to make their dreams come true of having a pet, as many children want. Moreover, I feel a pet is a great addition to a family. Lastly, I think allowing them to have a pet is a good opportunity for them to begin to have a sense of responsibility when it comes to walking their pet, changing the litter box (the box where cats go to the bathroom), feeding them, cleaning the cage, etc.

City Life

Q: Do you like the city you are living in now?

A: Yes, I really enjoy living in Ho Chi Minh city. Although it’s quite hectic, I love its liveliness. Apart from this, I think it’s exciting since it is developing at a rapid pace (quickly) and I love the international environment. This city never sleeps!

Q: Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

A: I would say I’m definitely a city person. I enjoy the hustle and bustle (craziness) of city life, along with the endless opportunities to meet new people from all over. I feel too limited in the countryside, not to mention I’m terrified of critters (small animals, like spiders, etc!

Q: What kinds of city do you like?

A: A mix of modern and old. I like it when there is an old historic quarter, but also a district with skyscrapers and a more futuristic look. Moreover, I require a city with friendly people and smiles- I couldn’t live in a fast-paced, robotic (people moving so fast that they don’t have any expression) city like New York City for example.

Q: Which city do you want to go to?

A: I’ve always dreamt of going to San Francisco. I’ve always seen the Golden Gate Bridge, charming doll-house-like homes, and cable cars on TV and imagined myself there. Moreover, San Francisco seems to be a very liberal city which I would be into.

Neighbours & Neighbourhood

Q: Do you know your neighbours?

A: Yes, I do. My family has been living on the same block since I was born, so we’ve gotten to know each other quite well. We are close to my next door neighbor in particular, Ms. Elizabeth. As she’s a widowed (husband died) 80 year old woman in poor health, we keep a close eye on her to make sure she’s managing on her own. The other neighbors have come and gone (many new ones have moved here, many have moved away) so we aren’t as close with them.

Q: Do you like your neighbours?

A: Some of them! We are all quite fond of Miss Elizabeth; she has always been like a grandmother to me. She has always been there during our important milestones (important life stages) in life. I’m always thrilled when she turns up at our door with freshly baked banana bread. On the other hand, some of our other neighbors are quite stand-offish ( unfriendly) so we tend to keep our distance. However, Miss Elizabeth is family.

Q: What do you think of your neighbours?

A: I think they are just so-so people. It seems as though they lead stressful daily lives and cannot be bothered (making the effort would bother them) to talk to their neighbors. They are caught up in (lost in) their own family dramas. We used to be friends with another neighbor, but then she ended up being too nosey (too interested in the lives of others), so now we just smile at her but don’t share our business.

Q: How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbours?

A: Other than Ms. Elizabeth, I just see them in passing (see briefly). So, I see them everyday but really only talk to them once or twice a week when we are forced to be in the same vicinity. For example, when I take the garbage out, we usually make small talk (talk about unimportant things, like the weather etc.)

Q: Talk about your neighborhood./What is your neighbourhood like?

A: It’s an idyllic suburb on the outskirts of Miami. The people are nice and helpful, the area is affordable and it’s close to work. The best part? The beach is only a stone’s throw away! I couldn’t have asked for a better place to live in.

Q: Do you think you are a good neighbour?

A: Well, I try to be! I always go out of my way to help any neighbour in distress, and other neighbours are the same. Also, I always do my part in organising community events. So yeah, I think I’m a good neighbour.

Air Pollution

Q: Is there anything being polluted in your hometown?

A: Absolutely. As the industry and economy are on the rise (increasing), more and more factories are showing up, causing air pollution. Moreover, as people’s salaries have increased, more people can afford their personal vehicles, which worsens this problem. Furthermore, there is waste dumped (thrown into) in the bodies of water, causing water pollution. Lastly, as there are many new construction projects and traffic jams, noise pollution is also on the rise.

Q: What are the common types of pollution in the countryside?

A: As many of the factories are built in rural areas, they are a cause of air pollution in the countryside. Moreover, the use of pesticides (chemicals to keep bugs and animals away from plants) and chemical fertilizers (chemicals added to make soil stronger) in farming does not help this problem. Furthermore, some people dispose of their personal waste into bodies of water, causing water pollution.

Q: What are the causes of those pollutions?

A: Although there are many different factors to these complex (complicated with many parts) problems, I will talk about a few. I would say that the cause of this pollution is due to industry, such as factories. Moreover, farming contributes to this problem, as there is a high demand to have enough food for the increasing population. Lastly, water pollution stems from (starts from) poor waste management systems in rural areas, as well as ineffective operation of waste treatment facilities.

Q: Have you ever done anything to help the environment?

A: I could definitely do more! However, I think that small actions do count. I always carry my trash home with me to throw away if there isn’t a public garbage bin available. I would feel so guilty blatantly littering! Moreover, I choose to ride my bicycle or walk when transportation isn’t needed. Lastly, I opt (choose) to not get a plastic bag when they are unnecessary in stores.

مطالعه در کتابخانه


Q: Can you swim?/Did you learn to swim when you were a child?

A: Indeed I can! I am an avid (experienced) swimmer. My parents actually signed me up for swimming lessons when I was just a baby. I signed up for a swim team shortly after, and swam competitively until my high school years. Furthermore, my father is a swimmer and always loved to take me on swimming adventures. So, I’ve always been a water person (someone who likes water activities).

Q: Are there many places to swim near you?

A: Yes, there are! As I’m living in a big city pretty far from the coast, there are plenty of public swimming pools. Furthermore, there is a large lake next to my house which some people swim in to beat the unbearable (impossible) heat in the summer. However, the lake often emits an unpleasant odor and is full of chemical run-off waste, so I would never take part in this.

Q: Is swimming very popular in your country?

A: Not really! Surprisingly, there are a lot of people who don’t know how to swim in my city, as it isn’t very close to the coast. I think it may be related to that. However, people who live along the coastal cities in my country tend to know how to swim well.

Q: Why do many people like swimming?

A: Well, I think there are a few reasons. For one, it’s a good way to beat the heat in the summer. Secondly, it’s a good form of exercise, as it’s low intensity and works all body parts at once. Lastly, it’s simply a fun and relaxing activity for many and is a way to make people gather.

Q: What do you think are the benefits of swimming (or, the benefits of knowing how to swim)?

A: First and foremost, swimming is a tool which can save your life, as well as the lives of others. Secondly, it’s a beneficial form of exercise, as it uses all the muscles in your body at the same time and is low-intensity. Lastly, swimming can be a form of therapy if you suffer an injury. All in all, it’s certainly worthwhile to learn.

Social Media Network

Q: Are you a social person?

A: Very much so! I feel that I thrive on (survive) social interactions. I like a small amount of time to myself each day, but I feel most charged when I spend time with others. I prefer to spend my free time with friends or family rather than being in my room reading a book, for instance.

Q: Do you use social networking sites?

A: Yes, social networking websites have become part of my everyday life. My favourite one is Facebook, one of the most popular websites in the world, with millions of users in different countries.

Q: What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

A: All kinds! I am friends with a wide range of people from my school years, family members, and friends I’ve recently met. I’m even friends with people who I’ve never even met before.

Q: Do you like to use Facebook?

A: Yes, I love it! This social networking website allows me to keep in contact with my friends and find people you’ve lost touch with.

Q: How did you first find out about Facebook?

A: As far as I remember, one of my friends sent me an email inviting me to join Facebook. I signed up and I’ve been using it ever since.

موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس - بخش دوم

در بخش دوم، از داوطلب درخواست می‌شود تا درباره موضوعی که در اختیار او قرار داده شده است، به مدت دو دقیقه صحبت کند. در واقع می‌توان گفت که مهم‌ترین بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس همین بخش دوم است. با تمرین کردن نمونه سوالات آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل می‌توانیم بفهمیم که چگونه برای آیلتس آماده شویم و چگونه به نمونه سوالات اسپیکینگ بخش دوم پاسخ دهیم. در ادامه به تعدادی از موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس اشاره کرده‌ایم که برای بخش دوم کاربرد زیادی دارد و در مصاحبه‌های قبل تکرار شده است.

Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry.
You should say:

what you had to do
why you had to do this in a hurry
how well you did this

Ohh! That's an interesting topic, no doubt! For this, I'll tell you about an occasion when I had to hurry to complete something.

A few months ago, I had to prepare a presentation for an important business meeting, and I had very little time to finish it. I had to deliver a comprehensive analysis of market trends and propose strategies for our company's growth and I had to hurry to prepare all these. The urgency arose because our team received the meeting invitation on short notice, and it was a crucial opportunity to impress potential investors.

Given the limited time, I had to quickly gather data, analyze market reports, and condense the information into a concise and impactful presentation. I worked diligently, prioritizing key points and ensuring the content was well-structured and supported by relevant statistics and graphs. Despite the time constraint, I managed to complete the presentation before the deadline.

Considering the circumstances, I was satisfied with how well I handled the task. The presentation effectively communicated market insights and provided clear recommendations for our company's future direction. I was able to deliver the key messages concisely, engaging the audience and addressing their potential concerns.

However, I must admit that doing something in a hurry can be quite stressful. There was constant pressure to meet the deadline and deliver a high-quality presentation. I had to manage my time meticulously, sacrificing breaks and personal commitments. The sense of urgency made it difficult to maintain a calm and composed mindset, but I remained focused and determined to accomplish the task to the best of my ability.

Describe a big city you would like to visit.
You should say:

which big city you would like to visit
how you would travel there
what you would do there

There are countless fascinating cities around the world, each with its unique charm and allure, and I would want to visit many of them. However, one big city that has always piqued my interest and captivated my imagination is Tokyo, the bustling capital of Japan. For this topic, I would like to say why I want to visit this city, how I would probably travel there, and what I would like to do there.

The big city I would like to visit is Tokyo, renowned for its futuristic technology, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant cityscape. It is a melting pot of ancient traditions and modern innovation, making it a truly captivating destination.

To travel to Tokyo, I would opt for a combination of air travel and public transportation. I would book a flight to Narita International Airport, one of Tokyo's major airports, and then utilize the efficient and extensive train system to navigate within the city.

While in Tokyo, I'd immerse myself in the diverse experiences the city has to offer. I'd explore historic landmarks such as the majestic Tokyo Imperial Palace and the serene Senso-ji Temple. I would also delve into the vibrant street culture by wandering through neighbourhoods like Harajuku and Shibuya, known for their fashion, entertainment, and eclectic atmosphere. Additionally, I would indulge in the culinary delights, savouring sushi at Tsukiji Fish Market and experiencing the uniqueness of themed cafes.

There are several reasons why I would like to visit Tokyo. Firstly, I am fascinated by the seamless blend of traditional and modern elements that define this city. From ancient temples to cutting-edge technology, Tokyo offers a remarkable contrast that I find intriguing. Additionally, I am drawn to Japanese culture, art, and cuisine, and Tokyo serves as a hub for all these aspects. Exploring the city's vibrant neighbourhoods, trying authentic Japanese dishes, and experiencing the warmth and hospitality of the Japanese people are all factors that contribute to my desire to visit Tokyo.

Describe the neighbourhood you lived in when you were a child.
You should say:

where in your town/city the neighbourhood was
what kind of people lived there
what it was like to live in this neighbourhood

Thank you very much for this interesting topic. Here, I'd like to talk about the neighbourhood I lived in when I was a child. It holds a special place in my heart as it was the backdrop of my early memories and experiences. The neighbourhood was situated in a suburb called Green Park, located on the outskirts of my hometown.

Green Park was a peaceful and serene neighbourhood nestled amidst lush greenery. It was characterized by tree-lined streets, well-maintained parks, and neat rows of houses. The area had a close-knit community feel, with friendly neighbours who knew each other by name.

The neighbourhood was primarily inhabited by families, comprising people from diverse backgrounds and professions. There were young couples, working professionals, and retirees, creating a vibrant mix of generations. Everyone had a strong sense of community and took pride in maintaining the cleanliness and safety of the neighbourhood.

Growing up in Green Park was a delightful experience. The streets were safe, allowing children to play freely outside and form lifelong friendships. The neighbourhood had a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with residents often organizing community events and gatherings. There was a strong emphasis on neighbourly support, and everyone looked out for each other. I have fond memories of riding bicycles with my friends along the quiet streets, playing in the local park, and participating in community celebrations during festivals. The neighbourhood also had convenient amenities like grocery stores, schools, and recreational facilities, making it a self-sufficient and comfortable place to live.

Whether I'd like to live in this same neighbourhood or not is a tough question for me to answer. But after some consideration, I've realised that while my childhood neighbourhood holds a special place in my heart, I don't think I would choose to live there in the future. As I have grown older, my preferences and priorities have changed. I am now drawn towards more urban settings with better career opportunities and modern amenities. However, I will always cherish the memories and values instilled in me during my time in that neighbourhood.

Describe something you remember about your first day at a new school.
You should say:

where it was
how old you were then
what you remember
and explain how you felt about it.

Starting at a new school can be a bit daunting experience for anyone, especially for a young child. It's natural to feel anxious and excited at the same time. In this conversation, I would like to talk about my first day at a new school that I remember well.

I was around 10 years old when I first started attending a new school (which was, in fact, the second school in my life) after relocating to a different city called "Alberta" with my family. I studied till grade 3 in my previous school. This new school was located in a quiet suburban area and had a beautiful green campus.

On the first day, I remember waking up early and feeling a bit nervous. I had always attended my previous school up until then, and I was worried about making new friends and fitting in this new school. As I arrived at the school, I saw a group of students who were already chatting and laughing with each other. They seemed to have known each other for a while, which made me feel a little more nervous.

As I walked towards the classroom, I noticed that the other students were staring at me. I felt self-conscious and a little uncomfortable. However, when I entered the classroom, I was warmly welcomed by the teacher, who introduced me to the rest of the class. The students were friendly and made me feel at ease. They asked me a few questions about myself and where I was from.

Overall, my first day at the new school was a mixed experience. I was excited to explore my new surroundings and meet new people, but at the same time, I felt a bit anxious and out of place. However, as the day progressed, I began to feel more comfortable and confident. I realized that I had nothing to worry about; and that making new friends would take time.

Describe something you don’t have now but would like to own in the future.
You should say:

what this thing is
how long you have wanted to own it
where you first saw it
and explain why you would like to own it.

Well, this is an interesting topic to talk about primarily because it enables me to express one of my dreams. I think I would like to own many things in the future that I do not have now. But at this moment, the thing that I wish to have more than anything else is a "sports car".

The car I want to own in the future has to be a sports car, and I would prefer to buy it from the BMW car brand. It would be a lightweight, two-door sports car with a powerful engine, rear-wheel drive and one of the latest models.

I guess, I've been dreaming to own a car since my high school days. In our country, cars are expensive and only rich people can afford to buy and maintain them. When it comes to sports cars, they are even more expensive and have higher maintenance costs.

I saw a sports car made by BMW many years ago when I was in grade 7. I was visiting one of my uncle's houses when this car passed me by at a busy intersection. It was so lustrous, gorgeous looking and charming that I wanted to have it right away. But I knew that I would have to earn it.

I want to own it because, in my mind, owning a sports car would not only fulfil one of my long-desired dreams but also give me the freedom to travel to any place I like. It would be a status symbol and make me proud. I would like to own it also because I have a passion for driving a fast car, and only a sports car would give me the ultimate sensation of riding a really fast car. Finally, I want to own this sports car because I believe that it is one of the best cars that is feasible for me to buy one day if I try hard enough.

Describe a film/movie actor from your country who is very popular.
You should say:

who this actor is
what kinds of films/movies he/she acts in
what you know about this actor’s life
and explain why this actor is so popular.

India is home to one of the largest film industries in the world, commonly known as Bollywood. There are many talented actors in Bollywood, but one actor that stands out from the rest is Amir Khan. He is an accomplished actor who has been in the industry for over three decades and is known for his versatile acting skills and social activism. For this topic, I would like to talk about this famous actor from my country.

Amir Khan is a popular Indian film actor, director, and producer who was born on March 14, 1965. He is known for his remarkable acting skills and has acted in many successful films, earning him the title of "Mr. Perfectionist." Amir Khan began his acting career as a child artist in the film "Yaadon Ki Baaraat," and his first major role as an adult was in the film "Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak."

Amir Khan is known for his roles in social dramas and films that address societal issues. He has acted in a wide range of films, from romantic dramas like "Dil" and "Raja Hindustani" to socially conscious films like "Rang De Basanti" and "Taare Zameen Par." He is also known for his performances in sports dramas like "Lagaan" and "Dangal."

Amir Khan was born into a family of filmmakers. His father, Tahir Hussain, was a film producer, and his uncle, Nasir Hussain, was a film director. Despite being born into a film family, Amir Khan had to struggle to establish himself in the industry. He is also known for his social activism and has been associated with various causes, including education and child welfare.

Amir Khan is popular for his acting skills, versatility, and his ability to pick films that have a social message. He is known for his dedication to his craft and is willing to go to great lengths to ensure that his roles are portrayed accurately. He is also known for his philanthropic work and has been associated with various charitable causes. His popularity is not limited to India but extends to other parts of the world as well.

Describe an activity you do to stay healthy or fit.
You should say:

what the activity is
when and where you usually do it
how you do it
and explain how this activity helps you keep healthy or fit.

Health is wealth, and therefore, everybody should take their fitness issue seriously to live a happy and healthy life. Needless to say, one of the best ways to remain fit and healthy is to try some kind of physical activity, and today here, I would like to talk about one such activity that I try at least 4 days a week.

The activity, I try, is known to many as “jogging”. But, before coming into the habit of “jogging”, I used to run fast every once in a while, but the problem with that activity – running fast, that is – was that I used to sweat profusely and eventually get very tired as a result of that. Of course, it was not much of a problem during the winter season, since I almost didn’t sweat at all during that time, but during the summer, it was quite opposite. In fact, because of that excessive sweating at times, I thought that I was going to stop running during the summertime, especially, when the weather was a bit too hot, until one of my good friends had come along and advised me to do “jogging” (or running at a “ slow and steady” speed) instead of running fast.

Needless to say, my friend’s advice worked just fine for me as far as the issue of sweating was concerned. Now, I enjoy jogging every other morning, and sometimes, during the evening too when I am on holiday or vacation, at a nearby public garden where I live. Sometimes, I do jogging on pavements too when the garden is a bit too crowded for my liking. By the way, when I jog, I do take some rest from time to time so that I don’t get too tired before reaching home.

I really enjoy this activity because it not only helps me burn the extra fat in my body but also keeps my heart healthy. Besides, this activity revitalize my lung also since I get to enjoy lots of fresh air in the public garden which is full of many large trees.

Describe a time when you talked to a foreign tourist who was visiting your country.
You should say:

when and where it was
why you talked to this tourist
what you talked about
and explain how interesting this conversation was.

We get many foreign visitors every year in my country. Of course, they don’t visit my small town that often, but still, I get to see them once in a while. And when I see them, I do try to chat with them just like I did with one international traveller about a few years ago.

It was during the summertime when he visited my town. I saw him for the first time, walking on the same street where I was riding my bicycle. I didn’t really care to pay much attention to him, but just after taking a quick glance at him, I realized that he was of European origin with very fair skin and blonde hair. But, when I saw him the next day, walking at a brisk speed on the same street, I decided to have a chat with him. So, I stopped my two-wheeler and walked towards him. Seeing me walking towards him, he smilingly said "hello" to me as if he was expecting me.

After exchanging greetings, I asked him if the weather was too hot for him since he was sweating profusely. In response, he told me with a very radiant smile that he actually could do that his whole life! Later, he also told me with a serious face that the world was big enough for everybody and yet, we can’t travel from one place to another, freely, meaning there were just too many regulations for world citizens to move freely from one country to another.

By the way, I stopped to have that conversation with him because I wanted to tell him that he would probably get sick, walking like that in such hot weather. But, in the end, I thought that it was a rather interesting conversation because it taught me how we take so many things in our life (like sunshine and warm weather) for granted. Besides, because of that little talk, I learned that there were still many people in this world who, just like me, didn’t like the artificial separation between humans and countries, imposed by the governments.

Describe a shop near where you live that you sometimes use.
You should say:

what sorts of product or service it sells
what the shop looks like
where it is located
and explain why you use this shop.

There are several shops near where I live that I frequent, but there is one in particular that I visit more often than others. It is a small convenience store that sells a wide range of everyday products and services. The name of this shop is "Daily Grocers". For this topic, I will describe this shop, its location, and why I use it. But before I do so, I would like to thank you for the time and opportunity to let me talk about this shop.

The convenience store sells a variety of products and services, including groceries, gift items, pens and papers, cosmetics, snacks, fruits, household items, stationery, books and drinks. They also offer services like photocopying and printing. The shop is stocked with a good range of products, which makes it convenient for me to purchase things that I need quickly.

The shop is a small, but neat and organized store. The front of the shop has a large glass window that allows customers to see inside. The interior of the shop is brightly lit, with shelves and racks filled with products. The aisles are well-organized, making it easy for customers to find what they are looking for.

The shop is located just a few minutes walk from my apartment building, on a busy street. It is situated in a small commercial area that has several shops and restaurants. The location is convenient for me because I can easily pop in and out of the shop when I need to pick up something quickly.

I use this shop because it is convenient and has everything I need. The location is ideal, and the staff is friendly and helpful. The owner of this shop is a middle-aged lady who is very amiable and well-mannered. Also, the prices are reasonable, which makes it an affordable option for me. I find it to be a reliable and trustworthy store, and I appreciate the convenience of being able to buy what I need at a moment's notice.

Describe a facility (like a park, hospital, shopping mall, sports centre etc.) that you would like to have in your neighbourhood.
You should say:

what facility it is
what could be done to make it happen
how people in your neighbourhood would benefit from it
and explain why you feel this facility is important for your neighbourhood.

I live in an old but large neighbourhood, in one corner of an old city, which has a rather huge population. Therefore, it is fair to assume that the facilities that our neighbourhood has are either old and outdated, or they are just not enough to meet the demand of such a huge population, especially, when it comes to providing quality medical treatment or patient care.

In other words, we could certainly use a public hospital in our neighbourhood. Of course, there already is a community clinic in it, but unfortunately, it is a small clinic with a rather limited number of beds, and it is very close to some of the busiest streets of our neighbourhood where deafening noise is a very common thing. So, essentially, a patient there in that clinic would most likely end up getting even sicker after going there!!

Of course, residents of our community took some initiatives in this regard in the past to convince our city authority, but those initiatives failed, partly due to the fact that the residents in our neighbourhood failed to allocate any suitable piece of land or place, away from the noise or crowds, where a hospital could actually be built. Besides, budget is also an issue here since our city authority just doesn’t have the kind of budget or money which would be enough to build a facility, as important as a hospital.

So, I guess, once we have a suitable piece of land and enough budget to build and maintain that hospital, I am pretty sure that the residents of our neighbourhood would be able to receive better treatment facilities, right in their own backyard, so to speak.

Anyway, having this hospital in our neighbourhood is very important because it would benefit the residents of our neighbourhood in many ways. For example, they would feel more at ease, mentally, knowing that they are going to receive proper treatments quickly when feeling sick. Besides, it would also help them save money since they won’t have to travel a long distance to receive better medical treatments, in another town.

Describe a time when you helped a child.
You should say:

when it was
how you helped him/her
why you helped him/her
and explain how you felt about it.

The child, I helped, is familiar to me, and, in fact, he lives in the same neighbourhood as me, and I see him pretty much every week, troubling the other children while playing with them at a nearby playground. In short, he was a “troublemaker”. Anyway, let me tell you what exactly happened.

It was during the mid-day on a weekend, about a year ago, and nobody else was around, and I was just casually walking back to my home after buying some groceries. But, as I was walking, I heard a “whimpering” sound, coming from somewhere around me. So, I stopped for a while and tried to find the source of the whimpering sound. Then, I noticed that the sound was coming from above a tree, just about a hundred meters away from me. I cautiously approached the tree and saw that a 6/7-year-old boy was stuck high above that tree, and that boy was none other than the “brat” from my own neighbourhood. The boy was scared to death!

For a while, I just remained baffled, trying to find out what on earth that little boy was really trying to do so high above that tree!? And how on earth, he could possibly crawl up so high above that tree!? My question was immediately answered when the boy told me that he was trying to scare other kids from above the tree by hiding himself there, and now he just didn’t know how to get down.

I understood the situation and immediately informed the emergency rescue service. Thankfully, they arrived quickly and helped the boy get down from that tree. By the way, I helped him because I just didn’t want that little boy to get sick from that “terrible fear of height”.

Anyway, after helping that child, I felt glad and relieved because I helped him avoid a fatal accident. Besides, I also felt that we shouldn’t really be mad with the unruly behaviours and activities of our children because they just don’t always know what is good and what is bad for them.

میکروفن در سال سخنرانی

موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس - بخش سوم

در بخش سوم، همان‌طور که توضیح دادیم، تعدادی سوال دیگر مطرح می‌شود که با در نظر گرفتن نوع پاسخی که شما در بخش دوم به مصاحبه‌کننده داده‌اید، طراحی شده است. در این بخش باید با جزئیات دقیق‌تری به سوال‌ها پاسخ دهید. در ادامه می‌توانید موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس را برای بخش سوم مشاهده کنید.


Q. 1: Is family important in your country?
Answer: Thank you for this question. Well, people in my country believe that family comes first and they put their family ahead of anything else. They would do anything for the family and I am proud that family bonding in my country is quite strong.

Q. 2: How has the size of the family changed in the last few decades in your country?
Answer: From my experience, I can say that my grandfather had an extended family and people at that time used to live together with close relatives. As far as I have heard, their forefathers also live in a joint family and the number of family members was sometimes more than twenty. However, the trend of living in an extended family has changed remarkably in cities where most of the families are nuclear in nature. The villages in my country still have large families who live together but the number is shrinking day by day.

Q. 3: How do you think the family will change in the future?

Answer: I believe more people will have a nuclear family and the size of the family will be small in the future. People do not like to have more than two children nowadays and who knows they will consider having one baby policy in the distant future. The very norm that a man gets married to a woman and have their own children to form a family is being challenged by the concept of same-sex marriage and this trend will increase in the future.

Q. 4: What role do grandparents play in the family in your country?

maintain a balance for the family by nurturing the old traditions and values and teach how to adhere to the roots. With the increasing number of both working parents, grandparents often look after the children. They often advise the rest of the family time to time regarding family matters as they have more experience and thus their advice often saves us from taking wrong decisions. From this sense, they act like reliable mentors.

Q. 5: Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the family or the government?
Answer: I believe the family has the major responsibility to look after their elder family members and support them personally as they did in their youth age. These senior citizens have sacrificed a lot throughout their lives to form a family and then to make them happy. The young members should do everything in their power to accompany their elder members and provide them with their necessities.

Having said that, the government has some responsibilities as well. These elder members were once taxpayers and thus they deserve healthcare, entertainment and other facilities from the state.

Q. 6: Why is the number of joint families decreasing in modern time?
Answer: I believe the city-centric life which is highly competitive and busy has diminished the concept of joint family and created the nuclear family. Besides the urban influence, ever-increasing inflation, our affection towards a materialistic life and less inclination towards the traditions and values have ended up making our own nuclear family.

Choosing work and work-life balance

Q. 1. What kinds of jobs do young people not want to do in your country?
Answer: Well, in my country, we have almost always had a big problem of unemployment among young people, and therefore, there aren’t exactly too many jobs that they don’t want to do. However, as far as I have found out, jobs like “outside sales”, “medical representatives” and other “service-oriented” jobs, that require longer hours of work, are not looked upon very favourably by the young adults in my country. They don’t also like “elementary teaching” job because they require a lot of patience (after all, teaching little kids can be really challenging).

Q. 2. Who is best at advising young people about choosing a job: teachers or parents?
Answer: In my humble opinion, teachers are best at advising young people about choosing a job primarily because they are usually the ones who work tirelessly at schools and colleges to unlock the potentials of young adults. Besides, through the continuous interaction with their students in classes, it is the teachers who are better positioned to identify the skills and expertise of the young people and thus being able to guide them to choose careers that are suitable for them.

Q. 3. Is money always the most important thing when choosing a job?
Answer: No, I don’t really think that money is “always” ("always" is the keyword here) the most important thing, when choosing a job, primarily because money doesn’t always buy “happiness” or the “ job satisfaction” no matter how much of it, we really have. Besides, if I am being paid a lot of “money”, but what I do as a “job” is not considered to be “important”, then the chances are that I won’t be able to perform to my full potential despite my best intention. Money is an important thing for us to do a job but I do not believe that it is the most important aspect of a job.

Q. 4. Do you agree that many people nowadays are under pressure to work longer hours and take less holiday?
Answer: Yes, many people are indeed under huge pressure nowadays to work longer hours and enjoy fewer holidays mainly because most of them are struggling to keep up with the soaring living expenses. Then, some people are under pressure to work extra hours also because they are simply being “exploited” by their employers. Then, there is another group of people who are under pressure to work longer hours because they want to meet their additional demand for more comfort and luxuries of lives.

Q. 5. What is the impact on society of people having a poor work-life balance?
Answer: The impact of people, having a poor work-life balance, on society is multi-dimensional. In a society, where people are either working too much or sitting idle for too long, there won’t be enough people to take responsibility in order to carry forward the nation to its full potentials. Working too much would without enough opportunity to relax with families and friends, the people in a society would go through mental depression which, in turn, would result in inefficiency and lesser productivity at works. On the other hands, if people in a society are “sitting idle” for too long, the entire society would be negatively affected by crimes and other anti-social activities.

Q. 6. Could you recommend some effective strategies for governments and employers to ensure people have a good work-life balance?
Answer: Governments and employers can do several things to ensure a good work-life balance for the employees. First, employers can offer “flexibility” with work schedules, whenever possible, so that the employees can have little time to spend with their families and friends in between the work hours. Employers can also allow some “unpaid time off” (not getting paid for the off days) so that their staffs can attend some fun and family events. As for the governments, they can create awareness among people by using different media outlets in order to highlight the benefits of a good work-life balance. Governments can also arrange for an “annual award” option for the companies/employers who actively work to promote “work-life” balance among their employees.

Sports and competition

Q. 1: Why are some sports fans so passionate?
Answer: I believe some people love sports than other forms of entertainment and competition and they always follow their favourite sports on TV. ‘Watching and playing sports’ is their favourite leisure activity while many of those passionate fans once were players themselves and played the game in their youth. Growing up, they see their family, friends, and city go wild when a goal is scored or a game is won. So, it’s natural to follow other’s enthusiasm and cheer for their local teams. Such attachment often increases their love for sports. In my country, many youths are ardent fans of football and they have their favourite teams. When their favourite team plays, they take every opportunity to support them and sometimes go to the stadium to show their support. Sportsmen are often idolized by youths and they love to follow their favourite sportsmen as enthusiastic followers.

Q. 2: Is there any violence at sporting events in your country?
Answer: Generally speaking, such violence is very rare in my country. However, a dispute among fans are quite common and most of the time they are verbal than physical. They often take social networking platforms and blogs to criticise their rivals. I can, however, recall a very unfortunate event that took place probably three or four years ago when the fans of two completing teams got agitated and three people died due to this incident while several others were critically injured. The security of the stadium has been revamped to address such unexpected events and hopefully, it wouldn't happen again.

Q. 3. Should athletes be better role models?
Answer: I believe most fans start adoring an athlete or a sportsman due to the spectacular performance he or she shows. Thus football magicians like Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi have several million fans and many of them started idolising them without knowing them personally. However, when these youths start following their favourite sportsmen or athletes, they sometimes follow them blindly. Thus considering the impact, famous sports personalities should always try to lead exemplary lives as thousands of others mimic them. They are also famous and the media is always watching them. Any bad conduct can bring controversy to their fame and they should try to become better role models for youths as it is a social and moral responsibility for any celebrity.

Q. 4. What benefits do international sporting events bring?
Answer: International sporting events bring nations together and eliminate the tension and hostility among them. Such an event is highly popular and can be a great reason for people to enjoy the competition in the stadium. Thus such competitions foster tourism and help local businesses to flourish. Such prestigious events sometimes encourage young children all around the world to do some sort of sport. This is good for spreading the essence of sports globally and I think sports have economic, political and cultural impacts on society.

Q. 5. Is it important for a country to win lots of medals?
Answer: I believe every country wants to win as many trophies as possible since it represents how great a nation is in sports and athleticism. Being at the top of the medallist is often considered a great achievement but I personally believe that it is not absolutely necessary. Participating in international sporting events like the Olympics is often inspiring for many small nations. A few medals could be often satisfying and inspiring for them. The most important thing in an international sporting competition is being able to perform and enjoy it, not the number of medals won. When athletes and sportsmen from all around the world gather at a common platform, they not only represent their own country but also the whole humanity and this is important for maintaining global peace and harmony.

Q. 6. The money professional sportsmen earn is significantly higher than that the earning of other professionals. Is it justified?
Answer: I think very few fortunate sports celebrities earn a hefty amount of money while most others do not. Considering the training, dedication, challenge and sacrifice that are part of their lives, the earning, in my opinion, is justified. We have to keep in mind that their career is short-spanned and they earn because they perform really well. The payment to those celebrities is high because people buy tickets when they perform and different companies that earn millions of dollars each day want them as brand ambassadors. Since these payments are legit and transparent, I do not see any problem if they earn a lot.

Historic Place

Q. 1: How do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings?
Answer: I believe people from my country would want to protect and preserve important historic buildings except maybe a few who put business ahead of their morality and rational thinking. We had our moments when people spontaneously protested the plan to demolish such sites in the past. Due to a huge public backlash and outcry, the authority had been forced to abandon their plan to build multi-storied commercial buildings by smashing the old buildings that have historical significance. Thus citizens in my country are sensitive about protecting anything that has historical importance

Q. 2: Do you think an area can benefit from having an interesting historic place locally? In what way?
Answer: Definitely an area with an interesting historic place can reap the benefits from different perspectives. First, such a place would attract a huge number of tourists and help grow different local businesses. Besides, such areas are strategically important for the local government and it can bring more development projects to the area. The government takes extra measures to protect such areas from natural disasters and thus get more attention. On top of that, the flourishing tourism of the area spreads the local custom and tradition to other parts of the country. Thus the development of such a region occurs faster than other areas.

Q. 3. What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why?
Answer: That is hard to tell and all would depend on the future generation. If they feel that such locations and buildings are worth preserving, the authority would take steps to protect them. Otherwise, many of them, which are less internationally known, would disappear and would be converted into ultramodern commercial buildings. Prominent sites, on the other hand, would be preserved as they will attract many international tourists. Some of them will be debilitated due to the lack of maintenance and a few new ones would emerge as historic places and buildings in the distant future. The main reason some of the historic places and building will disappear is that they are less popular and can't sell tickets to tourists. So the authority or the owner would like to convert them for business purposes. The urbanisation, pollution and the need for more buildings for the increasing population are threats to such historic sites.

Q. 4: How were you taught history when you were at school?
Answer: Our teachers mainly taught us history from the textbooks and we were lucky to have a few amazing teachers who explained how history is important to understand the future. They often explained important events and characters from history and told us how these events and powerful men have shaped future events. We were required to study history books and watch documentaries made on real historical facts and those were not included in our syllabus. Thus we were able to learn more about history. Our school authority took us to different museums and historic sites, generally two to three times a year, and those excursions were our chances to explore more and witness the artifacts from the past. I can recall one particular occasion when we were taken to a war museum and we learned how wars that we hate so much had such profound impacts on our human society.

Q. 5: Are there other ways people can learn about history, apart from at school? How?
Answer: I believe reading about history and researching it online is the best way to learn more about it. What we learn about history in our school is just the beginning. To truly explore the past, we need to read a lot of books and the book choices should be based on the interests of the readers. The Internet is an amazing tool that can help us learn about our past and the interactive videos found on different websites are truly helpful. It offers us to dive deeper into history. Finally, travelling is an excellent way to learn about the world we live in and how this world was shaped by different civilisations. Someone who travels extensively learns about history faster and witnesses history instead of assuming them.

Q. 6: Do you think history will still be a school subject in the future? Why?
Answer: I believe history is not merely a collection of past events, stories of civilisations and powerful characters. It is rather a way to look at the future. Thus the importance of history in the future will increase and more students would be interested to learn about it than today. We are yet to comprehend the full potential of history and it is still frowned upon as a subject for weaker students. But in the future, we will realise how important it is for people to learn it for a prosperous future. So I do not see any reasons history will disappear from the school syllabus.

Online Reviews & Customer Service

Q. 1: What kinds of things do people write online reviews about in your country?
Answer: Online review is a rather widespread thing in my country these days since buying and selling all sorts of things online is becoming popular. But, generally speaking, people in my country like to make online reviews, mostly on things like what they eat at a restaurant, and what kinds of clothing or fashionable items they buy online. Many a time, these days, we also see online reviews on the many grocery items that we buy on a regular basis. So, it is pretty much all kinds of things – things that are sold both online and offline - on which people leave their online reviews.

Q. 2: Why do some people write online reviews?
Answer: Well, some people like to write online reviews, or it could be offline reviews as well, primarily because they want to communicate certain messages to the online community about the products or services that they buy online. Besides, as humans, we all feel that we should make our voices and opinions heard on any kinds of things which, we think, are important to us. And, since the online review is such a hassle-free way of making our voices and opinions heard among the others, we like to use these online review platforms whenever it fits our needs.

Q. 3: Do you think that online reviews are good for both shoppers and companies?
Answer: Yes, I have no doubt in my mind that online reviews are good for both shoppers and companies alike. Talking from the point of view of shoppers, online reviews allow them to either encourage or warn their fellow shoppers about what to buy and what not to buy online. Now, as for the companies, such online reviews allow the companies to adjust their business strategies and policies according to the wishes and demands of their current and prospective customers – a business practice which, in turn, can help these companies boost their sales and revenue.

Q. 4: What do you think it might be like to work in a customer service job?
Answer: Well, from what I have seen or experienced so far, all I can say is that the customer service job is a rather challenging profession since it involves continuous talking or engagement with people – people who have all kinds of different views, ideas, tastes, preferences, culture, backgrounds and lifestyles. And that’s exactly why one has to be really upbeat and resourceful if he/she wants to deal with these different kinds of people smoothly. Otherwise, these types of jobs can be very tiring, if not annoying and frustrating, most of the time, instead of actually being rewarding.

Q. 5: Do you agree that customers are more likely to complain nowadays?
Answer: I don’t think that the scenario of customer complaint nowadays is much different than what it actually used to be in the past except, of course, these days, it is easier to complain than what it used to be before. Besides, it is only natural that the more types of products and services we use (meaning more of our money, resources, time and efforts are being used), the greater the possibility of more and more complaints. So, again, speaking logically, I don’t think that people nowadays are likely to complain more, it is just that the number of products and customers are higher these days and so it seems that more customers are complaining today.

Q. 6: How important is it for companies to take all customer complaints seriously?
Answer: I have read somewhere that the principle, on which, a business should conduct its business is that “the customers are always right” (even when it’s actually the customers’ fault). So, from that point of view, it is absolutely necessary that companies take the customers’ complaints rather seriously if they really want to gain the trust and confidence of their customers. Besides, customer complaints can also sometimes help the companies to improve their products and services in order to have a competitive edge over their competitors.

تصویر سالن تئاتر و تماشاچی

Films/ Cinema

Q. 1: Do you think the cinema has increased or decreased in popularity in recent years?
Answer: That's a bit complex issue as the answer might seem paradoxical. Well, I heartily believe that more people enjoy movies today than ever before but most of them do not go to a movie theatre to enjoy a movie. Thus the cinema halls have lost their glorious days, especially in my country, but an increasing number of people make time to watch movies either on TVs or on their computers. Gone are the days when my parents used to take me to a movie theatre and that was once in a while. These days we enjoy more than 3-4 movies a week but do not go to a cinema hall at all. I believe the popularity of international movies, low-quality local movies and amenities to get great movie-viewing experience at home are the reasons for this shifting trend.

Q. 2: In your opinion, will this trend continue in the future?
Answer: Unless radical changes are brought to the cinema halls and restrictions are imposed on the way we stream and watch the latest movies at home, the trend will continue in the future. Movie theatres would lose their attractions further and technology would assist us to watch movies on demand at home. However, some people will still go to the cinema with friends and family to enjoy a movie on a day out.

Q. 3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of making films of real-life events?
Answer: Among the advantages, I assume, those movies have a ready-made plot, the storylines are already popular and the producer can think of characters easily. Such movies often win awards considering their historical values and are positively taken by the audience and critics.

However, there are some drawbacks in making such movies based on real-life events. First and foremost, people and critics scrutinise such movies more thoroughly and they are often subject to controversy. Secondly, the story is already known to people and the movie has to promise something more than its storyline. Furthermore, making such movies require a huge sum of money and they often end up poorly in the box office.

Q. 4: How important do you think it is for a filmmaker to remain true to the original story?
Answer: I believe true facts from history should be intact in a movie and every filmmaker should adhere to the truth as much as possible while making a movie based on a real-life event or a prominent historical figure. Otherwise, the film would end up receiving resentments and negative criticism from ordinary viewers as well as from movie critics. Sometimes, a filmmaker needs to add some surprises and twists to make such a movie more appealing but they can always do so by not distorting the main facts. We should keep in mind that children who watch such movies often take them as evidence of real events from history. So such movies should not misrepresent history and invite controversy.

Q. 5: Should films and television be censored or should we be free to choose what we see?
Answer: I believe some sort of censorship is required in the TV and film industry so that we can enjoy movies and watch TV programmes without embarrassments and getting offended. For instance, if I start watching a movie with my parents and the film has too many sensual and violent scenes, we would feel embarrassed. Since movies have a major impact on the viewers' mind, we should not allow too much violence, hatred and offensive scenes to be shown. However, I also believe that creative artists should be allowed to express their feelings and thoughts through these media. Hence, too much tight censorship, that we see in some countries, is not desirable as well. We, as adults, might often choose what we want to watch but we should always monitor what our youngsters are watching for their own good.

Q. 6: How do you think censorship laws will change in the next 20 years?
Answer: Well, that's a tough question to answer, but I will nevertheless try! In my opinion, after two decades or so, some first world countries, where censorship laws are too much flexible, would find themselves amending laws to make it more a bit rigid. While an opposite approach would be taken in developing countries to give more freedom to creative artists. All countries, in my opinion, will try to make a balance in censorship laws to make it more friendly and helpful to the viewers.

Travel and transport

Q. 1: How easy is it to travel around your country?
Answer: We have a good number of public transportations including bullet trains, modern buses and aeroplanes and I would say someone can travel in my country very easily. Major cities in my country have airports and it makes commuters' life hassle-free. Since we have eight-lane highways and they are maintained periodically, someone can drive his/her own car to commute from one area to another smoothly. Besides, metro rails are convenient for city-dwellers to commute to and from their offices and citizens can take long-route trains to visit other districts and they are comparatively cheaper.

Q. 2: Which method of travel do you consider the safest? Why?
Answer: Despite some common misconceptions, I believe airways are the safest means of transportation. We have frequent national and international flights and the service is really excellent. Aviation accidents are deadly and claim the lives of many, and such accidents often make headlines which gives an impression that air travel is nocuous. However, if we compare air causalities with that of road accidents, we can easily learn that air travel is the safest. Flying is the most secure way to get around in my country as flights are well-organised and the air traffic is controlled more efficiently by trained professionals.

Q. 3: Has travel become safer in recent years than that was in the past?
Answer: Some people would say that accidents and casualties are higher in modern time than in the past. But I believe that travelling in recent years has significantly improved and offers more convenience to commuters. We see more accidents these days because they all are being reported in the news unlike the past when we could hear about only major accidents. In recent days, we have more strict traffic rules, acute safety measures including biometric checking, and modern transportations which are built considering safety in mind. Rigid airport rules make terrorist attacks almost impossible.

A typical train station in my country has more than 15 train schedules and they carry thousands of passengers each day. Such a station used to have only three to four trains a day. If we consider the number of vehicles and commuters with that of the past, we would get a real picture of road safety, which I believe has advanced in recent days.

Q. 4: What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?
Answer: The major benefit of cheap air travel is that many people can afford to visit more places around the world and thus foster the tourism industry. More frequent travels by ordinary people make them tolerable to other cultures and it maintains global peace.

Among the demerits, increasing flights are responsible for air pollution. Cheap air travel attracts more passengers and thus they indirectly contribute to air pollution. Moreover, low-cost air tickets do not ensure desirable comfort and amenities which people often regret. Food and drinks in such a journey are unreasonably expensive and it often includes hidden fees and charges.

Q. 5: How do you think people will travel in the future?
Answer: That's an interesting question and I will be both realistic and imaginative to answer this. I believe people will prefer to take aeroplanes and speedy trains in the near future to travel to long-distance and flights will be cheaper to attract more passengers. Cars would be our constant companion and we would rely on our automobiles more than ever to travel within the city.

After 30 or 40 years, our cars would be able to fly short-distance and even run on the river, much like a science-fiction vehicle. After 50 years or so, we will have flying cars that will take us to our offices and the software instead of human will drive those cars. After a century later, we will have personal pods of SkyTran carrier that would use the airways rather than moving on a road. After a few centuries later, who knows, we might even teleport straight to our destination from our home!

Q. 6: Should the government in a country focus more on rail transports or road transports? Why?
Answer: I believe the decision should be made based on the geological condition, existing infrastructure, population and economic condition of the country. For instance, if a country has mostly hilly tracks and rivers, developing rail tracks is both challenging and expensive. For such countries, connecting highways and road transports are more practical and cost-effective. Moreover, if the country does not have enough rail tracks already, it should focus on developing and enhancing roads rather than rails. Finally, countries with higher population should consider developing their railroads as it can carry a great number of people at a time. Whether to invest in road or rail transportation, thus, should be made based on a number of factors rather than a single one.


Q. 1: Is higher education too expensive in your country?
Answer: Universities in my country, that are run by the government, offer higher education for free. The cost to pursue higher education in such a university is much cheaper than that of private universities. However, the number of students seeking to enrol in post-graduation courses is much higher than the actual number of seats offered by the state-run universities and colleges. As a result, many students mostly from affluent families, get admitted to private universities and pay a hefty tuition fee.

Q. 2: Should all students pay for their university education? Why?
Answer: I do not think that the university cost should be paid solely by the students and their guardians. Since the government allocate budget for the education sector and a major portion of it goes for higher education and research facilities, state-run universities must offer free education. On top of that, the government has a responsibility to spend the taxpayers' money in social welfare and free or cheap education should be a top priority.

Q. 3: What advantages do universities bring to society? Is it the same in your country?
Answer: Universities are the lighthouse of society and they produce enlighted citizens who lead the country. Universities not only educate the youth and prepare them for their future but also carry on important research works that benefit the society as well as the country. For instance, many inventions and medicines that we are familiar with were actually the results of university projects and research. Thus universities serve both the society and the country in numerous ways that have a direct correlation with the overall development of a nation. I am proud to say that universities in my country also play the same role.

Q. 4: Which is more important, research or teaching? Why?
Answer: I think that's a tough question to answer. However, my personal opinion is that both are required. While proper teaching ensures that young students are getting the education they need to prepare themselves for future, research works, on the other hand, help solve practical problems and contribute to the advancement of the country. I also feel that more students, along with the teachers, should be involved in research works in our universities.

Q. 5: How should students spend their summer vacations? How do/did you spend it?
Answer: I personally feel that long vacations should be spent wisely. Since students have more than two months during their summer vacations, they should plan prior to the vacation to make the best out of it. They can travel for one to two weeks, get involved in some sort of paid job to gain some practical experience, enrol in skill development courses, study the subjects they find challenging and can do some voluntary works for the community they live in.

I usually plan well-ahead of the vacation and so far I have travelled extensively, done some part-time jobs, read many books, visited my grandparents and taken three skill development courses including a language course during my summer vacations in my college. Next year I am planning to visit Italy for a couple of weeks and take a graphic designing course.

Q. 6: What are the advantages of private universities than public universities?
Answer: From my personal experience I can say private universities are more disciplined and update their curriculum frequently to make the course more useful to the students. The study environment in a private university is often better as the authority does not allow politics or such activities there. Many private universities have better labs and research facilities which is an added advantage. Since they finish the course within the speculated timeframe, they help students avoid session jam and start their career early. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT are a few of the world-renowned private universities which have maintained an excellent academic environment and research works and show how some private universities could indeed be better than many public universities.

Reading Books

Q. 1: Do you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching TV? Why?
Answer: I prefer reading books over enjoying random programmes on television. However, that does not mean that I hate watching TV. I just feel that reading is a far better habit than watching TV. Every book gives us the opportunity to learn something new and the time spent on reading a book is more constructive. I can't say the same for the TV. We often watch TV to kill our time and end up surfing through channels rather than watching something meaningful.

Q. 2: What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
Answer: I believe books that are suitable for a reader's age and do not contain any hate speech or offensive materials are a good choice. Generally speaking, if a book can grab readers' interest, makes them think, or helps them learn something new then it is a good read. For me, a captivating story and character development in it are always key indicators for a good read. However, I often enjoy books simply because they are educative and are based on real events.

Q. 3: Do you think that people read nowadays as they did in the past?
Answer: I believe we always had readers in our society and we still have who enjoys reading books more than any other activity. However, the way people read in the past has changed. We now have digital devices to read books and the Internet to download and read any book we like. These days the young generation seems more interested in technology than books but as I have said, we still have a good number of readers who use the technology to read books of their favourite writers. Online platforms also enable us to express ourselves about a writer and his/her books more openly.

Q. 4: Do you regard famous writers as good role models?
Answer: If we consider famous writers in general, they are better role models for us than many politicians, celebrities and athletes. However, we should follow them through their writings, their contribution to society and their good deeds, not the few who set bad examples in their personal life. Writers have always inspired us and they still do in numerous ways. So if we consider famous writers as our role models, we will have more to gain than to lose.

Q. 5: If a movie is based on a book, would you prefer to read the book or to watch the film? Why?
Answer: I would not mind both reading the book and watching the movie. However, my personal experience has taught me that books are better than movies in most of the cases. To many, watching a movie is more exciting, and interesting visual effects of the film make it more appealing. However, books can touch a reader more profoundly than the movie. While movies can bring whole worlds to life before our eyes, make characters into living, books ignite our imagination and take us to a world unknown to us and the journey allows us to feel every experience of the characters, thus leaving a lasting impression in our memory. So, I might skip watching a few good films based on books but would not want to miss those books.

Q. 6: How our reading habit changes as we grow up? Why does it happen?
Answer: As we grow up, we tend to read more and the reading habit is solely based on our interests than academic requirements. In our childhood, we are so innocent and thus a fairy tale can take us to a wonderful mythical world. We want to be like the hero or heroine who has magical powers to destroy the evil. This is however not the case when we grow up as our mind gets maturity and it requires more practical ingredients to be challenged and entertained. Thus in our adulthood, we want to be like a real-life hero who has no mysterious power but has sheer willpower and determination to face the challenges and change the world or at least change people around him. Our perspective to view the world around us changes as we grow up and so does our book choice.

Media & New

Q. 1: How do most people get their news in your country?
Answer: Thank you very much for this question. Most adults in my country rely on newspapers and television channels for news. However, a good number of office-goers also visit online news portals to find out the news updates and recent events. Young people heavily rely on online newspapers and their preferred social networking platform to get such news.

Q. 2: How do you think people will get their news in the future?
Answer: I think technology will change the way we will get and share news in the future. Most people will rely on their handheld devices, that are connected to the Internet, as the primary source of news and information. Traditional newspapers and news channels, on the other hand, will become less popular in the future because of the time lag between when something happens and when readers get the chance to read or view them. Since mobile devices can offer instant updates, they will be a powerful way of getting news updates. Listening to the preferred type of news by using small devices attached to our ears would become more popular and the type of news we would like to listen to shall be determined by our activities and interests.

Q. 3: Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers?
Answer: No, I do not believe everything newspapers publish for the public. That's why I read newspapers that are mainstream and have strong authority and authenticity. Thus I avoid reading most of the fabricated and fake news which are usually published in less authoritative and unreliable newspapers. I am also wary of politically biased and sourceless news articles that my friends or their friends share on Facebook and Twitter.

Sometimes the process of gathering news is done hastily and irresponsibly, which results in unreliable information even in the mainstream newspapers. In such cases, I try to verify the news from other reliable sources. In fact, the forged and made-up news is all around us and without being watchful and experienced, we can't recognise lies hidden in plain sight.

Q. 4: How has TV changed people's lives?
Answer: If I am asked what is the single most influential invention that has changed people's lifestyle, my answer would be 'the television'. Television is a mandatory home appliance in all households in my country. It is a source of education, information, and entertainment for many. People watch TV to get news, weather updates, learn about foreign cultures, relax and even plan their next day based on information gained from the TV. They watch TV in the morning, evening and even before going to bed. TV programmes entertain them, keep them together in the drawing-room and eliminate many elder's loneliness. TV stars have shaped fashion, TV advertisements have changed people's purchasing habits and quiz shows have made many young become more inquisitive. Personally, I believe that television helps to bring families and communities together.

However, this device has its dark side as well. State TV channels are often the tool for political propaganda, and people who watch TV too much often suffer from dangerous diseases like diabetes and obesity.

Q. 5: What do you think of children watching TV?
Answer: I think if children watch educative, entertaining and creative TV programmes then they can learn from it. However, their parents should monitor what their children watch on TV and for how long. Watching TV is beneficial for children in some ways as it helps them relax and become inquisitive. On top of that, some TV programs provide useful academic knowledge to children. But, if children watch TV all day long, it can harm them both physically and psychologically. Such children lose their interests in outdoor activities and become addicted to TV and video games.

Q. 6: How has social media changed the way we get and share the news?
Answer: Social media is an excellent tool that connects people and let us share updates, news and information with the people we care. It has made it possible not only to read the news but also to raise our voice and concern. Thus it has made a common platform for ordinary citizens to express themselves and their opinions about the world. Getting and sharing interesting news is easier than ever before.

However, people's tendency to share news without verifying authenticity has also made it chaotic. For instance, half of the news found on such social media is either fake or fabricated.


Q. 1: Do most people have a computer at home in your country? What do most people use it for?
Answer: Well, to answer this question, I should first mention that the ownership of computers is almost ten times higher in cities than that of villages in my country. Thus most of the families living in a city own at least a computer except for poor people while almost one in twelve families in rural areas have a computer or a laptop.

The activities on a computer vary based on the users' age group. For instance, children like to watch cartoons, draw pictures and play games on a computer while teenagers mostly use the Internet on a computer or laptop to use their favourite social networking websites, find information to complete their school assignments and for entertainment purposes. Adults often use a computer to connect to the internet, check emails, learn new software, create presentations, do online shopping and listen to their favourite music.

Q. 2: Do you think all the information on the internet is true?
Answer: I believe without an authentic source and credible publisher, we should be wary of information we see or find online. The Internet is an astonishing source of information but the fake news and fabricated information are all around there. Thus, I would not believe everything I see online except they are from an authoritative source. For instance, if I find a piece of information on a website like www.bbc.com, from the official government website or from a prominent and mainstream online newspaper, I would believe it. However, any news found on a social networking website like Facebook, or from a dubious website should always be verified before believing it to be true.

Q. 3: How can people find reliable information on the internet?
Answer: People have to rely on credible websites with many years of reputation, mainstream online newspapers that are famous, government websites and fact-finding sources to get authentic information. Anything found on social networking platforms should always be verified before sharing as these are often targeted by spammers and fake news producers.

Google Scholar is an excellent place to find academic papers which are real and to be sure if an image is fake or real someone can take advantages of Google image search feature. The popular encyclopedia offers real information and they could be trusted. Another excellent way to filter away the bogus news is to look for the author and publisher's credentials. Lastly, people should use their common sense. If an offer is too good to be true or if a story has so many unbelievable facts, people should check further to find out more about it.

Q. 4: How has the internet changed the way we live?
Answer: Honestly speaking, the Internet has revolutionalised the way we live. Many of us can't believe how the people in the pre-internet era managed to do all their works at home or at the office! The Intenet allows us to work more proficiently at home, work more productively at the office and let us communicate with anyone from the far distance of the world. We make video calls to be in touch with our loved ones, do online shopping, participate in meeting in another city and even drive our cars with the help of the Internet. With this technology, we have amazing access to information and they are just a few mouse clicks away. These days we even do banking online and the need to travel to long distance for ordinary tasks are no longer required. Thus the present era with the spectacular power and blessings of the Internet is truly remarkable.

However, there is a downside to this fabulous technology. Our overreliance on the internet has made us home-centric and we prefer to stay at home rather than going outside and socialising. This is detrimental for our social and personal life that we often fail to realise.

Q. 5: How has the internet changed the way we work?
Answer: The Internet has dramatically changed the way we work as well. A large number of people work from home nowadays and the Internet has created thousands of jobs for the new generation and this has been possible due to the widespread acceptance of this technology. The Internet allows us to save a huge amount of data and they are easily accessible at a later date. We use emails, video conferencing, project management software and blogs and these are essentials for an office these days. Without the Internet, we would still have to keep track of every calculation with the help of papers and pens and the mistakes would have been more frequent. Employees in most modern offices have computers to help them finish a task and learn new things.

Q. 6: Do you think the internet is safe for children to use unsupervised?
Answer: I believe, children should not be allowed to use the Internet without some sort of supervision from parents. The Internet is a great source of information and entertainment but it also contains harmful content that could psychologically damage children and the predators often search for children to harm them. Thus parents should either enforce a rigid parental control on the browser and network level which would monitor the online activities of children and filter out bad content or should be present physically when their children use the Internet. It is not to take away children's freedom but for their safety.

دختر و پسر در حال بازی با تلفن همراه

Technology in housework & Technology in the workplace

Q. 1. What kinds of machines are used for housework in modern homes in your country?
Answer: Different kinds of home appliances and machines are some of the main features of all modern homes today, and the modern homes in my country are no exception either. These machines may include refrigerators, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, washing machines, and ironing machines. Electric appliances like electric kettles, induction stoves, blenders and coffee makers are also very common in many, many modern homes in my country. To deal with extreme heat and extreme cold, many modern homes in my country also use Air conditioners, room heaters, and geysers (water heaters).

Q. 2. How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?
Answer: Machines have benefited people in so many ways that living without them in today’s world is next to impossible. One of these benefits is that it has increased productivity and efficiency drastically. Besides, it helps put much less strain on humans by minimizing human errors. Another benefit is that products become cheaper for consumers since machines help to produce on a very large scale.

But, machines have some negative effects too. Too much dependency on machines is making people too lazy. Besides, machines are also causing environmental degradation by releasing toxic and harmful products into the air and water.

Q. 3. Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?
Answer: It would actually be hard to predict the preferences and needs of future homeowners, but given the income and economic disparity around the world today, it would be fair to assume that not all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future. Besides, many people around the world are now slowly but surely beginning to understand the adverse effects of too much dependency on machines and technology. So, the chances are that even if many people will have the means and ability to equip their homes with household machines in future, they will probably hold themselves back from using them for health and environmental reasons.

Technology in the workplace

Q. 4. What kinds of equipment do most workers need to use in offices today?
Answer: Office workers, like most of us, also want to make their life easy today by using all kinds of office equipment to get their job done quickly and accurately. Such office equipment can be divided into two different kinds: one is electronic and the other type is non-electronic. Some of the electronic office equipment (or “machine” as some might also call them) today may include computers, laptops, computer monitors, printers, copiers, scanners, and pen drive/flash memory drives. Non-electronic equipment may include telephones/PBX systems, filing cabinets, pens, staplers, and calculators.

Q. 5. How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?
Answer: The developments in technology have affected all kinds of employment in my country in a mostly positive manner. For example, people can search for their preferred jobs from online job portals, apply online and can even work from home once hired. Moreover, workers in my country can communicate with their fellow workers in seconds, thanks to the advancement in communication technologies. Another example is that workers can prepare any kind of office document today in minutes, which would have taken them hours probably, if not days, before using the technology. Technology hasn’t only helped in productivity and efficiency at the workplace, but it also has sustained that increase.

However, technology has affected employment a bit negatively too as it has forced some of the low-skilled labour forces out of their jobs.

Q. 6. Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays. Would you agree or disagree? Why?
Answer: If we were to count the numerous benefits of the technology, we would probably have to disagree with what the question is trying to insinuate. In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to suggest that technology today has actually helped the workers to survive, and survive long and well, with the others. For example, with the help of technology, they can finish their work rather quickly so that they can relax a bit more and use that extra time to spend with their family and loved ones. But that’s just one example. How about the example of a pilot finding his/her way, with the help of advanced technology, in very adverse weather conditions to land his/her aeroplane safely? The negative aspects of technology pertain to our overreliance on technology which we can easily adjust. But the blessings that technology has brought for us simply could not be replaced with anything else.


Q. 1. Describe the general purpose of art. And say why do people enjoy art?
Answer: We, humans, are “unique” in our existence and experience. Therefore, it is only natural that we have our needs and expectation that are unique as well. But among those unique needs and expectation, that separates us from animals, enjoying art seems to be something that makes us “truly” unique as humans.

So, what is the general purpose of art? Well, the answer is, art helps us to look at ourselves little “closer” in a different light by explaining our desire and expectation in more details which otherwise wouldn’t be possible. With the help of art, we are able to communicate our social, political, cultural and spiritual ideas in a much more organized manner so that we feel “challenged” to rethink over the issues and the subjects that are affecting us and our surroundings on a daily basis.

We enjoy art because it stimulates our hearts and minds to appreciate our lives in a more positive light. We enjoy art also because it makes us feel “different” by combining our “unusual motifs” that weave their way into our “subconscious” (or the “hidden” us) and alter our mood so that we feel free to travel into a different realm.

Q. 2. Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to educating children?
Answer: Pablo Picasso once said that “every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”. Therefore, offering children the much-needed space to create, to explore and to express themselves through art is absolutely important so that a holistic approach to education can be ensured. However, the purpose of art as academic subjects is not, and should not be, taught just to produce some “world-class artists”, but to provide a means of exploring feelings and experiences and expressing them beautifully which “words”, that we use on a regular basis, can’t do alone. This is something that every child can experience and benefit from. In other words, the children should be able to find the true value of “art” in the process itself as well, not only in the “end product”.

Q. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of art education?
Answer: There are a number of advantages of art education. In fact, many studies suggest that art education has many social and academic benefits to students as it promotes self-directed learning and sharpens creative problem-solving skills and critical thinking. The arts provide challenges for learners at all levels by connecting students with their own culture as well as with the rest of the world. Studies also suggest that Integrating art education with other disciplines helps reach the students who otherwise wouldn’t feel “engaged” and interested in class works.

However, there are some disadvantages to art education as well. Learning art can be time-consuming and sometimes can take “decade” to succeed in the “business” of art. Another major disadvantage of art is, people, in general, don’t exactly understand the idea of “art”, and therefore, don’t exactly learn to “appreciate” art, whether it is drama, painting, or music, which can be really depressing and de-motivating for the aspiring artists.

Q. 4. Why do you think some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures and others do not?
Answer: The fact, that some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures while others don’t, can be attributed primarily, in my opinion, to how much “art education” one has received. Besides, this is also an issue of “sensibility” and how emotionally we get triggered by certain artworks. In fact, there is a theory which explains that because colours, shapes, sounds and thoughts are all waves form, and the more we are sensitive to these kinds of waves, the better we can understand an emotional message, considering that a piece of painting or sculpture essentially is an expression of an emotion, or transmit it. Besides, another “theory” suggests that most “visually intelligent” people love art while people who cannot concentrate upon a single detail for more than 10 seconds cannot enjoy art.

Q. 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist?
Answer: On a metaphysical level, an advantage of being an artist is that he/she has a heightened sensitivity to the surroundings and being able to nurture it with a childlike playfulness towards experiences throughout the entire life by having the satisfaction by creating something “beautiful and special”. But on a practical level, being an artist allows one to become his or her own “boss” without having to worry about ‘satisfying’ others.

However, one of the major disadvantages of being an artist is that he/she is not financially solvent most of the times, and he/she has to rely on some other sources of income to survive. And, as a result, an artist has no or a very limited social life. Another disadvantage of being an artist is most people don’t take “art” as an actual “profession” which can be equally demoralizing and frustrating for a person with a sense of “self-respect”.

Q. 6. Do you think that some people are naturally better artists than others?
Answer: Yes, I do think that some people are naturally better artists than others, just like somebody is better in science and mathematics academically, primarily because of their genetic structure and disposition towards “creativity”. In fact, it is my opinion that it is the “genetic disposition” of some children who spent much of their time in their childhood by engaging in creative activity, whether it was drawing or singing, or whatever that they enjoyed, in order to develop their skills from the early years of their lives in the process of play.

Of course, some people would choose to argue that it is their “passion” that drives them to become “better” artists. But, even if I agree with them to some extent just for the “sake of debate”, I would still argue that if it is not for their “natural inclination or disposition”, they wouldn’t be able to turn themselves into some “better” artists.

Eating habits

Q. 1. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.
Answer: I guess that it is fair to say we all love to eat, but what we eat largely depends on where we live, and what kinds of foods are available there to consume. For example, where I live, our main foods are steam rice and curries- curries that are made with vegetables, meats and fishes by mixing them with varieties of spices in proper measures. We also eat a lot of “bread” in combination with curries or some sweets that we like.

Of course, the food, which I just mentioned above, are regular day foods for regular occasions. When there is a special occasion, we cook foods like “chicken biriyani” or “mutton biriyani” by mixing a certain kind of long-grain rice, such as basmati with a great aromatic flavour, with meats of our choice while adding a mixture of freshly-ground spices in it in order to make the dish even more delicious. Then, there are of course fast foods which we also enjoy eating on a limited scale.

Q. 2. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?
Answer: Traditionally, in the past, people in my country relied heavily on home-cooked food, such as steam rice, curry and bread along with local fruits and vegetables. But, in the last couple of decades, we have seen that some “not-so” traditional food items (of course, in the context of my country’s food habits) such as pasta, pizza, French fries, burgers and sandwiches, mostly cooked and served at restaurants and fast food places, have also made their ways into the menu of our regular foods. As a result, we are becoming more and more “reliant”, especially in the big cities, on fast food instead of home-cooked food which has ruled our appetite for hundreds of years. We are even ordering for “home delivery” which was almost impossible to imagine even a decade ago!

Q. 3. How healthy is your country’s food?
Answer: There are some people in the world who eat food “purely” because of their nutritional values while there are the others who choose to eat their food primarily because of their “awesome taste” and then for their nutritional values secondarily. For better or worse, we fall into the category of “food lovers” we eat foods primarily because of their “awesome taste”, but luckily the type of foods, which we choose to consume in our country, are not any lesser healthy.

In fact, the only reason, for which I would say that our food is not always as “healthy” as we would prefer them to be, is that people in my country, in general, like to eat a bit too many spices in their foods purely because of “additional taste and flavour”. But, other than that, I am pretty confident that food in my country is pretty healthy because we boil them and cook them properly.

Q. 4. Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?
Answer: People from different parts of the world with different cultures choose to eat different kinds of food, and therefore, it is only natural that their table manners would be different. For Example, the people in China, Japan and much of East Asia relies heavily on wooden or bamboo-made chopsticks to eat their food, especially rice. And they chose chopsticks because of Confucius who believed that sharp utensils like knives would remind eaters of the gruesome way the meat finally made their way into the bowl.

Chopsticks, on the other hand, had dull ends, thus sparing their users from images of the slaughterhouse. But, the very knives, which got rejected by the people in East Asia on the ground it would remind the “gruesome” image of the slaughterhouse, became the symbol of “aristocracy” at the dinner table in medieval Europe probably because they were and still are used to eating meats and fishes that are usually cut into rather “large pieces” instead of small ones.

In the same way, people in the Arab world, including Iran, and some parts of Africa like to eat by making themselves comfortable on the floors, while eating at homes, in order to uphold one of the many traditions of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon Him). This “sitting habit” is practised also because people would feel that their stomach is getting full by eating much less than they would normally like to eat, which is actually in a way healthier than eating on a table.

Q. 5. How may eating habits change in the coming decades?
Answer: I firmly believe that with “globalization” at such a rapid pace, people will actually forget about the “idea” eating traditional food as we all will start preparing and enjoying all kinds of food from different parts of the world. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see that each and every country in this world is organizing some kinds of international food festivals or international cooking competition in the coming decades in order to encourage their citizens to change their food habits so that they don’t have to rely on only one certain kind of food to “survive” when there is a “famine” or “drought”.

Besides, I also wouldn’t be surprised if most of the people in different parts of the world stop cooking at home completely because of making fast food available at a very affordable price. However, at the same time, I wouldn’t also be surprised if we see “obesity” becoming an epidemic problem or disease all over the world.

Q. 6. What one aspect of a foreign tradition you like about their eating habits? Why?
Answer: I like pretty much all the traditions with regards to eating habits of all countries and cultures as they all help me to understand and appreciate the “diversities” in our world in a better way. But one particular tradition, which I really like, is the habit of eating fishes by the Japanese people. In fact, fish is featured so much prominently on the Japanese food menu that the average Japanese person consumes more than 154 pounds annually - or about a half pound a day!

The Japanese are so “mad” about eating fish that they collectively consume 12% of the world’s fish while accounting for only 2% of the global population. I like this particular habit because the health benefits of eating fish are just too many to count, and I also happen to enjoy eating fish too much! Besides, who doesn’t know that fresh, cured, smoked, or salted, fish, loaded with vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids, help to protect against various types of cancer!


Q. 1. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a job?
Answer: When it comes to seeking satisfaction from work, the basic philosophy is pretty simple - get a job that you love and work your way up to earning a lot. But, unfortunately, life isn’t really that simple, especially, when options are rather limited and the choices vary greatly from person to person.

I would say that salary is more important to many than their job “satisfaction” from where they see the life as the more money they have, the better they will be able to take care of their “needs”. But to me, job satisfaction is far more important than the money I will earn from my job.

Q. 2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job these days?
Answer: In the past, we could get good jobs if we have a good degree or certification and a good result. But, these days, things are a bit tricky when it comes to landing on a good job as just a good degree and good result are not enough. We need to have some “soft skills” also, such as great people and communication skills, planning and organizing skills, good team works, problem-solving skills and great time management skills. On top of that, we also need to be “connected” to a network of professionals in the same fields in which we are looking for jobs. Finally, knowledge and skills in technology, especially in computer and internet, are also important these days to get a good job.

Q. 3. Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do?
Answer 1: This is a difficult issue to deal with. However, I will be completely honest in my opinion. I don’t necessarily think that women should be able to do the same jobs that men do primarily because of their different job expectation, physical built and safety issues from a job.

Women shouldn’t be really doing works like operating drilling machine to make holes in the streets nor they should be working in military engineering core to build a bridge overnight. Women should also not be doing jobs that require them to do some “heavy lifting” or climbing up to an electric power plant. In fact, I would dare to say that women were not created to do everything that men can dot but rather, women were created to do everything that men are not able to do.


Answer 2: There is no doubt that women are just as much capable as men in doing many jobs, and perhaps sometimes better in some jobs, which are not really that physically demanding and does not pose threat to women. So I would say a female can do any job that a man can do. But I also believe that just because women are equally adept to do some jobs that men can do, they should not take up any jobs especially if the job environment is not safe for them.

Q. 4. How has technology changed the way we work?
Answer: Technology has changed the way we work by improving things at our workplaces so much so that it will be literally impossible to work without the help of technology these days. If we go to talk about communication at our workplaces, we will see how communication among the employees or management to subordinates or management to management has become fast, instantaneous, collaborative, and more unified because of technology.

Because of using computer system like project management software, our businesses and workplaces are way more organized than before as it helps in building, delegating, reviewing, and assessing a task much more efficiently and thus helping in keeping everything on track. Businesses, big and small alike, are now able to use science and math more than ever before, because of using technology, to determine what their customers want, when in the past, they did this mostly on a “hunch”. There are so many other examples like these.

Q. 5. What is the difference between white-collar and blue-collar jobs?
Answer: In an organization, there are hundreds of people who are distinguished by the colour of the dress they worn, and the colours of the uniform specify the “type” of jobs performed by the workers in that organization. Blue-collar jobs in an organization are the jobs which are taken care of by manual labourers who get an hourly or daily wage, based on the performance of their works. Blue-collar jobs do not require higher education. However, a worker should be skilled enough in a specialized field to perform the tasks in an efficient manner. The jobs may include manufacturing, mining, construction, repairs and maintenance, installation of machinery and so on.

On the other hands, the white-collar jobs, wherein the employee does clerical works in an office, without getting their clothes “dirty”, and draws a monthly salary at a fixed rate. White-collar workers usually have a higher degree or certification.

The difference between blue-collar and white-collar jobs is fading away with the passage of time due to the low pay scale of the white-collar jobs and high demand for skilled labourers.

Q. 6. What jobs do you think are most valuable to society?
Answer: In my opinion, this is a very “subjective” question because the answer pretty much depends on the individual needs and preference of a person. In a society, where an engineer or medical doctor is highly valued, it won’t exactly be able to understand and appreciate the value of a “trash collector”. Similarly, in a society, where agricultural works are highly valued, it won’t exactly very much for the profession of a “teacher”. However, if I must name jobs that are most valuable to society, then I would go for “farming” and “medical doctor” because both jobs save lives. Farmers save our lives by producing food so that we can eat while a medical doctor saves our lives by diagnosing the disease and prescribing medicines for us when our lives are in danger.


Q. 1. How do most people travel long distances in your country?
Answer: In Bangladesh, where I live, most people use either buses or trains when travelling a long distance. Bangladesh has about more than 21,000 kilometres of road, crisscrossed all over the country while about 3000 kilometres of railway. In the year 2017, almost 75 million passengers travelled by rail. However, there is a very tiny percentage of wealthy people who have started to travel by domestic aeroplanes as well. In the past, water transports were highly used throughout the country but in recent days, the use is restricted to villages only.

Q. 2. Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades?
Answer: As a developing nation, Bangladesh still is heavily reliant on affordable public transports, but over the last few decades, the country has gradually started to prefer a bit expensive private transports, such private cars, private minivans and private commercial buses, over the public transports because of their “easy” availability. This change has taken place, of course, because of the steady economic growth in the country over the last few decades. Another significant change, which my country has witnessed in the last few decades, is that the number of motorbikes has skyrocketed (because of their availability and affordability) as more and more people are relying on these two-wheeled vehicles in order to travel short distance rather easily and conveniently.

Q. 3. What kind of improvement have there been in transport in your country in recent years?
Answer: In recent years, the road and transportation system in Bangladesh has significantly improved as more wide highways and roads have been built to facilitate the transportation a greater number of vehicles from one part of the country to another. Major bridges over the large rivers, connecting one part of the country to another, and elevated expressways have also been built in order to significantly reduce the travel time and length.

As for the improvements in vehicles, more and more luxurious buses and trains with air conditioning systems have been added, both in private and public sectors, in order to ensure the comfort and luxury for the passengers recently. The number of domestic flights of aeroplanes has also increased significantly over the last few years as more and more passengers are becoming interested in using aerial routes.

Q. 4. Do you think transport is likely to continue to improve in the future?
Answer: Yes, I have every reason to believe that the improvement in our transportation sector will continue to improve in the future as the county is well on course to become a middle-income developed country in the next decade or so. Besides, with the ever-increasing economic and development activities in the country, Bangladesh has no choice but to develop its road infrastructure and overall transportation system sooner rather than later. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if I see that a significant number of people are taking aerial routes to travel from one part of the country into another in the near future in order to save time.

Q. 5. Do you think most people should use public transports? Why/ why not?
Answer: Yes, I think that most people should use public transports, depending on their availability, as they seem to be more affordable and more reliable in most cases. Besides, in a developing nation like Bangladesh, allowing private citizens to dominate a particular service sector almost inevitably will pave the way for “abuse” and “exploitation” of the existing system in order to “reap off” the citizens financially. On top of that, with more and more people using public transportation systems, the country will be able to put a “cap” on the “indiscriminate use” of private transports, even when not needed, in order to prevent the roads and streets from getting over-crowded. And, as a result of this, we will be able to keep a “cap” on air pollution as well in our country.

Q. 6. Why some countries impose higher taxes on car ownership? How is the scenario in your country?
Answer: The primary reason to impose hefty taxes on car ownership is to discourage citizens from buying and using more and more private cars and to curb air pollution.

The scenario in my country is not much different when it comes to imposing higher taxes on car ownership. In fact, over the last decade, the number of private cars has increased to such extent that the government has been forced to put a tax on the ownership of a new car as high as 300% of the purchasing price in some cases!

This kind of high taxes is only natural in countries where there are a huge number of travellers with significantly limited road infrastructures as this is how the government of a country tries to limit the number of private cars on the streets. This should be also a familiar scenario in countries where there are risks of higher air pollution than its normal danger level.


Q. 1. Why do you think people go on holiday?
Answer: Life is too short to spend in doing the same things over and over again for all of our lives and become “bored” to death. The only way we can get rid of this “boredom” is to do something different from time to time, and there just seems to be no better way of doing this than going on holidays. So, people go on holidays to enjoy their lives a little and have some fun as it helps them to reduce their stress and increase the level of immunity. In fact, some reports suggest that people, who do not take vacations, have a 21% higher risk of death from all causes. When you go on holidays, you become more positive about your life and surroundings around you as you get exposed to new environments, different human behaviours, cultures and diverse ways of doing things. In other words, going on holidays serve for you as an unstructured education for you where you absorb “treasures of lessons” which is not possible to gain otherwise.

Q. 2. How important is it for families to go on holiday together?
Answer: It is absolutely important for families to go on holidays together because when working or doing something, we tend to compromise on our relationships, especially within our families. In fact, as “work deadlines” take priority in our lives, we usually miss out on family gatherings and regular bonding opportunities. Now, if we wait for our retirements to compensate for our lost time and opportunities, we will have to wait for a long, long time.

But, luckily we can make up for those lost time and opportunities by going on holidays with our families together by carefully planning them whenever we get an opportunity. In other words, we should never underestimate the power of holidays as a very good way to create an even stronger bond with our families even if it means to spend an hour enjoying a family meal together.

Q. 3. Why do some people go on holiday alone?
Answer: Some people go on holiday mainly because travelling alone can be an incredibly liberating experience with the freedom to do exactly what you want to do, when you want to do, and how exactly you want to do. If you go on holiday alone, there will be no arguments, no compromises and no worrying about which place to visit and what foods to eat. Some people also prefer to go solo because they just don’t like to put up with some “annoying” habits of their fellow travellers.

Q. 4. What kind of holidays will be popular in the future?
Answer: We can debate all we want on what kind of holidays will be popular in the future, but one thing is for sure that some are going to be real “hi-tech” and much more “luxurious” than what it is in the present days. Interestingly, the popular UK newspaper, The Guardian, published a news article in 2014 on what kind of holidays would be popular in the future (in 2024, to be precise) in which it predicted that travellers will “have no need to encounter a single human being” from the moment they check into the hotel to the moment when they check out! In other words, robots will do the job. In fact, hotel rooms will be transformed into digital, hyper-interactive spaces in which even the pillows will be “embedded” with an electronic device(s) to massage your neck and wake you up in the morning! Now, if that wasn’t enough surprising for you, please wait till you read what else the newspaper had to say! Anyway, it went on saying that “the walls will display high definition images of your friends and family, hologram personal trainers will hang out with you and the shower will use sound technology to “agitate” dirt from your body, using a traffic light system to indicate when you’re clean enough to get out.” Sounds pretty cool! Doesn’t it!

Q. 5. Is it better to take a holiday in your own country or in a foreign country? Why?
Answer: I would say that I would prefer to take a holiday in my own country since my country has pretty much everything from blue and beautiful oceans to mountains and from snow to plenty of green spaces and plenty of unique architectures. In fact, my country is among the top 10 visited countries in the world with more than 30 million travellers visiting it every year. So, I would rather be interested to see my own beautiful country than some distant foreign lands. Besides, I would certainly feel more comfortable and secured when having holidays in my own country. On top of that, I haven’t also travelled to most areas and locations in my own country since it has a rather large area. So, if I visit some of those locations, the chances are I will get to see something very unique right here in my own country without ever needing to see them in another country. Of course, I have nothing against visiting another country, but, given what I already have in my country, I would always prefer my own country as a popular holiday destination over others.

Q. 6. What problems can people have on holiday in a foreign country?
Answer: People can have a number of problems, especially if they don’t know the language of the locals, when enjoying a holiday in a foreign country. For example, you may lose your important stuff, or you yourself might get lost in the process of travelling from one place to another, and you would be in real trouble if you couldn’t communicate your problems properly to the locals. You would also have trouble getting used to the food of a foreign land no matter how “exotic” and delicious they may sound. However, the biggest problem of having holidays in a foreign country would be getting really sick. With no family or close friends (considering that you are travelling alone) and no proper health insurance policy, your life could be in real danger in a foreign country if you were ever to fall sick.

تصویر گل‌های وحشی در طبیعت

Natural environment

Q. 1. Why is it important to protect the natural environment?
Answer: The natural environment is probably the most important resource around us as it pretty much protects and governs our lives by providing us with whatever we need to survive. It provides us with food, water, oxygen, power, energy and many, many other things. It also helps us to live a healthy life by clearing the pollution of our atmosphere. Finally, it is important to protect the natural environment around us in order to maintain biodiversity (having varieties of plants and animal species) for the overall well-being of our planet. Our very existence in this world is dependant on the natural environment we live in. So we should take every step possible to protect it for our own survival.

Q. 2. What environmental problems are common in your country?
Answer: There are a number of common environmental problems in my country. To start with, a certain part of my country is turning into a “semi-desert”, due to the lack of water, where temperatures are rising. Besides, the number of forests, as well as the number of some rare species of animals in them, is also getting reduced alarmingly, threatening to destroy the biodiversity of my country. Finally, our lands and waters also are becoming increasingly polluted with plastic products and other harmful substances because of the unavailability of proper waste disposal systems.

Q. 3. What can the government in your country do to deal with those problems?
Answer: The government can do plenty in my country to deal with these problems. First, they can completely ban the use of plastic products and replace them with some environmental-friendly products. It can also offer some incentives for not using these harmful products. The government can also take the necessary steps to plant more and more trees to make up the loss of forests while improving the waste disposal systems in order to reduce the land and water pollution. However, it is also important to understand that the government alone is not able to deal with these environmental problems successfully unless it takes concrete steps to raise public awareness about the dangers of environmental pollutions.

Q. 4. What technological innovations should the world develop to protect the environment?
Answer: Technology has fundamentally changed the way we live and work, and so, it is about time that we develop and use technological innovations to protect our environment also. For example, “advanced remote sensing technologies” can help us plan, monitor and evaluate the impacts of building “extractive” industries, involving “extraction” of raw materials from the earth, in the ecologically-sensitive areas. In the same manner, “drone” technology can help us monitor the health of our forests and wildlife in some remote and otherwise inaccessible areas. Finally, we can also use AI (artificial intelligence) driven technologies to carry out our environmental conservation efforts by having much more precise information on the extreme climate changes, affecting our earth’s environment negatively.

Q. 5. Do you think the youth these days care about the environment? Why do you think so?
Answer: No, I don’t really think that the youth these days like to care about the environment primarily because they are just too pre-occupied with either enjoying the comforts and luxuries of their lives or running to “acquire” them as if there is no tomorrow. In fact, German “Federal office for the Environment” conducted a survey in 2016 and found out that just 21 per cent of 14- to-25-year-olds believed that an intact natural environment and the chance to enjoy it were important parts of having a "good life". Besides, it is also possible that the electronic media, along with the authorities, today are not exactly doing a good job in raising the awareness of taking care of the environment among the youth.

Q. 6. Environmental problems are too big to be dealt at the individual level? Do you agree? Why/Why not?
Answer: Yes, I have no doubt in my mind that environmental problems are too big to deal with at the individual level simply because they don’t have the required resources, knowledge and technologies to solve the problems of such big magnitude. Besides, there is no boundary between our rivers, forests, earth’s atmosphere, as well as the air, we breathe. Therefore, no matter how hard, some individuals, in some parts of a country or the world, are trying to clean up their “environment”, if it is not “coincided” and “coordinated” with the others somewhere else, then the chances are that it is doing no good. And, unfortunately, “coordination” is something that can’t be “enforced” without the government’s active involvement in such cases.

Life experience

Q. 1. Do you agree that we learn best from our mistakes?
Answer: People say that the mistakes we make are our best teachers because they can teach us many things. In fact, some of the most important life lessons, we would ever learn, will be from our mistakes or bad decisions. So, I do agree with the suggestion that we learn best from our mistakes, only if we choose to learn from them, by not committing the same mistakes in the future. However, whether we learn best from our mistakes or not depends a lot on how much damage is inflicted upon us. If we are made to “pay” very little or nothing for our mistakes, the chances are that we will never learn from our mistakes.

Q. 2. What’s the best way to gain experience in life?
Answer: Well, in my opinion, the best way to gain experience is to do some experimentations, and take some calculated risks and random decisions even when we know that we would probably “fail” in some real-life situations. And, as we make those little experimentations or make random decisions, we can reflect on the outcomes or experiences, whether we fail or succeed, so that when we face the same kinds of situation in the future, we exactly know from our previous experiences as to what kinds of adjustment are needed, if any at all, in order to get the best possible results. If we never try, we will never know what we are good at and without trying we can never gain any experience.

Q. 3. Can we gain life experience from books and movies? Why/ Why not?
Answer: No, we can’t really gain life experiences from books and movies mainly because one actually has to live through real-life situations in order to gain experience. No doubt that books and movies can present some real stories and experiences of individuals in a very rational and realistic manner except, of course, the problem is each and every person in this world is different with different mindsets, skills, abilities and talents. Therefore, just because one individual experiences something in a certain situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that another person will experience the same thing in the same manner.

Q. 4. Which is more important, experience or potential? Why?
Answer: I would say that "experience" is more important than "potential" at any time of the day. Having experience usually means that a person has the proven track records of getting things done. Having experience, more often than not, makes somebody confident about doing something very challenging in adverse condition. Besides, having experiences helps somebody to make wise decisions, especially when facing difficult choices. Finally, experience makes someone mature and respected, and as a result, others around him feel confident enough to follow his lead. On the contrary, "potential" of a person is often unexplored and untested unless a really good mentor or our confidence bring it to work.

Q. 5. What experience do you wish you had gained? Wh do you think so?
Answer: Well, I am lucky that I really have some great experiences in my life, but more is always better. Isn’t it? So, sometimes, I really wish that I had the experience of travelling at least two to three countries from each continent in order to experience what this beautiful world has in store for us. Besides, I also want to be able to write on my own travel experiences as well in my own website, which I am planning to launch in near future, in addition to the experiences of other travellers in my country. Besides, I wish I were able to write the way some good writers can tell their stories.

Q. 6. Why do some people fail to learn from their experience?
Answer: Some people fail to learn from their experience probably because they are too arrogant to understand they can also learn something, well, from “anything” or “anybody”. Then, there are some other people who fail to learn from their experiences because the experiences are probably too “embarrassing” for them sometimes, and as a result, they just don’t like to remember any part of it. Finally, some people don’t learn from their experiences because they like to “justify” them, no matter how “undesirable” the experiences really are, by essentially blaming the others for their own experiences and fate.

Influence of television

Q. 1. How popular is watching television in your country?
Answer: Watching television is very popular in my country because it is one of the two major traditional media (the other one is “movie theatres”) which offers entertainment to our people. In fact, it is very hard to find a household in my country which doesn’t have at least one TV, if not more, in it. Even stores, businesses, and offices in my country have televisions so that people and workers get to enjoy some news and entertainment in order to relax a little during their break times.

Q. 2. Tell me about the types of programmes that are generally on television in your country.
Answer: There are all kinds of programs on television in my country which are watched fairly on a regular basis. These programs include hourly news programs, political talk shows, musical programs, education quiz shows, movie shows, documentary programs, magazine shows, dance shows, cooking shows, drama serials, travel adventure programs, sports shows, and agricultural shows.

Q. 3. Why do people like watching television? Why?
Answer: People like to watch television because it helps them to unwind from a stressful day. It also allows them to spend some quality times with their loved ones and families while watching some entertaining and funny shows, sports and comedy movies, with them. People like to watch television also because they want to remain informed about what’s happening in their parts of the world as well as the rest. Finally, they also want to educate themselves by watching some educational programs in order to connect with the world on an intellectual level.

Q. 4. Which one do you think is better - state or private television? Why?
Answer: I would say that state television is better primarily because they have a more diverse program set in order to engage their audiences. Besides, state TV channels usually exercise better caution and jurisprudence in airing the “controversial” programs so that they don’t spark any further controversy. Finally, state TV is funded by the general public, and as a result, the programs, it usually broadcasts, are lesser biased and more objective (unless, of course, it is controlled by the government for “propaganda” purposes) than private TV since it has to rely heavily on private funding.

Q. 5. What effects can watching television have on children?
Answer: Television watching can affect children both negatively and positively. Talking about positive effects, it entertains them and educates them by giving them a chance to learn about the world they live in. Television watching can also expose the children to new cultures and new ideas so that they learn to respect and love others, no matter how different they really are. It is also beneficial for them to learn a second language. However, television watching can also prevent children from enjoying healthy activities like playing sports with their friends. As a result, they may end up becoming “unsocial”. Besides, it also affects children’s studies, grades, behaviour patterns, sleep and weights in a negative manner.

Q. 6. How TV programmes differ now than that of 10 years ago?
Answer: In my opinion, we certainly have more TV programs today than that of 10 years ago, but the overall quality of the programs has gone down. TV programs today focus more on “glamour” and commercialization than the actual messages or substances than what it used to be 10 years ago. Finally, they also contain more “nudity”, “violence” and “vulgarity” than what we saw before 10 years ago.

Retirement and old age

Q. 1. At what age should people retire from work? Why do you think so?
Answer: If it were me, I would choose to “retire” at an early age, with the required financial security of course, primarily because it would allow me to do and enjoy the things when I would still remain “healthy and active” both mentally and physically. Besides, the issue of the “retirement age” becomes a bit irrelevant as long as someone is enjoying his or her works/activities unless, of course, a company or organization has the policy of enforcing a strict “deadline” for retirement. Anyway, ideally, if a person enters his career at the age of 25 and spends his time wisely and efficiently, then he should be good to “retire” at 50, which would allow him a good 10 year to enjoy his life before starting to consider him as a “senior” citizen at an age of 60.

Q. 2. What problems can people face after their retirement?
Answer: It all depends on how people choose to face “retirement”. However, people usually face two major problems after their retirement: one is related to “finance”, and the other one is “health”, both physical and mental. We all know that once people retire, they usually struggle to meet their financial needs since the source of a “steady” income dries up. Besides, they also suffer from health-related issues because they become physically “old” and “inactive”. Now, of course, we can debate whether one feels “old” because of becoming “physically inactive” or become “physically inactive” because of getting “old’, but one thing is for sure that their “mental health” deteriorate rapidly because they feel that they are not “useful” for their families and society anymore.

Q. 3. How important are retirees to your country’s economy? Why/ Why not?
Answer: The retirees are considered to be an important component of my country’s economy primarily because they help keep our economy running by saving their money little by little which then, in turn, get used by our government for different kind of development works. Besides, many retirees in my country just don’t sit “idle”, and, instead, choose to use their wealth of past work experiences to generate some incomes for themselves and their families which certainly contribute to the growth of our economy. However, some will argue that the retirees are some kind of “drag down” for our economy because they collect money from the government, but they forget that it’s their money, and the government is just supposed to “manage” them.

Q. 4. When should you start saving for retirement?
Answer: Well, the act of saving for retirement should start as soon as people start to earn, ideally speaking of course. But, unfortunately, we are not exactly living in an ideal world where our all financial needs are met just the way, we like. Therefore, saving, sometimes, can be the last thing in our minds which we really worry about. Besides, when we are young, we tend to be “carefree”, and we also want to enjoy our lives to the “fullest” by spending whatever money we have. As a result, we can’t, more often than not, really save any money despite our best efforts and intention when we are young and “restless”. Nevertheless, saving should always be a priority for us, and as such, we should get on it as soon as it is convenient for us.

Q. 5. Why do some companies encourage early retirement?
Answer: Some companies “encourage” early retirement for a number of reasons. For example, they may want to make rooms for younger candidates with fresh and more dynamic ideas. Some companies also would encourage early retirement because they want to cut cost by getting rid of highly paid employees. Finally, some companies promote early retirement also because they have hit their “financial goals” and that they are not expecting any more growth for their companies. However, these kinds of early retirement are not necessarily so bad because they usually involve good “financial incentives”.

Q. 6. Do you think the state should take responsibility for retirees who worked in private companies rather than government organisation?
Answer: Yes, the state should have a responsibility in taking care of retirees of the private companies in some capacity primarily because they also contribute to the economy of a country. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the private retirees are also “paid” by the government just like the government retirees, but rather the government should extend its helping hands to private company retirees also in order to ensure a “minimally secured financial future” for them should the private companies fail to do so. After all, it is also the responsibility of the government to encourage, if not “force”, the private companies to take care of their ‘retirees’ in whichever capacity they can afford.

دختری در حال عکاسی


Q. 1. Is it easy to take good photographs? Why/ Why not?
Answer: Well, from my own experience, I can say that it is never really easy to take good photographs mainly because there are just so many things which come into play when trying to take excellent photographs. In fact, one has to have perfect ideas about things like proper exposure, building rapport with the subjects in order to find the perfect angle, lens focal length selection, the right aperture white balance and composition, among other things, to take good photographs. However, as if it is not already difficult enough, one also has to understand, what really works in what situation, in order to take an excellent photo.

Q. 2. What are the pros and cons of digital photography?
Answer: Digital photography has become the norm today than the exception when capturing any images, primarily because they offer better quality pictures. Besides, cost and times are also significantly reduced when taking digital photographs as there is no film costs, no processing and proof costs, and no unnecessary printing costs if not needed. So, the end result is an ‘instant’ opportunity to view pictures right after taking them. Finally, another great advantage of digital photography is that one can have complete and instant control over the pictures, especially, if he/she wants to edit them on a computer with some imaging software. However, digital photography is not as good as film camera in capturing motion. Besides, capturing photos with a digital camera is generally easier, but doing anything with the photographs afterwards almost always requires some computer or technological skills.

Q. 3. Should people share their photographs online? Why/ Why not?
Answer: No, I am not really very comfortable in sharing photographs online unless it is absolutely necessary for official works mainly because they can be stolen and used by complete strangers for nefarious purposes. Besides, pictures, taken by smartphones or other devices with GPS technology in it, may contain tags which can reveal the exact location where the pictures were taken. In other words, if a picture, shared online, with such tags, it is possible that others will know about his or her location which is a violation of privacy. Having said that, a photo taken on a holiday could be shared online with selected people but people should never share personal photos publicly which is accessible by anyone from anywhere.

Q. 4. When can an image be worth a thousand words?
Answer: As humans, we are largely responsive to visual cues as they have the ability to make us feel happy, sad, disgusted, excited and curious. So when we see a picture, which arouses these human emotions, in order to convey some complex or unique messages and ideas, we say that an image is worth a thousand words. Besides, there are some “truths” or “realities” which are just impossible to describe no matter how many words we use, and hence the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

Q. 5. Is a photograph a reliable form of identification? Why/ Why not?
Answer: No, a photograph by itself is not a reliable form of identification unless it is attached with some forms of government-issued documents. Even then, it may not be reliable enough to properly identify a person simply because the facial features of a person, showing on the photograph, might just look different from the features on the real person, as those facial features can change over time because of the age or because of living under different conditions.

Q. 6. Is it necessary to take a course to become a good photographer? Why/ Why not?
Answer: In my opinion, it is not exactly necessary to take a course to become a good photographer, but it would certainly help if one chooses to take one in order to learn just the basics like camera bodies, lenses, lighting and processing. However, if one really wants to be a good photographer, he just needs to go out and take as many pictures as he likes. Then he also needs to look closely at his own works and compare them with the styles of works, which he likes, in order to adapt to his own methods accordingly.

The internet and its impact on our social life

Q. 1. What types of websites are popular among your generation?
Answer: Being a person of the young generation, who have either finished their studies or have just started their careers, I would say that websites on news, job postings, social networking, entertainment industry, sports and e-commerce are probably the most popular among our generation. However, job sites probably would top them all because there is a huge number of unemployed youth in my country, and they just like to surf through those websites in order to improve their opportunities to land on a new job or better job. E-commerce websites don’t fall very far behind the job sites because they also attract a lot of young visitors for obvious reasons. Finally, social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter are hugely popular among those youths.

Q. 2. Is using the internet a social or solitary activity? Why?
Answer: In my humble opinion, I would say that it is a solitary activity for many because people don’t really need or are “required” to interact with other people in their society in order to use the internet. Besides, when somebody is using the internet, he or she is usually busy finding some information or looking at something on their screens. Therefore, even if there are other people around him/her, he or she doesn’t exactly pay much attention to them in order to make it a “social” thing. However, if we consider the purpose or function of social networking websites, they are often meant to help us connect more people and become more social by bringing friends and relatives together and letting people find like-minded people over the internet so that they can meet and work for a common cause.

Q. 3. How has the internet changed social behaviour?
Answer: The use of the internet has significantly changed our social behaviours and attitude. Today, we spend more time on surfing on the internet, talking with some people with probably some “false” names on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, while completely forgetting to have even a casual conversation with friends and families around us. As a result, we are “isolating” ourselves more and more from the “realities” around us. Besides, since some people are glued to the internet for long hours, they don’t really feel like going out to enjoy the normal thing in life which is actually causing “depression” in many of the internet users.

However, there is a completely different side of the use of the internet which connects friends and relatives and give people a common platform to raise their voice or share information for good. A year ago, our local administrator decided to build a factory near our neighbourhood and many people learned about it via the internet. They shared their thoughts and finally met to protest it personally. I see this event as a great example of how the internet can strengthen our social relationship and bring good things to society.

Q. 4. Should companies check job applicants’ online profiles? Why/ Why not?
Answer: Yes, I think that companies should check job applicants’ online profiles in order to get a better understanding of the prospective applicants’ lifestyles and behaviour pattern. But, it is also important for companies not to make any decisions, based solely on what they see or find on their online profiles, simply because they may be just some of the “glimpse” of moments on some special occasions. Besides, just because somebody does something on the internet (unless it is absolutely stupid and offensive), it doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she will do the same thing at work.

Q. 5. What will be the next big development online?
Answer: I am not an internet or technology expert, but I think that the next big development online will be the ability to connect computers, smartphones, TV, fridges, and other electronic devices and gadgets through the cloud networks. Besides, I also think that all televisions, computers and smartphones in the future will have an internet connection in them. In other words, as soon as we power on these devices, the internet connection will be running automatically in them without the need of doing anything extra to connect with internet. So who will pay for the internet? Well, the companies, manufacturing these devices, will. Besides, AI (Artificial Intelligence) will do most of the things for us like ordering items online for us or sending an email we need to send.

Q. 6. How has the internet changed the way we communicate with others?
Answer: The internet has very significantly changed the way we communicate with others. In fact, it has made communication easier and faster, especially, when sending or receiving a huge amount of data and information. Besides, the internet has made communication very affordable too as we can write messages or letters as large as we can and then send them to our friends and families by using emails without spending virtually anything. Finally, it has made communication very “personalized” also. In fact, we can view anybody live on camera, while also talking to them at the same time, no matter if we live a world apart from each other.

دختری مشغول مطالعه در کتابخانه

نکات مهم درباره اسپیکینگ آیلتس

اکنون که با موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس آشنا شدیم، لازم است نکات مهمی را هنگام مطالعه و آمادگی برای این بخش از آزمون رعایت کنید. در ادامه سعی کرده‌ایم به برخی از این موارد اشاره کنیم.

با ساختار آزمون آشنا شوید

آشنایی با ساختار آزمون آیلتس به شما کمک می‌کند تا روز آزمون استرس کمتری داشته باشید و با اعتمادبه‌نفس‌ بیشتری به سوال‌ها پاسخ دهید. برای مثال، اگر بدانید که آزمون اسپیکینگ از سه بخش تشکیل شده، می‌توانید برای هر بخش از قبل آمادگی کافی داشته باشید و بدانید که قرار است با چه نوع سوالاتی مواجه شوید.

به طور منظم تمرین کنید

با انواع موضوعات مختلف اسپیکینگ تمرین کنید. این کار به شما کمک می‌‌کند تا به دلیل آمادگی قبلی که دارید، انگلیسی را روان‌تر صحبت کنید، اعتمادبه‌نفس بیشتری هنگام پاسخ دادن به سوال‌ها داشته باشید و تلفظ انگلیسی خود را نیز بهبود بخشید.

دامنه لغات خود را افزایش دهید

وقتی دامنه لغات خود را افزایش می‌دهید، موقع صحبت کردن کمتر فکر یا مکث می‌‌کنید و تسلط بیشتری بر صحبت کردن خود خواهید داشت. درواقع، لازم است برای آمادگی در آزمون آیلتس کلمه‌ها و عبارت‌هایی را یاد بگیرید که ممکن است در آزمون با آن‌ها سروکار داشته باشید یا برای اسپیکینگ نیاز به استفاده از آن‌ها داشته باشید. سعی کنید کلمه‌های جدید را در «context» یاد بگیرید و به کمک متن و مثال با کالوکیشن‌های آن‌ها آشنا شوید تا بدانید چطور باید در جمله به کار ببرید.

تلفظ واژگان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید

یکی از مسائل مهم در رابطه با اسپیکینگ آیلتس و کسب نمره مطلوب در این بخش از آزمون، توجه به تلفظ کلمات است. وقتی کلمه‌ها را درست ادا کنیم، میزان تسلط خود را به زبان انگلیسی نشان داده‌ایم و روی فرد مصاحبه‌کننده می‌توانیم تأثیر خوبی بگذاریم. بنابراین، توصیه می‌کنیم وقتی مشغول یادگیری کلمه‌‌های جدید هستید، تلفظ آن‌ها را نیز به کمک دیکشنری یاد بگیرید و تمرین کنید. همچنین در نظر داشته باشید که وقتی صحبت می‌کنید، نه آن‌قدر کند حرف بزنید که مصاحبه‌کننده به «Fluency» شما نمره منفی بدهد و نه آن‌قدر تند صحبت کنید که متوجه منظورتان نشود یا نتواند به خوبی درک کند.

به سوال‌ها پاسخ کامل دهید

با دقت به سوال‌هایی که از شما پرسیده می‌شود گوش کنید و مطمئن شوید که به تمام آن‌ها به طور دقیق و کامل پاسخ داده‌اید. این امر یکی از معیارهای نمره‌دهی آیلتس است که به آن «Task response» می‌گویند. از دادن پاسخ‌های نامربوط یا پیش از حد طولانی نیز خودداری کنید.

جزئیات و مثال‌‌هایی برای پاسخ خود ارائه دهید

وقتی مشغول پاسخ دادن به سوالی هستید، سعی کنید با ارائه جزئیات بیشتر آن‌ها را شرح دهید و با ذکر مثال‌هایی، آن‌‌ها را بسط دهید و از نظر خود دفاع کنید. ارائه مثال و جزئیات بیشتر برای پشتیبانی از پاسخ‌های خود، یکی از معیارهای لازم برای نمره‌دهی در اسپیکینگ آیلتس است. در این حالت می‌توانید اطلاعات بیشتری در اختیار شخص مصاحبه‌کننده بدهید و در مجموع روی نمره شما تأثیر بیشتری خواهد داشت.

زمان را مدیریت کنید

در بخش دوم اسپیکینگ آیلتس (Cue Card)، باید بتوانید زمان را مدیریت کنید. در این بخش به شما یک دقیقه فرصت داده می‌شود تا درباره موضوعی که در اختیار شما قرار داده شده فکر کنید. در این بازه زمانی می‌توانید نکات مهمی را که قرار است برای پاسخ دادن به سوال‌ها مطرح کنید، گوشه‌ای یادداشت کنید و مواردی را در نظر بگیرید که بتواند پاسخ تک‌تک سوال‌ها را در بازه زمانی دو دقیقه پوشش دهد، زیرا بعد از این یک دقیقه، شما دو دقیقه وقت دارید که درباره موضوع صحبت کنید.

برای این‌که بتوانید زمان خود را مدیریت کنید، باید از قبل موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس را که در آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل تکرار شده است تمرین کنید. برای مثال، می‌توانید صدای خود را ضبط کنید و بازه زمانی دو دقیقه را برای آن در نظر بگیرید. اما توجه داشته باشید که در این بازه زمانی به تمام سوال‌ها پاسخ بدهید تا نمره «Task Response» را از دست ندهید.

سعی کنید موقع صحبت کردن زیاد مکث نکنید یا زیاد تند صحبت نکنید که مخاطب به درستی متوجه منظور شما نشود یا وقت اضافه بیاورید. بهترین کار تمرین کردن است. هر چقدر نمونه سوالات بیشتری را تمرین کنید، بهتر می‌توانید زمان را مدیریت کنید.

آرامش خود را حفظ کنید

از تکنیک‌های ذهن‌آگاهی برای مدیریت استرس کمک بگیرید تا بتوانید در طول جلسه مصاحبه آرامش خود را حفظ کنید. این کار باعث می‌شود که با اعتمادبه‌نفس بیشتری صحبت کنید و هول نشوید. استرس باعث می‌شود خیلی از مواردی را که برای آن آماده شده بودید فراموش کنید و در نهایت نتوانید کلمه‌ها یا دستور زبان مناسب برای پاسخ دادن به سوالات را به یاد بیاورید. از آنجا که یکی از معیارهای نمره‌دهی آیلتس استفاده از واژگان و دستور زبان مناسب است، نباید اجازه دهید استرس در روز آزمون بر شما غلبه کند و نمره این بخش را از دست بدهید.

به طور فعال گوش دهید

در طول مصاحبه به تک‌تک سوال‌ها با دقت گوش دهید تا بتوانید به همه آن‌ها پاسخ کاملی بدهید. همان‌طور که پیش‌تر اشاره کردیم، یکی از معیارهای نمره‌دهی اسپیکینگ آیلتس «Task Response» است، یعنی داوطلب باید بتوانید به تمام سوال‌ها به درستی و کامل پاسخ دهد. اگر می‌خواهید نمره این بخش را از دست ندهید، حتماً با دقت به سوال‌ها گوش کنید.

تجربه نشان داده است که بسیاری از افراد به دلیل استرس روز آزمون یا مواردی مشابه این، به سوال‌ها خوب گوش نمی‌دهند و با وجود به کار بردن کلمات و دستور زبان مناسب و رعایت کردن سایر نکات مربوط به اسپیکینگ، نمره زیادی را به دلیل اشتباه پاسخ دادن یا کامل توضیح ندادن از دست می‌دهند. وقتی سوالی مطرح می‌شود، تمام هوش و حواس خود را به آن دهید، روی سوال تمرکز کنید و پس از آن با دقت به مواردی فکر کنید که قرار است به زبان بیاورید.

به دنبال بازخورد باشید

در صورت امکان با استاد یا فردی مسلط به زبان انگلیسی صحبت کنید یا صدای خود را ضبط کنید و از آن‌ها بازخورد بخواهید. با این روش می‌توانید متوجه نقاط ضعف خود شوید و به مرور آن‌ها را رفع کنید. همچنین عملکرد خود را به مرور ارزیابی کنید تا شاهد نحوه پیشرفت خود باشید. این روش را نه‌تنها برای اسپیکینگ، بلکه برای بخش رایتینگ نیز پیشنهاد می‌کنیم.

با موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس آشنا شوید

بهترین راه برای آمادگی در آزمون اسپیکینگ، آشنایی با موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس است. اگر با آن‌ها آشنا باشید و به اندازه کافی تمرین داشته باشید، در روز مصاحبه استرس کمتری خواهید داشت و در مجموع با آمادگی بیشتری حاضر خواهید شد. بنابراین، موضوعاتی مانند خانواده، کار، سرگرمی، تفریح، محیط زیست و مواردی از این قبیل را از قبل تمرین کنید. در این مطلب سعی کردیم به طور جداگانه برای هر بخش به موضوعات پرتکرار آن اشاره‌ای داشته باشیم و نمونه سوالاتی را برای آن‌ها ارائه دادیم که مربوط به آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل بود. می‌توانید از این موضوعات کمک بگیرید و برای اسپیکینگ آیلتس آماده شوید.

پاسخ‌‌های کلیشه‌ای ندهید

درست است که باید به اندازه کافی تمرین داشته باشید، اما از دادن پاسخ‌های کلیشه‌ای اجتناب کنید. یعنی سعی نکنید نمونه پاسخ‌های داوطلبان یا اساتید خود را حفظ کنید و همان‌ها را در روز مصاحبه برای مصاحبه‌شونده بازگو کنید.

از کلمه‌های ربط‌دهنده استفاده کنید

کلمه‌های ربط‌دهنده، مانند «however» یا «therefore» و «in addition» و مانند این‌ها به شما کمک می‌کنند تا بتوانید انسجام گفتار خود را حفظ کنید و ارتباطی بین جملات خود ایجاد کنید. استفاده از این کلمه‌ها باعث بهبود نمره اسپیکینگ شما خواهد شد، زیرا همان‌طور که اشاره کردیم، «Coherence» یکی از معیارهای نمره‌دهی اسپیکینگ است. بنابراین، نباید کاربرد این کلمه‌ها را دست‌کم بگیرید.

محیطی شبیه آزمون اصلی فراهم کنید

یکی از راه‌‌هایی که باعث کاهش استرس شما می‌شود، شرکت در آزمون‌های آزمایشی است که به آن «آزمون ماک آیلتس» (IELTS Mock Test) گفته می‌شود. خیلی از مراکز برگزاری آزمون‌های اصلی، آزمون‌های ماک را نیز برگزار می‌کنند که فضای آن دقیقاً شبیه فضای اصلی است و داوطلب با حضور در آن می‌تواند آزمون اصلی آیلتس را شبیه‌سازی کنند و با محیط آشنایی قبلی پیدا کند. این کار از اضطراب و نگرانی او در روز آزمون کم خواهد کرد و قطعاً نمره بهتری حاصل خواهد شد.

آزمون‌های ماک علاوه بر حضوری، به صورت آنلاین هم برگزار می‌شوند، اما اگر برایتان مقدور است، حضوری در این آزمون‌های آزمایشی شرکت کنید، زیرا می‌توانید با فضای آزمون آشنا شوید.

سوالات رایج درباره اسپیکینگ آیلتس

در این بخش از مطلب موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس از «مجله فرادرس»، سعی کرده‌ایم به تعدادی از پرسش‌های رایج در این خصوص پاسخ دهیم.

ساختار اسپیکینگ آیلتس چگونه است؟

اسپیکینگ آیلتس از سه بخش تشکیل شده است. بخش اول شامل معرفی و مصاحبه‌ای درباره زندگی شخصی داوطلب است. بخش دوم «Cue Card» است که موضوعی به داوطلب داده می‌شود تا دو دقیقه درباره آن حرف بزند. بخش سوم هم تعدادی سوال است که با توجه به نوع پاسخ‌های داوطلب در مرحله دوم از او پرسیده می‌شود و داوطلب باید با جزئیات بیشتری درباره آن‌ها توضیح دهد.

مدت زمان اسپیکینگ آیلتس چقدر است؟

مدت زمان بخش اسپیکینگ آیلتس در مجموع بین ۱۱ تا ۱۴ دقیقه است. ۵-۴ دقیقه بری بخش اول، ۴-۳ دقیقه برای بخش دوم و ۵-۴ دقیقه برای بخش سوم در نظر گرفته شده است.

چه کسی آزمون اسپیکینگ را برگزار می‌کند؟

شخص مصاحبه‌کننده برای آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس فردی متخصص و مجرب است که سال‌‌ها در حوزه آیلتس فعالیت حرفه‌ای داشته است. او سوال‌های هر بخش را برای داوطلب مطرح می‌کند و در ادامه با در نظر گرفتن عملکرد داوطلب و با توجه به معیارهای نمره‌دهی این بخش، نمره هر سه بخش را به طول کلی تعیین می‌کند که بین ۰ تا ۹ متغیر است.

موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس برای بخش اول کدام است؟

برای بخش اول، شخص مصاحبه‌کننده، سوالاتی را از داوطلب درباره سلایق، کار، سرگرمی، تحصیلات، محل زندگی و غیره می‌پرسد. بیشترین موضوعاتی که در این بخش مطرح می‌شوند، شخصی است و هدف به دست آوردن اطلاعاتی درباره داوطلب است. این بخش در مقایسه با دو بخش دیگر ساده‌تر است.

معیار نمره دهی اسپیکینگ آیلتس چیست؟

شخص مصاحبه‌کننده با در نظر گرفتن معیارهای استاندارد نمره‌دهی که برای این بخش از سوال‌ها مشخص شده است، نمره اسپیکینگ داوطلب را تعیین می‌کند. این معیارها شامل «روانی کلام»، «انسجام جملات»، «دایره واژگان»، «دستور زبان»‌ و «درست صحبت کردن» و «تلفظ» است.

چگونه برای اسپیکینگ آیلتس آماده شویم؟

به منظور آماده شدن برای این بخش از آزمون آیلتس، باید به طور منظم با استاد زبان انگلیسی یا فردی که به زبان انگلیسی تسلط کامل دارد تمرین کنید و از آن‌ها بخواهید تا اشتباهات شما را تصحیح کنند و معادل درست را به شما پیشنهاد بدهند. همچنین لازم است با ساختار آزمون آشنا شوید، نمونه سوالات سال‌های قبل را با پاسخ تمرین کنید و بر روی لغات و تلفظ خود کار کنید. فراموش نکنید که دستور زبان مناسب نیز تأثیر زیادی در بهبود نمره شما خواهد داشت.


در این مطلب با تعدادی از موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس آشنا شدیم که در آزمون‌های سال‌های قبل به وفور مشاهده شده بود. در ابتدای مطلب، نگاهی کلی به ساختار اسپیکینگ آزمون آیلتس داشتیم که شامل سه بخش می‌شود. درباره هر یک از سه بخش توضیحاتی را ارائه کردیم و نکات مهمی را درمورد نحوه پاسخ دادن به سوالات برشمردیم. برای مثال، در رابطه با بخش دوم به این نکته اشاره کردیم که باید بتوانیم زمان خود را مدیریت کنیم و طی دو دقیقه به سوالات «Cue Card» پاسخ دهیم.

علاوه بر موارد فوق، به برخی از پرسش‌های رایج در خصوص اسپیکینگ آیلتس پاسخ دادیم. در مجموع، به منظور آمادگی در این بخش از آزمون، لازم است ابتدا با موضوعات اسپیکینگ آیلتس آشنا شویم. سپس تکنیک‌های پاسخ دادن به سوالات را یاد بگیریم و تمرین‌های منظمی داشته باشیم. از دیگر مواردی که برای بهبود مهارت اسپیکینگ توصیه می‌شود، یادگیری واژگان مناسب آیلتس و دستور زبان انگلیسی است.

مطلبی که در بالا مطالعه کردید بخشی از مجموعه مطالب «راهنمای آزمون های زبان انگلیسی» است. در ادامه، می‌توانید فهرست این مطالب را ببینید:

بر اساس رای ۰ نفر
آیا این مطلب برای شما مفید بود؟
اگر بازخوردی درباره این مطلب دارید یا پرسشی دارید که بدون پاسخ مانده است، آن را از طریق بخش نظرات مطرح کنید.
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